Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday February 26, 2019 at 6:30 PM


ANCS Middle Campus - 820 Essie Avenue 30316
In accordance with Georgia's open meetings requirements, notice of this meeting has been posted at both campuses and on the ANCS website.

Directors Present

Eric Teusink, Hanah Goldberg, Jordache Avery, Kristen Frenzel, Laura Melton, Lia Santos, Meeghan Fortson, Nakia Echols, Nicholas Chiles, Sabrina Sexton

Directors Absent

Howard Franklin, Joyce Gist Lewis

Guests Present

Cathey Goodgame, Jessica Gowen, Kari Lovell, Lara Zelski

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Lia Santos called a meeting of the board of directors of Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School to order on Tuesday Feb 26, 2019 at 6:40 PM.


Approve Minutes from Prior Board Meeting

Nicholas Chiles made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 01-22-19 with changes from M. Fortson Board Meeting on 01-22-19.
Meeghan Fortson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Public Comment



PTCA Report

Hanna Beth Milman's report included in the packet; concession funds raised will support middle school trip.
Discussed mini grants and change in PTCA meetings. Focus on parenting skills, e.g., how to talk to your kids about diversity
Working on a slate for 2019-2020 PTCA board


Principals' Open Forum

Cathy Goodgame
Middle schoolers getting ready to leave for Jekyll Island. 
8th graders finished community projects. 
Big News: MC has been approved for authorization for the MYP IB World School program. Started process 5 years ago. Couldn't have been done without the support of the board. Formal announcement coming soon. 
Lara Zelski
EC - enjoying Black History month. Come by and walk around to look at door decorations. School is vibrant with student work now - enjoy it while the info is up. March 8 K-8 celebration of Black History Month - dance, poetry, tour of the doors, wrap up. 

II. Old Business


Strategic Planning Taskforce - Update

Laura Melton updated on progress on strategic plan update. Recently met to review survey results and update strategic plan update and identify next steps. Survey results were positive.
  1. communicate results of survey to community
  2. identify next steps for community
Laura asked for clarification on how to communicate out to the school community. She will send it to board member Sabrina Sexton. 

Considering re-engaging Community Build Ventures to integrate the new material into the existing strategic plan. Next meeting is March 6 to work on reincorporation of new goals and objectives into existing goals and objectives. 

Would like to have this back before the board for final approval prior to the end of the year board meeting. 

III. Business & Operations


Monthly Financial Statements & Reports

Laura Melton reported for the Finance committee. Written report is included in the board packet. 
Great cash position heading into the spring and summer. Melton will update the packet with YTD report. 
Question from Board member Echols re: technology refresh and timing for requests for next year. 
Answer from Melton: Keri Lovell is working on the budget now, so get the request in soon. Technology committee can discuss in their next meeting.


Buildings & Real Estate Sub-Committee - Update

Jordache Avery reported on real estate. Roof repair schedule has not changed. Estimated completion is by the end of the summer with light clean up to happen early in school year.  

HVAC - 5 units coming in via helecopter on the 24th of March so they will be in prior to roofing work. $109k in first phase of project, which requires board approval. There are 38 units to be replaced, so it will be a 5-8 year process. No significant variance in per unit costs for doing 5 vs all 38 at once. Only one bid for the 5. Need to move forward because of the timeline. Will want to get 2-3 bids for next year. The type of roof should make the repeated replacement a nonissue. Energy efficiency of new systems will help offset the costs of the new systems. Logistics of roof and HVAC repairs at the same time are not feasible. GK is the school's trusted HVAC vendor. Last year - 1 unit was $20k plus $6k for helicopter. Can apply for $100k in state facilities grants each year. 

Need a formal proposal to be able to vote. Policy requires 3 written proposal to be able to spend more than $25k. Lovell is having a hard time getting the written proposals. Quote was reviewed in depth with finance committee. Will have more time to work on proposals/bid next year. 

Discussion tabled so committee can get together to create language on what needs to be approved prior to next board meeting. 
Avery also discussed replacement of fire doors. $75k cost with funds from grant plus additional expense (approx. $15k) from operating fund. Enhancements required by fire marshal. Code violations noted by fire marshal when they came to inspect fire door project. Reimbursement from first phase of project has already arrived. Funds for this and for HVAC can come from operating account due to increased allocation. 

IV. Educational Excellence


Monthly Education Excellence Report

Report from Eric Teusink. Meeting scheduled for March 5; likely will be rescheduled due to ED meetings. MAP testing and Nancy Lamb's efforts to educate teachers about MAP testing. Will also be discussing weighting for lottery. Charter max for weighting is 4. Wesley is pushing their weighting to 25 which basically guarantees admission to applicants who has free and reduced price lunch. Teusink recommends that his successor should immediately start working on pushing the weight higher and amending the charter. 
Zelski said that so far all FRPL applicants have been admitted. Not all have accepted their spots. Fortson asked that Teusink confirm details of Wesley's changes prior to next meeting. Zelski stated that APS and DOE must approve any changes to the weight. 
Report from Teunsink There will be an election in APS district 2. Not much happening in legislature re: education this session. 

V. Fund Development


Monthly Fund Development Report

Meeghan Fortson reported on Fund Development. Full report is included in the packet. 
Auction raises money for operating expenses of the school. Stephanie Galer reported on the auction. Auction is in great shape. 11 days out - still have time to get your tickets. Have some exciting auction items. VIP reception at 5pm, would like to see board members. It is for sponsors. Special shout out to Christine Dyer and Rachel Smith. 
Gather and Grow fund - board participation is at 67%. Please make a gift. Would like to be at 100% by next meeting. Link to make a gift is in board packet. 

VI. Board Governance


Board Nominations Sub-committee

Meeghan Fortson reported on nomination subcommittee progress. Had a meet and greet with prospective board members immediately prior to board meeting. Nominations period closes on March 4 at 10pm. Then nominating subcommittee will review applications and select a group to interview in March/April. In April or May board meeting the subcommittee will propose a slate. 

Tomorrow morning will have annoucements at morning meetings at EC and MC. 
Ms. Zelski discussed the job description for the new permanent diversity and equity coordinator position. She will send it by March board meeting for a vote. Vote will be making a full-time permanent position. 

VII. New section


Executive Session

Board went into executive session to discuss a personnel matter.

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Nicholas Chiles


Brief Meeting Reflection