Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School


Fund Development Committee Spring Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday April 18, 2018 at 8:15 AM


ANCS Elementary Campus, 688 Grant Street, Atlanta, GA 30315
In accordance with Georgia's open meetings requirements, notice of this meeting has been posted at both campuses and on the ANCS website.

Committee Members Present

Matt Underwood

Committee Members Absent


Guests Present

Eric Teusink, Meeghan Fortson, Mitch White, Narin Hassan, Stephanie Galer

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Meeghan Fortson called a meeting of the Communications & Advancement Committee of Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School to order on Wednesday Apr 18, 2018 at 8:15 AM.

II. Fund Development


Gather & Grow Fund Update

The committee reviewed the Fund Development Report that was presented at the full board meeting on April 17, including the calendar of solicitations and activities.  The report showed that at the end of March, the Gather & Grow Fund had raised approximately $86,384, which is on track with where we should be at this time of year. In comparison, last year we had raised $96,201, but this amount included a one-time donation from a film production company that we will not receive this year.

Stephanie Galer, newly hired Fund Development Coordinator, was in attendance. Stephanie reported that she and Meeghan are reviewing last year’s giving and identifying donors who gave last year but haven’t made a gift this year (lapsed donors). They will share that with FD committee so that they, along with other Board members, can make calls to encourage donations.

Stephanie reported that she has been working on cleaning up and importing data into our new donor tracking system (Bloomerang). The donation form has been updated on the website so that the records tie straight into Bloomerang and the donor receives an acknowledgement immediately. Stephanie has asked current recurring donor to switch their gifts to the new system and increase if they are able. Stephanie will send the FD Committee a copy of the request and the progress.

Stephanie is preparing for Annual Campaign week (May 7-11). Stephanie will share the outline with the committee. The goal for the week is ambitious at $20,000. A matching donor(s) will be solicited with the idea of having one day of the campaign "double your donation" day.

The committee briefly discussed the idea of having Annual Campaign kick-off week in the fall and will consider in the future.


2018-2019 Annual Campaign Goal

The committee briefly discussed the 2018-2019 campaign goal and decided that $125,000 should be the recommendation to the finance committee for the 2018-2019 budget; however, the committee may decide to increase the public goal. For budget planning purposes, the committee believes this dollar total was most appropriate based on current and previous year’s Gather & Grow Fund totals. Matt to notify the Finance Committee. 



The Auction took place on March 3 and was a successful event, raising $90,000. Meeghan reported that this is the gross number, which was provided by the school. Eric suggested that we report the net rather than the gross. Meeghan proposed that both net and gross totals be reported. The committee agreed that clear communication and transparency are important when totals are reported. The committee would like to see detailed Wonder Ball financials for 2018 and moving forward. Meeghan to request budgets for income and expenses for both the 2017 and 2018 auctions.

Stephanie reported that the 2019 Auction Chairs (Rachael Smith and Christine Dyer) had already identified a new location for next year’s auction, which will be the first time in several years it is not held at the Freight Depot. It will be held at Ambient Studios on March 9, 2019. Meeghan pointed out that this is the Saturday before daylight savings and that last year the committee had proposed that the Auction be the first weekend of March so it is the same weekend every year and doesn’t coincide with Daylight Savings. Stephanie explained that the location was not available the first weekend in March.

There was discussion around changes to sponsor levels, and decision that major event changes should be run by the committee before final decisions are made. A Wonder Ball status update should be shared at each FD committee meeting. The Board/FD Committee is responsible for setting overall goals and decisions about major donations or sponsorships.


PTCA Fundraising & Sponsorship Opportunities

Meeghan reported that the PTCA fundraising coordinator (Rachel Ezzo) and PTCA President (Hannah Beth Millman) met with Matt, Stephanie, and Meeghan and asked for thoughts on making changes to the PTCA’s fundraising structure, in particular to membership and sponsorship opportunities. The goal is to raise enough money at the beginning of the year so that they would have the flexibility to offer events at no charge and/or to cancel an event if not enough volunteers. Before drafting a specific proposal they wanted to run this by the Fund Development Committee for any feedback. They are considering membership levels for PTCA as well as sponsorship opportunities that would incorporate all PTCA events, including Run With the Wolves and Fall Fest.

The group discussed the idea of a unified ask for all PTCA sponsorships and membership levels with possibly a few limited sponsorships for their largest sponsors. The FD committee has made efforts this year to work closely with the PTCA to coordinate fundraising activities and to support their efforts in building community at ANCS. The committee agrees that in order for the PTCA to welcome all families, membership should be affordable.

Eric proposed a sponsorship menu that might also include the Auction (non-PTCA event) in this unified sponsorship ask. The “menu” would give donors the option to pick the events they want to sponsor.

The committee expressed concern that we protect the Gather & Grow Fund and ensure that a PTCA membership drive in the beginning of the year does not cause donor confusion or indirectly result in a decrease in Annual Campaign gifts that support the operating budget of the school.

Meeghan shared that she and Matt have discussed preparing a letter to all parents that would go out at the beginning of the school year clearly outlining the various was to support the school, including both Gather & Grow Fund and the PTCA fundraising opportunities. Matt will invite PTCA to collaborate and provide input for this letter.

Mitch commented that transparency and intentionality is important and that Fund Development and PTCA approaches to donors are coordinated. He also urged us to track all PTCA sponsorships in Bloomerang, if not now, in the future. Meeghan stressed the importance of having a clear policy for what is decided so that future Fund Development Committees and PTCA leadership will have a documented process (for how to coordinate solicitations) and guidelines to follow.

The committee is supportive of the PTCA moving forward with proposing a new fundraising structure and would like to review it further once proposed. Matt Underwood will circle back to with Hannah Beth and Rachel Ezzo to share the committee’s thoughts, concerns, and suggestions.


Fund Development Policy

The committee ran out of time to discuss the Fund Development policy, but it was decided that a follow-up meeting would be scheduled for May or June to review the policy and propose any revisions. Meeghan to schedule this meeting.

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:45 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Meeghan Fortson