Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday October 16, 2018 at 6:30 PM


ANCS Elementary Campus - 688 Grant Street 30315
Notice of this meeting was posted in accordance with O.C.G.A. § 50-14-1.

Directors Present

Eric Teusink, Hanah Goldberg, Howard Franklin, Jordache Avery, Joyce Gist Lewis, Kristen Frenzel, Lia Santos, Meeghan Fortson, Nakia Echols, Nicholas Chiles, Sabrina Sexton

Directors Absent

Laura Melton

Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

Howard Franklin

Ex Officio Members Present

Matt Underwood

Non Voting Members Present

Matt Underwood

Guests Present

Cathey Goodgame, Kari Lovell, Kristen German, Lara Zelski, Leslie Jo Tottenham, Nnenna Ogbu, Rachel Ezzo

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Nakia Echols called a meeting of the board of directors of Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School to order on Tuesday Oct 16, 2018 at 6:34 PM.
Nakia Echols will run the meeting. Lia was in attendance via satellite.


Public Comment



Approve Minutes from Prior Board Meeting

Nicholas Chiles made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 09-18-18 Board Meeting on 09-18-18.
Meeghan Fortson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


PTCA Report

-Close to 400 members to join PTCA
-Next round of grants held in January
-Yard sale raised $4,100 did not meet goal, looking to explore more fundraising options
-Fall festival November 3rd
-PTCA meeting last night, and discussed what the PTCA is providing, and think that maybe parents may feel that their volunteer time is not valued. Considering reaching out to teachers asking what the PTCA can do for them. Want to figure out a way to bring teachers and parents together.
-Rachel Ezzo is the fundraising coordinator 


Principals' Open Forum

In the middle of Hispanic Heritage month. Every Thursday a Hispanic Heritage piece is shared. October 31st Latin dance group will perform. Jim Sawgrass and his son performed this morning to educate students about native cultures in America. Friday November 2nd finale with families having a share out of their cultures before Fall Fest. Parent teacher conferences are complete.

Two arts field trips for various grade levels. Students got advisor reports today. Grandparents and Special Friends day is Friday. 

II. New Business


Atlanta Public Schools - Unified Enrollment Project

Potential to have a unified enrollment process for the district. 
Session led by Nnenna Ogbu
-Unified application for all of the Charter Schools in the district for equity choices. 
-Want all students/parents to be aware of all of the charter school options
-Prevents seat holding at schools
-To dispel myths about charter schools and bring transparency about how schools operate
-Providing a common timeline for schools. 
-APS funding the platform to make the application work
-Should be no additional costs to schools to opt in.
-The platform has to be built
-District is prepared to take on build out costs
-Do not forsee any additional cost 

Answers to Board Member Questions
-The training will be provided by the vendor selected
-The vendor will have additional support staff. 
-Attendance zones will be in the school finder portion of the website
-Parents could also type in preferences.
-Still unknown about the possibility of other charter schools using this system. 
-Multi-year MLU's 
-There does not need to be a minimum number of schools to opt in in order to participate
-If the school doesn't opt in the first year, they can opt in the second. 
-Currently in a project planning phase
-Studying other school systems that have used these systems.
-Could save time in student attendance zones
-Not planning to do infinite campus integration this year. 
-Extra verification such as GA power bill will still be done by the school.
-The school enrollment preferences will be fed into the system. 
-Mid-December opt-in date
-The board would like/want more information December 14th is the deadline for the opt-in date
Howard Franklin arrived.


2019-20 School Year Calendar

Process of adopting school calendar involves waiting for APS and then adopt ANCS calendar. APS has adopted a calendar that is significantly different than previous years. There are several other charter schools that have calendars different than APS. APS is having a later start date of August 12th and eliminating the October and February break in order to end school before Memorial Day.
Would there be interest in getting feedback from the community

Many board members agreed on staff and parents providing feedback so everyone is heard (however they know that not everyone is going to be happy). Ensuring what is best for the kids and teachers. 

Discussed a few other charter school calendar options. Questions that are going to be asked on feedback survey will be provided to board members. Possibly provide paper copies for families. 

III. Old Business


Task Force Updates

Pledge of Allegiance last board members approved three different task force
Joyce Reflection Task Force
Requested and received three proposals for potential consultants. Most likely a conference call vote if needed for the proposals (must be over $10,00 for a board vote)
Kristen Policy Review Task Force
-Goal is to identify any outdated policies. Want to reach out to different members of the community with board documents and providing comments 
Communications Task Force
Hired communication consultant. Current state is simply reviewing and analyzing communication. Next is a more robust communication plan


Strategic Planning Presentation

Presenter Natosha  apart of Community build ventures
-Described the process of working with the board and Matt
-After presentation of goals and objectives there will be a discussion on actions and strategies to get there. 
-All of the goals were presented then the objectives for each goal
-May revisit innovation objectives 
-Equity and Inclusivity board member questioned if there was enough focus on students and not just families. However families need to feel welcomed, because the students aren't necessarily the ones that get to pick where they go to school. Also some clarification of objective three under Equity and Inclusivity goal. 
-Culturally responsive means how I feel coming in if people feel comfortable in a space. 
-Possibly some opportunities for families to have some training on diversity and equity since the staff has already been receiving this training. 
-Board members believe there is still work to be done
-Not exactly sure how to engage the community in the sharing of these objectives 


IV. Executive Director's Report


Diversity & Equity Action Team Update

In the strategic plan there is a goal of diversity. 
Work toward the goal is occurring on the board, Faculty/staff, and a diversity and equity action team level. 
The purpose is to ensure we have a welcoming environment toward all students in the attendance zones.
The structure of the team is a mixture of teacher, staff, board, and parents. Hopefully some students in the future. 
The team was formed last year and also conducted equity walks last year. 
The faculty and staff have been going deep into this work. Priority list is on family, school, community, and parent engagement. 
Broadening the circle with other parents. Desire for a more representative group (middle school parent, elementary campus parent)
Hoping to organize teams that are formed around each priority. 
This would most likely be a team that is ongoing


International Baccalaureate (IB) Authorization Update

Cathey provided a review of how the school got to the present state in IB. 2016/2017 is when major changes started being made. 2017/2018 A/B Day was implemented. The school is really god at doing the work, and trying to improve documentation. October visit is coming and it is a verification visit. Nothing official will be known until January. After the school is authorized, there will be the ability to connect with other schools around the world, curriculum development, teachers can be workshop leaders. 

V. Business & Operations


Monthly financial statements & committee report

Very similar to last month updates. Staff tenure bonuses were paid out. No roof updates. Business and Operations plan to meet on the 23rd of October. 

VI. Fund Development


Monthly fund development committee report

First big Gather and Grow mailing will go out next week. It will be more personalized than in the past. First year doing a Gather and Grow Fund in November and it is in conjunction with Georgia gives day. Donor appreciation party on September 25th. Volunteer meeting for the auction is on October 25th, and childcare will be provided. Nov. 7th is the next fund development meeting. 

VII. Governance


Monthly governance committee report

Held yesterday. Coordinated to make sure all of the task force are on schedule. Some items may needed to be voted on before Dec. meeting (by the committee)

VIII. Educational Excellence


Monthly educational excellence committee report

no meeting, no report

IX. Closing Items


Brief Meeting Reflection


Adjourn Meeting

Eric Teusink made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Kristen Frenzel seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Kristen German