Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday December 13, 2016 at 6:30 PM


ANCS Elementary Campus - 688 Grant Street 30315
Notice of this meeting was posted at each campus and on the ANCS website in accordance with O.C.G.A. § 50-14-1.

Directors Present

Eric Teusink, Joyce Gist Lewis, Leigh Finlayson, Lia Santos, Meeghan Fortson, Melissa McKay-Hagan, Mitch White, Narin Hassan, Nicholas Chiles, Philippe Pellerin, Ryan Camp, Tara Stoinski, Tiffany Mitchell

Directors Absent


Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

Joyce Gist Lewis

Ex Officio Members Present

Matt Underwood

Non Voting Members Present

Matt Underwood

Guests Present

Cathey Goodgame, Kari Lovell, Kristen German, Lara Zelski

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Mitch White called a meeting of the board of directors of Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School to order on Tuesday Dec 13, 2016 at 6:33 PM.


Approve Minutes from Prior Board Meeting

Leigh Finlayson made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 11-15-16 Board Meeting on 11-15-16.
Lia Santos seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


PTCA Report

The PTCA report was read by the board. The report highlighted membership, Winterfest, upcoming teacher appreciation, and upcoming 3rd Friday Coffee. 


Principals' Open Forum

Lara Zelski highlighted Winterfest, MAP testing, and the learning going on throughout the elementary school. Cathy Goodgame talked about the MAP test, upcoming extended advisory day and described the various projects students will be taking part in.

II. New Business


2017-18 Board Term Extensions

Term extensions and selection of board chair and vice chair for 2017-2018 school year. Discussed the amount of openings if Mitch is voted to extend his term as board chair.
Tiffany Mitchell made a motion to 1) extend Mitch White’s term as Board Member be extended for one more year, 2) extend M. White's term as Chair of the ANCS Governing Board for the school year 2017-18; 3) that T. Stoinski continue to serve in her current role as Vice-Chair of the ANCS Board for the school year 2017-18; 4) extend L. Santos’ term as an ANCS Board Member for one additional year, 5) extend L. Santos' term as Governance Committee Chair for the 17-18 school year.
Leigh Finlayson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Executive Director's Report


New Student Enrollment Outreach for 2017-18 School Year

Update on plans for new student enrollment outreach and weighted lottery for 2017-2018 school year. Matt Underwood presented the changes to enrollment materials and flyers, as well as other forms of outreach (meetings, canvassing, etc.). Discussed contacting parents of students that did not get in last year (as well as pros and cons of doing so). