Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School


May Monthly Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday May 16, 2017 at 6:30 PM


ANCS Middle Campus - 820 Essie Avenue 30316
Notice of this meeting was posted at each campus and on the ANCS website in accordance with O.C.G.A. ยง 50-14-1.

Directors Present

Eric Teusink, Joyce Gist Lewis, Leigh Finlayson, Lia Santos, Meeghan Fortson, Melissa McKay-Hagan, Mitch White, Narin Hassan, Nicholas Chiles, Philippe Pellerin, Ryan Camp, Tara Stoinski

Directors Absent

Tiffany Mitchell

Ex Officio Members Present

Matt Underwood

Non Voting Members Present

Matt Underwood

Guests Present

Cathey Goodgame, Hannah Beth Millman, Humaira Afzal, Joy Prince, Kari Lovell, Laura Melton, Nakia Echols, Travis Lovell

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Mitch White called a meeting of the board of directors of Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School to order on Tuesday May 16, 2017 at 6:35 PM.


Approve Minutes from Prior Board Meeting

Melissa McKay-Hagan made a motion to approve minutes from the April Monthly ANCS Board Meeting on 04-18-17 with edit of Mitch's last name corrected. April Monthly ANCS Board Meeting on 04-18-17.
Leigh Finlayson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


PTCA Report

Appreciation of board members whose terms are ending: 
Leigh Finlayson
Narin Hassan 
Melissa McKay Hagan 
Joy Prince, retiring from PTCA:
Had an excellent year. 
Funded partially or fully 7 mini grants for middle campus and 14 for elementary campus. 
Happy to support the faculty in improving the school.
Met or exceeded benchmarks on fundraising. 
Run with the Wolves was a success. 
Will make annual donation to ANCS.
Volunteerism was down, will need to renew interest in the coming year. Heavily represented by elementary parents - how do we engage the middle school parents? 
Joy introduced Hannah Beth Millman, the new PTCA President.


Principals' Open Forum

Cathey Goodgame: 
Eighth graders won a contest for national safe driving. Two 8th graders got to film their PSAs for safe driving, one in Atlanta and one in New York. Shared PSA that was created by Gabe Howland at the Middle Campus. 

II. Old Business


Proposed Compensation Policy Updates

Matt Underwood:
Spoke about profession growth opportunities - sending teachers to travel and learn. 

Proposal: Compensation Benefits - trying to keep compensation competitive with other parts of Atlanta.
Proposing to adopt a tenure bonus program to encourage longer tenure. See attached document for tenure bonus amount. 
Adopting this plan moving forward will be beneficial to teachers. 

Lia Santos:
Spoke through the thinking and process behind the compensation plan. Talked about why the ten year bonus was recommended. Want to vote on it in the early stages of next school year. 

Board asks questions about proposal.  Proposal will be discussed further in the fall.



FY18 Budget

Ryan Camp: 
Proposed the budget for next year. See attached document. 
Relatively static budget, not many changes. 

Board asks questions about the budget. There have been two public sessions for community feedback. 
Joyce Gist Lewis made a motion to Adopt the proposed budget.
Philippe Pellerin seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. New Business


Executive Director Succession Plan Policy

Matt Underwood: 
The need for a succession plan for the executive director role because this is a good governance policy. 
Philippe Pellerin made a motion to to approve.
Narin Hassan seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


2017-18 Board Officers and Committee Assignments

Mitch White: 
Discussion of committee assignments and officerships. See attached report. 
Need for a chair-elect in the upcoming year who will take the chairmanship from Mitch upon his leaving. This person should be willing to be board chair for two years, build strong relationships, be willing to lead through the strategic plan, and lead through the diversity plan. The most one can stay on the board is six years. Board can nominate themselves or other members. Ultimately the board votes for the chair. The earlier we can know this is better. 

IV. Executive Director's Report


Review of 2016-17 Gallup Student Poll Data

Matt Underwood:
Overview of Gallup Student Poll. See attached document. 
ANCS is overall doing better than the national average on student engagement in school.

V. Business & Operations


Monthly financial statements & reports

Overview of monthly financial report. See attached report. 
We are getting the remainder of our Grants to Greens money which is being used successfully. 
APS did a reevaluation of our allocation and we will receive an adjustment soon. 
We are on track to be under budget. 

Facilities - Basement area in the middle campus. We are putting in new floors, HVAC, and making it a usable space for the coming year. 


Technology Subcommittee Report

Technology update - See attached documents.
Teacher laptops needing to be replaced by newer models. 
Purchasing additional Chromebooks due to testing requirements. 
Network & firewall - getting outside consulting. 

VI. Fund Development


Monthly fund development report

Narin & Meeghan:
Overview of Fund Development Report. See attached report. 

Recent activities that have happened:
Carpool line up with elementary students. 
Table set up with donuts for parents. 
Carpool at middle campus.
Courier front page blast.
Table at elementary. 

Future activities:
Thinking about a manual for the auction. 
Meeting with incoming PTCA president. 
Reaching out to sponsors and donors - what worked what didn't to set up plans for next year
Another blast for end of the school year
Plan on transitioning through software implementation.
Idea of a sponsor recognition party. 

VII. Governance


Monthly Governance Report

Board Governance Highlights. See attached document.
Presenting the succession planning documents
Compensation policy
Tenure bonus program
Send out polls for board retreat
Executive Director evaluation through Board on Track.

VIII. Educational Excellence


Monthly Educational Excellence Report

Educational Excellence and Accountability. See attached document.
Gallup Poll - more fine tuned data needed to understand deeper categories. 
Diversity and Equity work - how to expand work and engage larger community. 

IX. Closing Items


Brief Meeting Reflection


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Melissa McKay-Hagan