Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School


March Monthly Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday March 20, 2018 at 6:30 PM


ANCS Elementary Campus - 688 Grant Street, Atlanta, GA 30315
Notice of this meeting was posted at each campus and on the ANCS website in accordance with O.C.G.A. ยง 50-14-1.

Directors Present

Eric Teusink, Joyce Gist Lewis, Laura Melton, Lia Santos, Meeghan Fortson, Mitch White, Nakia Echols, Nicholas Chiles, Philippe Pellerin, Ryan Camp, Tara Stoinski, Tiffany Mitchell

Directors Absent

Howard Franklin

Ex Officio Members Present

Matt Underwood

Non Voting Members Present

Matt Underwood

Guests Present

Cathey Goodgame, Jessica Gowen, Kari Lovell, Lara Zelski

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Mitch White called a meeting of the board of directors of Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School to order on Tuesday Mar 20, 2018 at 6:32 PM.


Public Comment



Approve Minutes from Prior Board Meeting

Nicholas Chiles made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 02-27-18 February Monthly Board Meeting on 02-27-18.
Laura Melton seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


PTCA Report

Hannah Beth Millman presented PTCA updated, included in board packet. 
Biggest issue is securing volunteers for next year. 


Principals' Open Forum

Lara Zelski: March Madness at the EC. Interviewing candidates for next year. Book Parade is 3/30. Gearing up for Milestones, faculty training for it next week. Final MAP will be right after spring break. 

Cathy Goodgame: Amazing black history month celebration on 2/28. If you only come to one MM a year, come to this one. Student walk out was last week. Exciting to see a group of students lead that effort. Student led conferences are happening this week. Time to review learning goals set for this year and being accountable for it. Girls group is leading the MM tomorrow in honor of women's history month. 5th graders visited today. 

II. New Business


Update on 2018 New Student Enrollment and Weighted Lottery Vote

Jared Apperson presented with Matt about process for weighted lottery. Lottery will be on 3/22. Apperson recommended that FRL. 
58 slots in Kindergarten*
Handful of students will come in 6th grade.*
All other grades will go straight to weight lists.
*a handful of slots get held during lottery for children who do not advance from K to 1st or 6th to 7th. 
Apperson recommended that the weight be set at the highest possible point (4) due to limited number of economically disadvantaged applicants. 
Overall applications are down slightly, and % economically disadvantaged is also lower. 
Philippe Pellerin made a motion to Set the 2018 lottery weight at 4.
Lia Santos seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Post vote discussion:
Question for Apperson from Stoinski: will weight apply on waitlist? yes. All students who are economically disadvantaged will get that weight within their zone. 
Underwood: more applicants from Martin Street Plaza and Trestletree. Initially thought numbers would be better but some of the economically disadvantaged applicants were coming from Zone 3. Need to continue outreach to neighborhood. Might also need to look at geographic boundaries for attendance zones. Also investigating whether all zone one applicants and all economically disadvantaged applicants from all zones in a single lottery. When the lottery was implemented, lawyer thought that it was not allowable, but now he thinks it might be ok. 
Tuensink: if we don't take action now, there is no chance of meeting our goals in our charter before it is up for renewal in three years. 
Lewis: interesting to look at grade by grade  - why is there such a big differential between entry point grades (K and 6th) vs other grades that have a higher percentage of zone 1 applicants who are economically disadvantaged? has outreach been targeted to entry points?
Underwood: outreach has been targeted both geographically and by age (e.g., preschools in zone 1)
Tuensink: do people not realize that they can't get in outside of K and 6th, which might be why the demographics are different. 
Pellerin: can we target ESOL students in our zone? 
White: it is allowable under state law but is not in the charter
Stoinski: we are getting economically disadvantaged applicants (roughly 30%) but they aren't in the zone
Underwood: There are zone 3 applicants who can walk to the school, even though it is an APS-wide zone. 
White: Out of time; while the state is asking us to do things under the charter, the school's mission and goals are consistent with expanding economically diversity. What we are doing now is not going to get us where we need to be in three years. 
Tuensink: which committee does this fall to? This issue needs to be on the agenda on an ongoing basis. 
White: Educational Excellence
Lewis: DOE is talking about racial and cultural diversity. Do we have data about what our racial diversity numbers are?
Underwood: Yes, about 40% non white.
White: We have that data and report on it regularly. Distribution varies across campuses with the middle campus being more diverse. 
Chiles: Where did diversity increase?
Underwood: about 5% across grades, not concentrated in one grade. 


2018 Employee Contract Renewal

March is the time that contract renewals start. Matt requested board approval for that process. 
Ryan Camp made a motion to authorize Matt Underwood to renew all contracts.
Philippe Pellerin seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Old Business


Strategic Planning Update

Laura Melton: She and Matt Underwood have met with two candidates for strategic planning and have a preferred candidate. 
Underwood suggested that it might be best to wait until the beginning of the school year for the process to start. 
Lewis: Why did the RFP not get many responses?
Melton: Possibly because it was a smaller project. 
Chiles: Did we give them a time frame?
Underwood: Yes, approximately 6 months. Should have something in place by end of calendar year, which is after the end of the strategic plan we are currently under, but we have direction on where to work until the new one is in place. 


2018-19 School Year Calendar

Matt Underwood: APS recently moved their 2019 spring break to the first week of April to be at the same time as other metro ATL school systems. Also added in possible inclement weather makeup days, marked in orange. 
Philippe Pellerin made a motion to approve the modifications to the calendar.
Laura Melton seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Executive Director's Report


FY19 Budget Priorities

Budget report from Matt Underwood, Kari Lovell and Ryan Camp:
-looking at budget projections now
-March/April - massage budget and priorities
-May - community meetings and vote

Required contribution to teacher retirement system (TRS) has jumped substantially to 20%. This will put pressure on the budget. TRS covers everyone from Bright from the Start to University System. 
We do not anticipate significant increases in funding. Budget priorities have not changed much and are outlined in the slides in the board packet. 

Ryan Camp: budget priorities are firm, especially in light of the tenure bonuses and COLA for teachers. If there are other ideas of things the board would like to see, please send feedback prior to next budget committee meeting, next Wednesday at 8am. The one area where there might be wiggle room is in the reserve funds, which have not been used. Reserve is pretty fully funded at this point, which is really good. We will need to adjust what we contribute there to meet other budget priorities. 

V. Business & Operations


Monthly financial statements & reports

Ryan Camp presented the Business & Operations Committee report, attached in the board packet. Tracking to original budget very closely; only $33k variance. 

VI. Educational Excellence


Monthly Educational Excellence Report

Committee did not meet last month. Will have weighted lottery on April agenda.


Public Affairs Subcommittee Report

There is no chance of any funds in budget. No chance of an Atlanta-based alternative to GCSA. Bill was passed last year authorizing budget appropriation for HB430 but no funds included in budget. 

VII. Fund Development


Monthly fund development report

Meegan Fortson presented Fund Development report, attached to board packet.
Greater Giving has waived all fees for this year and future years. Logistics of taking auction items back had hard costs; Greater Giving is refunding those costs. 
Greater Giving reported that their servers were crashed by a larger number of events and larger than usual events. 

VIII. Governance


Monthly Governance Report

Joyce Gist Lewis presented her report, attached to the board packet. She will be sharing results of survey about Matt's performance. 

Meegan Fortsen reported on board recruitment process. Interviews are underway. Will bring a slate of up to 4 board members by the May meeting, if not earlier. 

IX. Closing Items


Brief Meeting Reflection


Adjourn Meeting

Philippe Pellerin made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Meeghan Fortson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Jessica Gowen