Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School


March Fund Development Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday March 27, 2019 at 8:15 AM


ANCS Elementary Campus, 688 Grant Street, Atlanta, GA 30312
In accordance with Georgia's open meetings requirements, notice of this meeting has been posted at both campuses and on the ANCS website.

Committee Members Present

Eric Teusink, Meeghan Fortson, Narin Hassan, Sabrina Sexton, Stephanie Galer

Committee Members Absent

Lia Santos

Committee Members who arrived after the meeting opened

Narin Hassan

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Meeghan Fortson called a meeting of the Communications & Advancement Committee of Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School to order on Wednesday Mar 27, 2019 at 8:15 AM.


Approve Minutes

Sabrina Sexton made a motion to approve minutes from the February Fund Development Committee Meeting on 02-06-19 February Fund Development Committee Meeting on 02-06-19.
Eric Teusink seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Fund Development


Fund Development Financials Report

Narin Hassan arrived.
Stephanie distributed the financial report as of March 26.

Gather & Grow Fund: 
  • Last three months have been higher than last year at this time.
  • Total raised to date: $108,051, which is $2,500 ahead of projected YTD budget. We are on track to meet goal of $140,000 by June 30. 
  • Discussed strategy for matching gifts and using a Matching Tool for donors to enter the name of company to determine if gift can be matched. Build this into follow up information in the future. In the short term, add language to automatic thank you email or thank-you  pop-up screen that encourages donors to match their gift and add matching gift language to the next newsletter.
  • Focus now is on $25K remaining from donors who gave last spring but haven’t given yet this year, including some corporate matching.
  • Board not at 100 percent participation yet. Add Board participation percentage to the FD Report for next Board meeting.


Wonder Ball Auction Debrief

Reviewed financials report provided by Stephanie and debriefed about the Auction held on March 9, 2019. 
  • $26,250 in sponsorships
  • $13,173 in ticket sales (includes pre-purchased drink tickets).
  • 501 attendees. More people attended, lower ticket price, guests spent more at the auction than in the past
  • Raffle raised more than last year; experience packages did really well
  • Wonderball approved budget was $90K gross with 25K expenses. As of today, we’ve raised $80,645 net for the Auction but this number is in flux. Will have a final number June 30. 
  • VIP experience for sponsors – some of these expenses can come from FD budget for donor appreciation rather than the Auction budget. Meeghan to share FD budget information with Stephanie.
  • Consider saving money on event consultant next year and spending money on specific needs like stage manager and registration.
  • Auction survey will go out soon.
  • Thank you dinner for chairs at Endive this spring.
  • Be thinking about recruiting chairs for next year with previous chairs as advisors
  • Check Ambient Studio availability and hold dates for next year.
  • Reviewed draft of Auction Thank you/Acknowledgement letters from Chairs and Stephanie Galer. 
  • One Cause worked well (new Auction Software)


Gather & Grow Fund Update

Stephanie presented a draft of a spring calendar for Gather & Grow Fund, including Spring Gather & Grow Week (April 22-26). The committee discussed current strategies and brainstormed new ideas for the spring: 
  • Spring campaign mailer 
  • Direct email 
  • Social Media
  • Set a financial goal for the week 
  • Board Challenge
  • Text to give: Text and get link for giving online.
  • toolkit for board members to use when promoting Gather and Grow Fund?
  • what other opportunities outside of parents? Corporate giving?
  • Yard signs for community?
  • Leave your legacy for 8th grade class – Narin could help with messaging


19-20 Fund Development Budget & Goals

No increase for goals next year: Gather & Grow Fund: $140,000; Auction: $90-$100 with $25-30K expenses.

III. Closing Items


Next meeting: Wednesday, June 19 at 8:15 AM


Adjourn Meeting

Sabrina Sexton made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Meeghan Fortson seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:53 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Meeghan Fortson