Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday April 16, 2019 at 6:30 PM


ANCS Middle Campus - 820 Essie Avenue 30316
Notice of this meeting was posted at each campus and on the ANCS website in accordance with O.C.G.A. ยง 50-14-1.

Directors Present

Eric Teusink, Hanah Goldberg, Howard Franklin, Jordache Avery, Joyce Gist Lewis, Kristen Frenzel, Laura Melton, Lia Santos, Meeghan Fortson, Nakia Echols, Nicholas Chiles, Sabrina Sexton

Directors Absent


Guests Present

Anne Green, Cathey Goodgame, Catia Daniels, Courtney Wade, Elizabeth Hearn, Emily Ormsby, Folami Prescott-Adams, Jason Rhodes, Jessica Gowen, Kari Lovell, Keri Lovell, Kristi Mallory, Lee Kynes, Megan McKnight, Nicole King

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Lia Santos called a meeting of the board of directors of Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School to order on Tuesday Apr 16, 2019 at 6:35 PM.
Joyce Gist Lewis motioned to open the meeting; Sabrina Sexton seconded. Approved unanimously. 


Public Comment


Approve Minutes from Prior Board Meeting

Joyce Gist Lewis made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 03-19-19 with edits Board Meeting on 03-19-19.
Kristen Frenzel seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


PTCA Report

Hannah Beth Millman summarized her board report. New board has been slated and had first meeting Sunday. PTCA will be awarding $4300 in minigrants. Some funds will go toward landscaping for the start of school in fall. Final meeting of year will be 5/14. This year, had 393 PTCA memberships, an all-time high. Figure includes donated memberships. 


Principals' Open Forum

Cathy Goodgame: 5th graders visited middle campus today. Into the Woods Jr (middle school production of play) happening this weekend and next weekend, 7pm Fri/Sat. Please buy tickets in advance. Next weekend 8th graders do their exhibitions (presentations on learning and growth for the year). 

Lara Zelski: Bookfair coming up on Tuesday 4/23. Family reading night will be connected to it. Will include family reading room, scheduled read alouds with teachers, and a digital reading lab to highlight programs used in library. King of Pops will be there to raise funds for cancer research. Summer reading books will be available. 5th grade will have 3 books to read this year.  May brings Milestones and portfolio shares to demonstrate growth through school year.  

II. New section


CREATE Program Quarterly Report

Dr. Adams, lead facilitator for Create Residency program presented on her work for the equity-related professional learning  of the program. Offering 2 weeks of I-group training in June. It is an intensive 5-day program to explore who participants are and how it shows up in the classroom. 6-7 local educators will be interning with the SF Coalition. Will end the summer with an entry program for the i-group. Stay tuned for ways they will be inviting community into these experiences. 

Katia Daniels, Exec Assist for Center for Collaborative Learning, which includes CREATE residency, tours/workshops, facilitation for hire, and perspectives program. [double check name spelling and title]

Elizabeth Hearn presented on the Center for Collaborative Learning. It is an entity at ANCS because Matt Underwood was influenced by the work of the Coalition of Essential Schools (CES). The Center is meant to create shared learning around CES principles. Perspectives program is a homeless immersion experience during spring break for middle schoolers. Collaborated with 13 organizations and did 200+ hours of service in 5 days. See presentation in board report for details on mission for the Center and Create. 

Megan McKnight, Assistant Director of CREATE. She is the director of the summer resident academy. She presented on how they prepare teachers for the first few weeks of school. Residents are GSU graduates who have 4 years undergrad and 2 years of intensive graduate study. They graduate in May and residents have a paid five-week summer resident academy to help prep for start of the first year. Goal is for novice teachers to start the year Day 1 ready. Develop 5 core practices for the first six weeks of school, details on mission and core practices included in the board report. Purpose Built School program in ATL - resident teach 90 minutes each day to practice these core practices. Summer Resident Academy (SRA) is like a soft opening for teachers. This is the third year of the academy. The first year did not have the SRA; feedack from principals and residents was that the cohort with the SRA experience were significantly better prepared for the start of the year. 95% retention rate for all residents still in teaching. Research shows that for brand new teachers in urban schools, 10-30% quit in first year and 50% by third year. Haven't lost any African American teachers; more teachers of color in CREATE cohort than even in GSU College of Ed and way more than GA or National average. 


