Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday May 21, 2019 at 6:30 PM


ANCS Elementary Campus - 688 Grant Street 30315
Notice of this meeting was posted at each campus and on the ANCS website in accordance with O.C.G.A. ยง 50-14-1.

Directors Present

Eric Teusink, Hanah Goldberg, Joyce Gist Lewis, Lia Santos, Meeghan Fortson, Nakia Echols, Nicholas Chiles, Sabrina Sexton

Directors Absent

Howard Franklin, Jordache Avery, Kristen Frenzel, Laura Melton

Guests Present

Cathey Goodgame, Kristen German

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Lia Santos called a meeting of the board of directors of Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School to order on Tuesday May 21, 2019 at 6:36 PM.


Public Comment



Approve Minutes from Prior Board Meeting

Nicholas Chiles made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 04-16-19 Board Meeting on 04-16-19.
Lia Santos seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


PTCA Report

Run with the Wolves was a success, identified opportunities to save money in the future years. Picnic was wonderful, voted on the slate. Yearbooks are done. 


Principals' Open Forum

Elementary Campus MAP test, and Milestones are complete. Field day has happened, Thursday night is the 5th grade celebration. Running awards are Friday. Parting staff will be recognized on Thursday.

Middle Campus there will be a special morning meeting for Aaron, then talent show and extended advisory on Thursday. 

II. Executive Director's Report


Monthly Report


Chuck Meadows' First 30-days at ANCS

Spent time working through a document with the board. Met with about half the board.

III. Old Business


Taskforce - Updates

Reflection task force- There was an intention to move the pledge to the classroom, but no plan of how this would be implemented 
Communications task force- Completed phase 1 report reviewed news story, and email communication. Started phase 2 of the process which includes social media use, and scheduled meeting with Chuck (incoming ED)
Brought up possible full time staff member for communication
Policy review task force- not much progress. Possibly have and outside party to review policy (certain ones)/legal review of school. Talked with charter school lawyer on his suggestions


APS Unified Enrollment Pilot - Update

APS representative presented a possible unified enrollment pilot, there was a session later held where various charter schools attended for more in

There would be a common application pilot for all schools the next school year. APS would need to know by August (which is when the board will vote). They would handle everything except the lottery. This has been implemented by other cities as well. Communication to current and prospective families about the common application. There is a decision point at the end of the pilot to decide whether or not to move forward. There was a lot of pushback from other charter schools.  


Strategic Plan - Update

Poured many hours into updating the strategic plan. There is a final draft, which will hopefully be out by Friday, and give a window of opportunity to give feedback. Will present to Chuck as well to look deeply and give feedback. 

IV. Business & Operations


Monthly financial statements & reports

Strong cash balance, ahead of where they would like to be. Upcoming expenses have already been previous reviewed. APS completed another audit. Will pursue a technology risk assessment (what the technology risk is). Look into a technology insurance just in case there was a breech. Currently using coverage that is $4,000-$6,000 while looking for the right company to provide insurance after completing the audit. Looking for a company that has the ability to do a technology audit of a school. 


Buildings & Real Estate Sub-Committee

There will not be a roof done on the Elementary Campus this year. Group from installation company came by came out and found other problems with the roof before it can be installed. There will be a plan to fix existing leeks in the roof, along with other items to be addressed. Not much clarity on who will pay for the existing roof problems. It is the expectation that APS will cover the cost. 38 unit air condition units are on the roof and they are all approaching their ending time, and a plan needs to be in place to replace them. Questioned whether or not the issues with the roof not being replaced this year should be communicated to APS. Chuck volunteered to compile all relevant information and present it to APS. Not sure if staff will be able to access the building. 


ANCS Financial Resolution

Only update is that Chuck Meadows has been updated as a person to sign checks and contracts, and Lara is now the Elementary School Principal. Looking into someone on the board should be a check signer
Sabrina Sexton made a motion to approve financial report.
Hanah Goldberg seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

V. Educational Excellence


Monthly Educational Excellence Report

Election is set for September 17th. Run off would be in October. Two bills governor vetoed which was about requiring 30 minutes of recess for K-5. Second bill had to do with school safety. 


Public Affairs Subcommittee Report


Diversity and Equity Action Team - Update on Initiatives

Large part of job was planning and leading equity and diversity professional development for faculty and staff. As well as participating on K-8 leadership, Strategic plan review, etc. Fostered relationship in school culture. Hosted staff outing to see "The Hate U Give". Organized two committees, one for hispanic heritage, women's history, and black history. Instructional leadership was based around the summer reading ("Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain"). Culturally responsive text sets were purchased throughout the grade levels. Continuing to work on a diversity and equity first six weeks of school scope and sequence. Conductive presentations at Sheltering arms, statewide conferences (equity training throughout the Jackson cluster). 5th grade had a lot of race based tensions which really presented itself on the recess field. 5th grade had a racial affinity group, to help work through various problems race related, in order to have a better understanding cross difference. student feedback felt that it should be done throughout the entire 5th grade, however it is a work in progress. The middle campus already has affinity groups. Worked to strengthen community relations. Hosted events similar to faculty/staff training on diversity/equity. Hosted family events for black history and hispanic heritage. End of the year party at Martin Street Plaza. Working on a draft webpage for diversity and equity at ANCS. Teachers will have a separate page for their resources. Naikia expressed her appreciation for all of the changes that have occurred. The board can really support with recruitment, and considering plans for transportation. Think tanking about how to have a more diverse school, and not to sell false hope to families. 

VI. Fund Development


Monthly fund development report

Raised $127,000 towards $140,000 100% board participation fund development committee meeting June 19th to review what the year looked like, and the plan for next year. Working on recruiting auction chairs for next year. Fund development policy is a little shorter and now has a fund development staff. Section 9a first sentence will be reworded. All fundraising activities come through fund development committee. 


Fund Development Policy

Joyce Gist Lewis made a motion to approve fund development policy with 9a saying "fundraising shall be centrally coordinated" and take away publicity purposes.
Eric Teusink seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VII. Governance


Monthly Governance Report

Matt is still evaluating. 
Board members rolling off were honored. Nick, Joyce, and Lia.

VIII. Executive Session


Executive Session

Discussion of:
—teacher contracts
—communication with faculty/staff from board
—how school will present partnership agreement to parents
—new board member/full board retreats
—board chair position
—Personnel matter



Vote on ANCS faculty/staff contracts

Joyce Gist Lewis made a motion to Approve contracts.
Nakia Echols seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Lia Santos as Trustee Emeritus

Nicholas Chiles made a motion to Select Lia Santos as Trustee Emeritus.
Sabrina Sexton seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Lia Santos made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Hanah Goldberg seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:17 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Nicholas Chiles