Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School


August 2018 Fund Development Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday August 7, 2018 at 9:00 AM


ANCS, Elementary Campus, 688 Grant Street, Atlanta, GA 30315
In accordance with Georgia's open meetings requirements, notice of this meeting has been posted at both campuses and on the ANCS website.

Committee Members Present

Eric Teusink, Lia Santos, Matt Underwood, Meeghan Fortson, Narin Hassan, Stephanie Galer

Committee Members Absent


I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Meeghan Fortson called a meeting of the Communications & Advancement Committee of Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School to order on Tuesday Aug 7, 2018 at 9:00 AM.


Approve Minutes

Eric Teusink made a motion to approve minutes from the June Fund Development Committee Meeting on 06-05-18 June Fund Development Committee Meeting on 06-05-18.
Narin Hassan seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Fund Development


Gather & Grow Fund

2017-2018 Wrap-up

Stephanie shared 17-18 final numbers along with some data points (gift breakdown by parents, grandparents, companies; median and average gifts); Goal for 2017-2018 Gather & Grow Fund was $125K; we surpassed the goal by raising $133K; committee approved of the advances made with tracking donations and using Bloomerang to track data; suggestion was made to share more details/statistics with parents and grandparents to show how much they have raised and what that supports; Narin suggested that info should be added to the GPSF day communications (letters or emails sent and mentions at event). Lia recommended that Stephanie pull the invitation lists for GPSF day. Stephanie will reach out to PTCA and will also send out a reminder to parents that they can still update their forms (in case they sped through them to find out their teachers!) The committee also agreed that including students and alumni (college grads!) would be beneficial. Narin suggested an 8th grade campaign to honor that graduating class, Eric suggested a plaque to commemorate the amount raised. Meeghan shared with the Board was only 1 member short of 100% giving this year and that she is working on ways to make it easier for Board members to make a pledge for the year.


Fund Development Policy

Changes were reviewed that were made by Meeghan, Matt, Stephanie at last FD meeting; small changes were made with regards to all fundraising initiatives needing to be approved by ED or FD Staff; Meeghan will send the final draft to the committee for review; the final recommendation will be shared with the Board at the August meeting with the changes to be voted on at the September Board meeting.


PTCA Fundraising & Sponsorship Opportunities

Meeghan reminded the committee of the new PTCA membership levels - which have increased in number and dollar amount this year. Stephanie reviewed a draft of the combined sponsorship packages. This is in support of a unified sponsorship solicitation plan across all fundraising events and is co-owned by PTCA and Fund Development with support from the Wonder Ball committee. This draft follows several meetings and phone calls between PTCA and FD and includes changes made following feedback from PTCA. Stephanie shared that there will be a formal proposal created and that the next steps will be a working meeting between PTCA, FD chair & staff, and Wonder Ball co-chairs and sponsor volunteers to document process and to assign prospects.


2018-2019 Fund Development Plan

The 2018-19 Fund Development Plan was discussed. The goal for the 2018-2019 Gather & Grow Fund is $140K. Two upcoming projects are the fall solicitation campaign (mailed & electronic) and the donor appreciation party. The committee preferred the dates of September 13 (first choice) and September 6 (second choice) and the locations of Meditteranea and Staplehouse for the donor party. Stephanie will move ahead with logistics and start pulling the invite list. The fall campaign will launch after the event and final deadlines will be set accordingly once the party date is finalized. Meeghan reminded the committee of the letter and calendar that Matt sent electronically to families over the summer and made the recommendation to also send via hard copy in the mail next year.


2019 Wonder Ball Auction - Update

Meeghan and Stephanie shared the 'Roles & Responsibilities' document that was developed over the summer to help with clear expectations of all staff & volunteers. It was shared that the 2019 Wonder Ball has its co-chairs and they have already staffed most sub-committee chair roles. The event will be at Ambient Studios on March 9th. The goal for this year is $90K net. Eric reminded the committee that all financial reports about the event should be shared as net numbers not gross. Meeghan will send the multi-year financial statement for the Wonder Ball that Kari Lovell created and shared with the committee.


2018-2019 Fund Development Committee

Calendar of meetings was discussed. Due to Tuesday conflicts, the proposed meeting days were shifted to Wednesdays and will start at 8:15. The approved dates are November 7, February 6, May 8 from 8:15am until 9:45am and will meet in Matt's office unless otherwise noted. There was a brief discussion of new potential committee members from the incoming class. Stephanie asked about the process for adding potential committee members to the pipeline. It was decided to revisit after the Board retreat(s).

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Meeghan Fortson