Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School
Board Governance Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Friday September 6, 2019 at 8:15 AM
Elementary campus
In accordance with Georgia's open meetings requirements, notice of this meeting has been posted at both campuses and on the ANCS website.
Committee Members Present
Committee Members Absent
Guests Present
Chuck Meadows, Eric Teusink, Kristen Frenzel, Kristi Malloy, Lee Kynes, Meeghan Fortson, Sabrina Sexton
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
All of the listed guests are actually Governance committee members. At the time of the meeting they were not coded yet in Board on Track and thus are listed as guests and not committee members.
Call the Meeting to Order
Kristen Frenzel called a meeting of the Governance Committee of Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School to order on Friday Sep 6, 2019 at 8:25 AM.
II. Board Governance
Review GovComm charge
We reviewed the Governance committee charge from the Bylaws and a a description of what board committees do from Great Boards website. We discussed evaluating compliance by board members, assessment and strategic planning.
Set goals and timeline for committee work 2019-2020
Goals for GovComm 2019-2020
1. Policies
We discussed adding a policy to deal with open records/open meetings, specifically outlining who is responsible. To address this gap in our knowledge and further our board training we will invite Chris Adams (ANCS lawyer) to do a training with the board with respect to these issues. KF will schedule for after Sept 17 board meeting, ideally 8-9pm.
We discussed the need to have a physical notice of meetings that is posted at both campus to be in compliance with open meetings law. After consulting with Jeff Homan at GCSA we were advised to post the meeting, the date, time and place. Meeghan will be in charge of compiling all the meetings and creating a list to post at both campuses.
The policy review is at the point where the ANCS lawyers are in the process of reviewing and commenting on an editable document provided by Meeting Makers/Michelle Newcombe. We decided to work with Meeting Makers to create a new HTML "skin" for the policies with the assumption that the website will not be undergoing a large revision in the near future.
We discussed the idea to read the ANCS policies each year and focus on any revising 1/2 of the document in one year and the other 1/2 in the following year. Thus, review and revision would be on a 2 year cycle.
The difference between policy and procedure were discussed. Meeghan will work on list of procedures and update in BoT. Kristi will add procedural ideas for onboarding new board members.
2. ED review- Kristi and KF will set up meeting Lia Santos (former Board Chair), and discuss procedure and timeline for review of ED. The current ED review policy was discussed.
3. Nominations- Nakia shadowed Meeghan last year and is now chair of this subcommittee. The timing of nominations was discussed.
4. How best to support the ED with compensation decisions was discussed. Followup will include discussion with Lia Santos.
1. Policies
We discussed adding a policy to deal with open records/open meetings, specifically outlining who is responsible. To address this gap in our knowledge and further our board training we will invite Chris Adams (ANCS lawyer) to do a training with the board with respect to these issues. KF will schedule for after Sept 17 board meeting, ideally 8-9pm.
We discussed the need to have a physical notice of meetings that is posted at both campus to be in compliance with open meetings law. After consulting with Jeff Homan at GCSA we were advised to post the meeting, the date, time and place. Meeghan will be in charge of compiling all the meetings and creating a list to post at both campuses.
The policy review is at the point where the ANCS lawyers are in the process of reviewing and commenting on an editable document provided by Meeting Makers/Michelle Newcombe. We decided to work with Meeting Makers to create a new HTML "skin" for the policies with the assumption that the website will not be undergoing a large revision in the near future.
We discussed the idea to read the ANCS policies each year and focus on any revising 1/2 of the document in one year and the other 1/2 in the following year. Thus, review and revision would be on a 2 year cycle.
The difference between policy and procedure were discussed. Meeghan will work on list of procedures and update in BoT. Kristi will add procedural ideas for onboarding new board members.
2. ED review- Kristi and KF will set up meeting Lia Santos (former Board Chair), and discuss procedure and timeline for review of ED. The current ED review policy was discussed.
3. Nominations- Nakia shadowed Meeghan last year and is now chair of this subcommittee. The timing of nominations was discussed.
4. How best to support the ED with compensation decisions was discussed. Followup will include discussion with Lia Santos.
Schedule committee meetings for 2019-2020
Governance committee will schedule meetings for the first Thursday of each month at 8-9:30am at Elementary campus.
Chuck Meadows arrived.
III. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
Lee Kynes made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Meeghan Fortson seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 AM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kristen Frenzel