Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School


ANCS Governing Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday November 19, 2019 at 6:30 PM


Middle Campus, 820 Essie Avenue, SE Atlanta, GA 30316
Notice of this meeting was posted at each campus and on the ANCS website in accordance with O.C.G.A. ยง 50-14-1.

Directors Present

Emily Ormsby, Eric Teusink, Hanah Goldberg, Howard Franklin, Jason Rhodes, Jordache Avery, Kristen Frenzel, Kristi Malloy, Laura Melton, Lee Kynes, Meeghan Fortson, Nakia Echols, Sabrina Sexton

Directors Absent


Guests Present

Ben Sutton (Committee Member), Cathey Goodgame, Chuck Meadows, Elizabeth Hearn, Irina Brimmell (Committee Member), Lara Zelski, Lesley Michaels, Nicole King, Paige Teusink, Rachael Smith, Tilifayea Griffin

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Eric Teusink called a meeting of the board of directors of Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School to order on Tuesday Nov 19, 2019 at 6:36 PM.


Brain Start Smart

Cathey Goodgame led a Brain Start Smart. 


Public Comment

No public comment


Approve Minutes from Prior Board Meeting

Sabrina Sexton made a motion to approve minutes from the ANCS Governing Board Meeting on 10-22-19 ANCS Governing Board Meeting on 10-22-19.
Howard Franklin seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


PTCA Report

See PTCA report in board packet. Brittney Gove reported: 
  • Grandparents and Special Friends Day was a little over in expenses; may need to increase budget
  • Fall Fest - understaffed
  • New event - Parents Day Out on 12/15; should net $1K; only 2 volunteers needed. 
  • Taking a look at event portfolio, volunteer recruitment; improving volunteer experience


Principals' Open Forum

Middle Campus Update - Cathey Goodgame gave overview of what students are doing outside of the classroom; City of Atlanta's Cultural Experience Project where students visit Arts venues in Atlanta; Extended advisory period - service projects. Nutcracker Prince drama production (Dec 7/8). 

Elementary Campus Update - Lara Zelski reported on recent stomach bug/sinus infections; 1st graders Socktober; 5th graders Homelessness/Hunger and Food Pantry; Winterfest practices; Technology and Digital Citizenship Curriculum Conversation 11/20; Book Fair after Thanksgiving Break; Family Reading Night; 2nd Round of MAP testing.

II. New Business


2020-2021 School Calendar

Chuck Meadows shared a proposed calendar for 2020-2021 school calendar that includes longer fall and mid-winter breaks. See slides in Board Packet. Board plans to vote on the calendar in December (Board policy requires a vote no later than March). Chuck reported on factors in proposing a shift back to longer fall/mid-winter breaks: 
  • 132 unexcused tardies or absences at the Elementary Campus the day after our shorter fall break this year; 1/3 of EC population was late or not there. Absences and tardies were higher than normal on both campuses.
  • Other charter schools: Kendezi, Centennial, and Wesley have 4-5 day fall and mid-winter breaks; substantially larger economically disadvantaged populations at those schools. 
  • Faculty/Staff consensus is that longer breaks foster a happier and healthier school community. 
Discussion around whether extending breaks has an impact on lower income families.
Chuck will engage parents to solicit feedback but will not send another survey this year. Board suggested some kind of formal way of sharing/soliciting parent feedback.Suggestion to ask parents what they would need from ANCS if we adopt the proposed calendar.
Question about impact on outreach and how a calendar like this would affect the decision to enroll here. 

Lee Kynes made a motion to move this topic to the Educational Excellence committee for further discussion.
Howard Franklin seconded the motion. 
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

Educational Excellence Committee to work with Chuck on next steps. Next Educational Excellence Committee meeting is Dec 5.


CCRPI Report

Cathey Goodgame, Lara Zelski, and Chuck Meadows presented CCRPI report since scores recently came out.  See board packet. 

Lara Zelski presented strategies already in place to address the Closing Gaps area; these are based on all data, not only CCRPI scores. 

Cathey Goodgame presented on academic initiatives around the "Progress" category, which was the focus area based on last year's scores. Biggest change was bringing Academic Growth Period back to its roots of providing individualized academic support. 


Officer Succession Planning

Eric Teusink reported on officer succession plan. With several board members rolling off at the end of the year, board members are asked to consider serving in an officer or committee chair role and reach out to board member currently in that role. Bylaws state that Board needs to vote on next year's Board Chair by January board meeting. 


Secretary's Report

Meeghan Fortson reported on a few secretarial items, and asked Board to complete tasks by Thanksgiving. 
  • Update bios and Board Directory info
  • New shared Google drive for Board
  • Mid Year Retreat (Feb 1, 12-4 pm)
  • Board Professional Development tracking sheet; GCSA Conference (March 11-13); FY20 Training Requirements 
  • Reminders for Committee Chairs


Equity Support Coordinator's Update

Tilifayea Griffin (Equity Support Coordinator) presented on 2019-2020 Goals.
  • Diverse Charter Schools Coalition School Visit - asked to present at their meeting in January
  • Potential UnifiED Fellowship host site
  • Hispanic Heritage Month/Calendar of celebrations throughout the year
  • Communication and Community Relations, feedback requested on website (; newsletter for fac/staff
  • Work with Students - 8th graders' visit to the Center for Civil and Human Rights
  • Faculty/Staff Support 
  • 21 Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge for the Board

III. Executive Director's Report


Charter Renewal Update

See presentation in board packet. 
Chuck Meadows reported that our timeline has been adjusted and we are on track with the Charter Renewal process. Initial launch of various aspects of charter renewal will take place on December 4 in a meeting that includes Georgia Charter Schools Association (GCSA) and the ANCS Leadership Team.  


Student Recruitment Strategy

See presentation in Board Packet. Chuck Meadows reported on Recruitment:
  • Recruitment Plan 
  • Universal application platform for APS Charter Schools for 2020-2021 school year
  • Tours every other week at each campus start in January
  • Support from Tilifayea Griffin
  • Positive feedback from personalized outreach
  • Targeted social media
Discussion about percentage of economically disadvantaged students at both campuses. Chuck will provide more about those numbers as a follow up. 

Board suggested that we start targeted social media now. 

IV. Governance


Monthly Governance Report

See Governance report in Board packet.
Kristen Frenzel reported on three main tasks of the committee: 
  • Policy Review - reviewed first set of policies, questions; will follow up with law team
  • Executive Director Annual Review Process - Board and Leadership Team provided quarterly feedback, which was presented to Chuck last week; working on mid-year evaluation, which will be based on goals, likely early January. 
  • Board Nominations


Nominations Update & Vote to Create Task Force

Nominations Chair Nakia Echols reported on updates to the board nominations process:
  • Shift the timeline to vote in new board members earlier than usual to give new board members more time to onboard. 
  • Vote on creation of task force for purpose of recruiting new board members. (See board packet for task force proposal and members).
Sabrina Sexton made a motion to create a task force to nominate new board members as per the proposal included in the Board packet.
Meeghan Fortson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

Nakia gave an overview of the 2019-2020 Nominations Process (See board packet):  
  • Voted in task force members
  • What spots to fill  - review board skills assessment, who is rolling off this year and next year
  • Full board participation to recruit applicants to the board
  • Prospective Board Members Info Session to take place January 21st prior to January board meeting. 
  • Potentially voting in new members at March meeting and assigning an on-boarding buddy
  • Proposed Recruiting Areas

V. Business & Operations


Monthly Business & Operations Report

See report in Board packet. Laura Melton reported: 
  • $1.46 M in operating account. Cash is strong right now. Waiting for FY20 general fund allocation increases. 
  • Two CDs matured in October; B&O committee approved reinvesting the funds in a 2-year CD. 
  • B&O committee are reviewing all financial policies, including reviewed policies from law team. 


Facilities Update

Jordache Avery reported on facilities updates:
  • APS is waiting on proposals for roof repairs. Once they have proposal they will put together schedule and scope of project. 
  • Design for pavilion at Middle Campus

VI. Fund Development


Monthly fund development report

See report in board packet. Meeghan Fortson reported: 
  • Fall Giving Week (December 2-6); staff and Fund Development Committee will encourage support of Gather & Grow Fund
  • Board members are encouraged to make their gift or pledge this fall; goal is 100% Board participation

VII. Educational Excellence


Monthly Educational Excellence Report

See report in Board packet. Hanah Goldberg reported:
  • Continue to look at demographic information as a committee
  • Educational Excellence Committee meeting on Dec. 5, followed by Diversity and Equity Action Team meeting
  • IB Middle Years Programme session for board members went well


Public Affairs Subcommittee Report

Howard Franklin gave an update on public affairs:
  • new APS board member
  • current legislation
  • Board of Education vote on Excellent Schools framework in January

VIII. Executive Session


Executive Session

Eric Teusink made a motion to enter into Executive Session to discuss personnel matters.
Howard Franklin seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

The board entered Executive Session at approximately 9:15 pm to discuss personnel matters. 
Howard Franklin made a motion to exit Executive Session.
Sabrina Sexton seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

Board left executive session at 9:52 pm. 

IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Eric Teusink made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Kristi Malloy seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:53 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Meeghan Fortson