Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School


ANCS Governing Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday September 17, 2019 at 6:30 PM


Elementary Campus, 688 Grant Street, SE Atlanta, GA 30315
Notice of this meeting was posted at each campus and on the ANCS website in accordance with O.C.G.A. ยง 50-14-1.

Directors Present

Emily Ormsby, Eric Teusink, Hanah Goldberg, Howard Franklin, Jason Rhodes, Jordache Avery, Kristen Frenzel, Kristi Malloy, Laura Melton, Lee Kynes, Meeghan Fortson, Nakia Echols, Sabrina Sexton

Directors Absent


Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

Lee Kynes

Guests Present

Aarti Sharma (GCSA), Ben Sutton (committee member), Cathey Goodgame, Chuck Meadows, Irina Brimmell (committee member), Kari Lovell, Kristen German, Lara Zelski, Nicole King, Paige Teusink

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Eric Teusink called a meeting of the board of directors of Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School to order on Tuesday Sep 17, 2019 at 6:36 PM.
Lara Zelski led us through a brain smart start


Public Comment

There were no public comments. 


Approve Minutes from Prior Board Meeting

Sabrina Sexton made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 08-20-19 Board Meeting on 08-20-19.
Kristen Frenzel seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


PTCA Report

See PTCA report in packet.
Budget for membership is $11,000. Tracking a little behind in memberships compared to last year. First grant cycle concluded Friday night. Want to talk with teachers on tips for getting approved. More than 200 people participated in Kickball tournament on 9/15, which is expected to net $2k, a little less than yard sale, but we will make up for it with a dine out on Oct. 2nd at Woods Chapel BBQ. (recently added to calendar)


Principals' Open Forum

Elementary Campus has completed first six weeks, students are getting heavy in academics. Parent teacher conferences started yesterday. Tkes conferences are being held as well. Curriculum Conversation on literacy on Sept 25 after morning meeting. 

Middle Campus - Update on sports teams and clubs, which have started. In morning meeting kids and teachers will do some sharing for Hispanic Heritage month. Monthly MYP meetings for IB.  

II. New Business


Charter Renewal Process

Aarti Sharma attended the meeting on behalf of Elisa Falco from GCSA to discuss the Charter Renewal Consultant proposal put forth by Elisa. The Board has the option to hire a charter renewal consultant (GCSA) to oversee the renewal process or not. Chuck Meadows recommends that we hire GCSA and the board agreed. This does not require a board vote. 

Ms. Sharma shared a basic timeline for charter renewal. The Board requested more detail from GCSA on the process, timeline, and specific deliverables included in the contract. The Educational Excellence Committee will oversee the renewal process and determine the school committee.  
Lee Kynes arrived.

III. Old Business


2019-2020 Schedule of Board & Committee Meetings

To comply with Georgia Open Meetings law, we will be posting a physical piece of paper at each campus with the date/time/location of all 2019-2020 Board meetings, including committee meetings. Committee chairs should send Meeghan Fortson (Secretary) committee meeting schedules. 


Strategic Plan Update

Draft of the updated strategic plan was given to the board at the retreat. Eric Teusink is looking into whether our bylaws require a vote to adopt this updated version of our strategic plan, which will take us through the charter renewal. It will be revised again after charter renewal.


Communications Update

Sabrina Sexton reported there is ongoing work on overall communications strategies.

IV. Executive Director's Report


Executive Director's Report

See ED report in packet.
Chuck Meadows shared that the Atlanta Board of Education decided not to renew the contract of the current superintendent. We are unsure of how this will impact ANCS. 

2019 MAP testing window was closed. Results show that our scores are higher than the national normal and overall, students this year had a slight up-tick compared to 2018 fall scores.  

Mr. Meadows shared a proposed checklist for "Board in the Building", an effort to help board members stay connected with teachers, staff, and what's happening in the classrooms/on campus throughout the year. This is especially helpful for Board members who are not parents or do not have students at the Middle campus. Board members should contact principals if interested in classroom visit. Hanah Goldberg suggested that coordination and reminders from Chuck would be helpful.   

V. Business & Operations


Monthly Business & Operations Report

See Business & Operations report in packet.
Kari Lovell shared that ANCS received Golden Radish award.
Jordache gave an update on bids for new Intercom system, which will come before the board for a vote soon.
Jordache updated the Board on the HVAC unit that went out. It wasn't one of the original six that needed to be replaced. Discussed how to handle future emergency situations that may occur. This did not require a board vote as per the purchasing policy. Laura reported that there is a discrepancy between the purchasing/receiving policy and the annual financial resolution on the amount that requires a board vote. The committee will re-examine the purchasing policy and align these as part of our overall policy review.  Once aligned, the board will vote on the proposal to add a board member as a check signer to the annual financial resolution. 

VI. Fund Development


Monthly fund development report

See Fund Development report in packet.
Gather & Grow Fund solicitations have not gone out yet, but we've received gifts from monthly, recurring donors.
Successful major donor party last week (donors who gave $1,000 and up last year).
We're in the second year of a unified corporate sponsorship program that supports operating budget and the PTCA, and so far $30,000 has been raised, a strong total for early in the year. Nearly all of last year's sponsors have renewed their support. Board to encourage support from anyone they know who owns their own business. Meeghan Fortson will send sponsorship info to the Board. 

VII. Educational Excellence


Monthly Educational Excellence Report

See Educational Excellence report in packet. Jason Rhodes and Hanah Goldberg will serve as liaisons during charter renewal. Working with Eric Teusink to invite members of the leadership team to Board meetings, so everyone can be kept abreast of key initiatives occurring at the school. 


Public Affairs Subcommittee Report

Chuck Meadows and Howard Franklin both attended RedefineEd event. 
Mr. Franklin attended APS Career Academy (a new initiative that will kick off at the start of 20/21 school year to train students that may not be looking at college).
Waiting on results of today's special election for school board District 2. 
Working on grant funding and lobbying for CREATE, because funding is being cut. 

VIII. Governance


Monthly Governance Report

See Governance report in packet. Kristi Malloy and Kristen Frenzel met with Lia Santos to talk with ED evaluation process.
We received report back from law firm reviewing our board policies. 

IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Kristen Frenzel made a motion to adjourn the meeting into training.
Howard Franklin seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:05 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Meeghan Fortson