Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School


November/December Monthly Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday December 12, 2017 at 6:30 PM


ANCS Middle Campus - 820 Essie Avenue, Atlanta 30316
Notice of this meeting was posted at each campus and on the ANCS website in accordance with O.C.G.A. ยง 50-14-1.

Directors Present

Eric Teusink, Howard Franklin, Joyce Gist Lewis, Laura Melton, Lia Santos, Meeghan Fortson, Mitch White, Nakia Echols, Nicholas Chiles, Philippe Pellerin, Ryan Camp, Tara Stoinski, Tiffany Mitchell

Directors Absent


Ex Officio Members Present

Matt Underwood

Non Voting Members Present

Matt Underwood

Guests Present

Amaris Landis, Cathey Goodgame, Elizabeth Hearn, Jessica Gowen, Karla Macaya, Katie Derichsweiler, Lara Zelski, Laura Robinson, Sabrina Sexton

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Lia Santos called a meeting of the board of directors of Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School to order on Tuesday Dec 12, 2017 at 6:33 PM.


Approve Minutes from Prior Board Meeting

Joyce Gist Lewis made a motion to approve minutes from the October Monthly Board Meeting on 10-17-17 October Monthly Board Meeting on 10-17-17.
Eric Teusink seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


PTCA Report

See report in board packet.

$3000 raised at dine out.
PTCA might open up opportunity to sponsor Friday coffees to other businesses.
Yearbook - need parent volunteers for production. Looking for 2 volunteers for each grade level. Using Tree Ring software.


Principals' Open Forum

Principal Goodgame:
Intensive training course on race, inequity and privledge alreayd shifting conversations in building.
MC Campus preparing for exhibitions.
Food Bank food drive. No incentives, just serving community.

Principal Zelski:
Food Bank drive
Second round of MAP testing
Winterfest & Winterfest recap
Inclusive Schools week - "look at people not through people"
"I'm Not Racist, Am I?" screening on 1/11 at 6:30, only 45 tickets left
Will be staying engaged with students though the 22nd.


II. New Business


ANCS Nondiscrimination Policy - First Read

Matt Underwood presented draft nondiscrimination policy to protect students and employees from discrimination.

Matt Underwood drafted after review of APS, City of Decatur, Dekalb county and sent to school attorney for review.



Board Nominations Policy - First Read

Lia Santos presented a draft change to the board nomination process. Specific verbiage is in board packet for the meeting and includes redline. Redlines reflect current practice in nomination process.

Tara Stoinsky recommended modifying language to note interest in candidates who are outside of the school.

Nick Chiles asked about intentions for EC/MC campus representation given that the board is interested in moving away from being a parent-only board.


2018 Board Nominations Subcommittee

Joyce Gist Lewis made a motion to approve as presented.
Eric Teusink seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Board members should come to the mid year retreat 1/27 prepared to discuss. 

III. Old Business


2018 Strategic Planning Update

Laura Melton discussed progress on the next strategic planning process. 
Laura and Matt Underwood drafted and released and RFP.
Responses due 1/12/18.

IV. Executive Director's Report


Quarterly Performance Dashboard

Matt Underwood reviewed the quarterly performance dashboard. 
There are changes to attendance measures.
Current FRL percentage decreased overall because the 8th graders who left last year were at a higher rate than this year's 8th graders. K FRL rate is up 3%.
APS employee who measures milestones data for graduates has left, so that data is not available. Matt will review with the board when it becomes available. 
Tara Stoinski asked how the strategic objectives get updated each school year on the dashboard. Matt explained he updates on those items in the board retreats and other periodic meetings through the year. 


Fall Feedback Surveys Summary

Matt Underwood reviewed the summary of the stakeholder feedback surveys included in the board packet.

Goal on overall satisfaction question is 80% affirmative responses.
Want to take a closer look at student responses about being engaged in meaningful learning. 
New question this year about inclusive and supportive or students/families regardless of background. Will track responses over time. 

Parent responses - K-8
Student response - 3-8
38% of faculty staff is of color
considering devoting staff meeting time to allowing faculty to respond to boost response rate
Data is available to be disaggregated by grade.
Matt Underwood discussed how the leadership team handles statistically significant decreases in a survey measure. 
Cathy Goodgame discussed how she handed a specific measure that declined a few years ago. 
It is possible for Matt to add a question about board feedback if the board wants feedback.


Diversity & Equity Initiative Update

Matt Underwood provided a report on the Diversity and Equity Strategic Initiative, included in the board packet.
Four schools now have new weighted lotteries (Museum School, Drew, Wesley, International Community School), which weights to favor English language learners)


V. Business & Operations


Monthly financial statements & reports

Ryan Camp indicated that all is well financially. No committee meeting in the past month. 
Details included in report included in board packet.
Health insurance premiums, was projected to be 19% premium increase. Tweaked and negotiated down to 8% increase. No budget impact because it will be covered in a contingency already in budget.

VI. Educational Excellence


Fall 2017 MAP Report

Tiffany Mitchell reported on the educational excellence committee meeting with Nancy Lamb about MAP scores. Report is included in the board packet for this meeting. Nancy Lamb met with committee. Committee wants to see results from next administration (12/17) to get more information on some questions. MAP is administered three times per year: beginning, middle, end.
Data will be disaggregated by race once there is another administration to be able to look at trends.


Public Affairs Subcommittee Report

VII. Governance


Monthly Governance Report

Joyce Gist Lewis reported on last committee meeting, included in the board packet for this meeting. 

VIII. Fund Development


Monthly fund development report

Meegan Fortsen reported on Fund Development committee meeting and fundraising to date, included in the board packet for this meeting. Considering hiring a event planning firm to run the event logistics and alleviate demands on parent volunteers. 

Matt Underwood reported about the part-time fund development position currently open. Target is to hire by end of January. Position will be 20 hours per week vs 5 hours per week allocated last year. 

Matt Underwood reported on USDA grant application for farm-to-school programming across schools in the area.

IX. Executive Session


Executive Session

Philippe Pellerin made a motion to move to executive session.
Eric Teusink seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

X. Closing Items


Brief Meeting Reflection


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Nicholas Chiles