Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School


May Monthly Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday May 15, 2018 at 6:30 PM


ANCS Elementary Campus - 688 Grant Street Atlanta, GA 30315
Notice of this meeting was posted at each campus and on the ANCS website in accordance with O.C.G.A. ยง 50-14-1.

Directors Present

Eric Teusink, Laura Melton, Lia Santos, Meeghan Fortson, Mitch White, Nakia Echols, Nicholas Chiles (remote), Philippe Pellerin, Ryan Camp, Tara Stoinski, Tiffany Mitchell

Directors Absent

Howard Franklin, Joyce Gist Lewis

Guests Present

Jessica Gowen

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Mitch White called a meeting of the board of directors of Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School to order on Tuesday May 15, 2018 at 6:30 PM.


Public Comment

No public comment. 


Approve Minutes from Prior Board Meeting

Philippe Pellerin made a motion to approve minutes from the April Monthly Board Meeting on 04-17-18 April Monthly Board Meeting on 04-17-18.
Lia Santos seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


PTCA Report

Hannah Beth Millman
-PTCA has been a big success this year. They have exceeded every goal. All committees have chairs for 2018. 


Principals' Open Forum

Lara Zelski
Preparing for EOY. Portfolio Shares starting, prepping for next year. Graduation will happen at MJHS. Field day will likely be rained out. 
Cathy Goodgame
8th graders are in DC. Everyone who wanted to go was able to go. All financial needs were met. 6th and 7th grade exhibitions happening this week. Field day will likely be rained out. 8th grade celebration will be right after 5th grade at MJHS.

II. New Business


2018-19 New Board Member Slate

Slate for new board members - Meeghan Fortson
See report for details. 21 applicants during nominations period. 12 candidates were interviewed by the subcommittee. Slate brought to the board for a vote. 
Motion from Tara, Seconded by Phillippe
Vote - passed unanimously.
Tara Stoinski made a motion to Approve the slate.
Philippe Pellerin seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Head Lice Policy update - first read

Head lice policy - Matt Underwood
Presented draft updates to headlice policy. Nurse Hicks in attendance to cover it. Proposing to change policy to bring it into organizations that have head lice policies, such as CDC, AAP, NASN. Our current policy is to send children home if nits are found, not allowed to come back until they have been rechecked by nurse. Problematic because it is not found to be effective and it keeps kids out of school. Notification will remain in place for individual child and for other families in the classroom and classroom will be treated. 

Nurse Hicks - end of her 8th year, so she has been able to do research and observe what is working and what is not working at ANCS. Evidence-based research/recommendations state that the no nit policies are not effective. Lice do not spread disease and are not a health issue. Screening entire classrooms or grade levels takes a lot of time and reduces ability to manage children who do have significant health issues. Key is education among parents. Nurse Hicks is willing to educate parents. 

Matt Underwood suggested having a community meeting. Eric Teusink suggested communicating proactively. Parental notice would happen quickly but the child would not be required to leave school. 

Laura Melton has a child in a school with the same policy as the proposed policy and had a lice case in her child's classroom. No other children affected. 

Policy change saves the teachers time and keeps kids on track. 

Howard asked if communication about lice would lead to bullying or teasing. Nurse Hicks did not think so. Maybe would be better since kids won't be sent home and stigmatized. 

Matt Underwood will send communication before end of year. Board will vote on it in the new year. 

Lia Santos noted that if the policy is to notify the classroom, the policy must be followed consistently. Nurse Hicks said it might work better if she handles all communication, but that can be complicated because she rotates between campuses. 

III. Old Business


FY19 Budget - final

Budget Vote - Ryan Camp and Kari Lovell
Updates to last meeting: new guidance from APS stating that the revenue will be a little higher than originally anticipated. Revised APS allocation from a 3% increase to a 4% increase. Will likely be hiring a new FT diversity and equity coordinator. Putting money in the budget for that resource. Allocated a little more into facilities and maintenance budget due to HVAC issues at MC. Expect to have major HVAC repair expenses there soon.  Budget is still balanced. 
Phillippe Pellerin motioned to approved. Howard seconded the motion. Vote. Approved unanimously. 
Philippe Pellerin made a motion to Approve the budget.
Eric Teusink seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Executive Director's Report


Overview of Pre-K Program Options

Matt Underwood presented Pre-K Options as a way to guide strategic planning process. Possibilities are described in the board report. Driving reason to consider pre-k: GA law changed; previously was not allowed. Also part of efforts to increase diversity of student body. 3 main approaches:

(1) partner with existing provider and provide preferential enrollment (e.g., Drew's pre-k program in partnership with Sheltering Arms in East Lake; MOU with SA provides an enrollment preference; relies on provider having identical enrollment zone and the provider manages their program; provider could potentially have a mission to serve economically disadvantaged children)

(2) become a site for a state funded pre-k site within the APS program; this option is not currently available but will be possible next year (e.g., Kendezi running pre-k program at Giddeon's elementary; not clear what the possibilities are with geographic preference);

(3) develop and manage our own state funded pre-k program with state oversight; this option provides direct control of the site and requires space for the classrooms

For options 2 and 3, funding for pre-K flows very differently than it does for K-8. Funding is set according to a ratio for 22 students and a teacher plus materials. Totally dependent on enrollment. If fewer than 22 students, funding drops proportionally. Most other providers are funding pre-k with other sources such as charitable donations.  If teachers are paid on same schedule as K-8, the current formula is about 60-70% less per pupil than other grades in the school. 

Would need to consider carefully how to structure an offering in such a way that it doesn't exacerbate existing issues with economic diversity and FRL targets. 

How long will it take to implement? A while. 

Howard asked if the partnership process requires the partner to expand their capacity. Matt was not sure. 

Tuesink asked if the program could be 100% FRL. Underwood was not sure. 

Pellerin noted that there is not current space for options 2 & 3


Diversity & Equity Strategic Initiative Update

Diversity and Equity Strategic Initiative Update - Matt Underwood
This year - build capacity, establish team, ongoing relationship building in underrepresented portions of our enrollment/attendance zone

7-8 community members will be participating in i-group training around self awareness around race-related issues. 

Considering hiring a dedicated staff member on an interim basis (1 year only) focused on diversity and equity issues. Would focus initially on developing teachers and staff and incorporating diversity considerations into the strategic plan. Maybe eventually focusing on parents and community. Would consider at the end of the year whether to continue or rework or end the position. Would have someone who has already been through i group training in the role.  

Nicholas Chiles asked if Matt is aware of other schools that do the same thing. Matt said he has observed that more in independent schools. 
Howard asked about an equity audit as a part of the SOW for the new position. 

Action team has been focused on getting up and running. Doing equity walks on both campuses. Last meeting on Thursday this week. 


Employee Hiring Report

Employee Hiring Report - Matt Underwood
Report covers comings and goings. 
One position at MC will be filled by 2 special ed associates

V. Business & Operations


Monthly financial statements & reports

Ryan Camp presented Business & Operations Report
On track with budget. Sufficient funds for summer. 
Have commitment from APS to have roof replaced. Pushing them to get it done over the summer. Site walk through happened today. Bids due 5/28. Kari and Jim are thinking about how to handle the HVAC units that are on the roof. Might rearrange the system at EC to get the system off the roof and more efficient system. 

VI. Educational Excellence


Monthly Educational Excellence Report

Educational Exccellence
Committee has been looking at last 2 rounds of MAP data. Looked at the following questions: how are we approaching closing the racial achievement gap? how do we disaggregate by race and class? what is ancs doing to address these issues? what might be strategic plan implications? what alternative language might the committee and board use?

Strategies in use: meetings and retreats with board and staff; grade level chairs
Looking at FRLs is possible in data
This is an ongoing effort for educations to learn how to talk about, identify and interrupt - could be incorporated into strategic plan
Consider changing language - "underserved" "historically marginalized" or "opportunity gap" versus "underperforming" - shift the responsibility from children to adults (suggestion from Elizabeth Hearn)


Public Affairs Subcommittee Report

Public Affairs Subcommitteee
Eric and Matt went to a meeting for a different charter school association. 
Lake Oconee Academy will be featured on NBC as a white flight academy. GA Charter School Association will be defending them. Be aware that there will be news and there are informed answers to the questions it will. GCSA has talking points, but send any inquiries to Matt Underwood and his AJC op ed. Mitch suggested that Eric put together talking points for current and new board members. 

VII. Fund Development


Monthly fund development report

und Development
Gather and Grow fund raised $4600 in April. $94,764 for year. Gather and Grow fund week at start of May. Goal = $20k in May to get to $125k by June 30. Hit $21k during that week. Goal is 100% board participation. 

Auction - 2019 auction planning is underway, including a manual of best practices, procedures. Auction, Ambient Studios on 3/9/19. 

Several grants coming in, including one for $150k for CREATE today. 

Upcoming meetings with PTCA to stay coordinated. 

Matt will send a letter to all parents at start of school year outlining all ways to support the school financially. 

One more meeting for committee in June to review policies. 

VIII. Governance


Monthly Governance Report

Committee has been meeting to work on new board. Need to set dates for retreat for new members (1/2 day) and chair, matt and joyce or nick (governance committee) and full board retreat as soon as school starts. Nick will send doodle poll. 

IX. Closing Items


Brief Meeting Reflection


Adjourn Meeting

Meeghan Fortson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 pm.
Tara Stoinski seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Jessica Gowen