III. Executive Director's Report


Monthly Report

Lara Zelski presented her ED report including:
  1. Lottery results - only 17 seats available for K enrollment. 4 socioeconomically disadvantaged students and all got in with the current weighting. Weighting issue: the weight itself seem to be working. The issue is getting people to apply. One family was not actually socioeconomically disadvantaged so they were moved to the end of the waitlist. All 3 of the remaining socioeconomically disadvantaged students will enroll. We don't yet know how many current 5th graders won't return. Typically have roughly 10 seats that open up. 73 applications; not clear yet how many of those are economically disadvantaged. Recruitment needs to be a major effort. 
  2. Dashboard - review of charter goals, included in board packet. Discussion around "beating the odds" measure, MAP scores, FRL data. Stakeholder survey will go out by end of April - no changes to instrument. Response rate is between 35-42% for families and teachers. Discussion around setting a target participation rate for future. Questioning about how the board can help promote it.  

IV. Old Business


Taskforce Updates

Task Force updates based on task forces formed after the pledge incident:
  1. Reflection - Joyce reported that consultants have completed their work and she is working on an executive summary. She anticipates having that for public review before the end of the school year. 
  2. Policy Review - Kristen reported that they have reviewed different sections of the policies by different members of the community. Board will have to think carefully about how to continually maintain up-to-date policies. Kristen recommends forming a subcommittee of the educational excellent committee. Lia spoke with an attorney on how much it would cost to have a charter school attorney to review it. 
  3. Communications - Sabrina have reviewed and developed ad hoc communications and worked with consultant to develop some parts of comprehensive plan. Upcoming call with key stakeholders. Also working with consultant on media training. Will provide a written update by the end of the school year. 


Present FY2019-2020 Budget

Laura Melton gave a status update on the budgeting process and presented the budget for approval. The only change from the budget proposed last month is a $5k increase in fundraising expenses.
Joyce Gist Lewis made a motion to adopt the budget.
Sabrina Sexton seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

V. Business & Operations


Monthly financial statements & reports

School is in an excellent cash position. See report in board packet for details. Scheduling check ins with investment and insurance advisors. Subcommittee on insurance recommends getting quotes for a technology risk assessment. Nakia Echols discussed the need for the risk assessment. Insurance renewal is on July 1. Will seek 3 quotes from vendors. Would like companies that don't also sell the solution for the problems they find. Recommendation to check in with other charter schools. 

Facilities & Grounds  - no update. 



Buildings & Real Estate Sub-Committee

Discussion about need for upgrade for intercom system for both campuses. 

VI. Educational Excellence


Monthly Educational Excellence Report

Eric Teusink presented. Most recent meeting was looking at systems for next year based on what the charter, bylaws and policies say it should be doing and what the committee can be doing on a regular basis, e.g., reporting on MAP data, recruitment for lottery. Data analysis from GEEARS/Reinvestment Fund shows that even if we got every child in the attendance zone who doesn't have a sibling in the zone, we wouldn't hit the 40% goal. Likely will need to look at attendance zone to be able to hit goals. Need an unemotional data-driven discussion and focus on map to figure out how to proceed. Variables discussed are: transportation, attendance zone, enrollment policies. 


Public Affairs Subcommittee Report

Howard presented on public affairs developments. Governor has until May 12 to veto bills. A seat on school board is opening for a special election. Budget includes funds for facilities, should bring additional funds ($70k?) to ANCS.

Dinner Thursday night sponsored by the Office of Innovation at ANCS. Info session for board members on unified enrollment project.  Lara presented on it. Board will need to vote by May meeting about whether ANCS should enroll in the process as part of the 2019-2020 pilot program. It eliminates some of the discussion about charter schools "cherry picking/lemon dropping" applicants.  Lara recommends that ANCS participate in the system but also recommends that the board attend the session to make an informed decision. 

VII. Fund Development


Monthly fund development report

Meeghan Fortson presented her report. Board participation is at 67% - goal is at 100%. Sabrina and Meeghan will be reaching out. Gather and Grow fund development week is 4/22. Ahead of where we need to be to hit goal of $140k. Spring Gather & Grow week of 4/22. Will be direct mail and email solicitations to those who haven't given yet. Fund development committee will be reaching out to board members to ask them to call people who haven't given yet this year. Review report for debrief on auction and other topics from fund development committee meeting. 

VIII. Governance


Monthly Governance Report

No report


Board Nominations Sub-Committee

Meeghan thanked the subcommittee for their efforts to select new board members. Entire process is noted in report document. Very competitive process again. Slate is included for 3-year terms. 
Joyce Gist Lewis made a motion to accept the slate as defined by nominations subcommittee.
Nakia Echols seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IX. Executive Session


Executive Session

Board discussed how to proceed with reflection task force report.
Board discussed a personnel matter.

X. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Nicholas Chiles made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Howard Franklin seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:47 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Nicholas Chiles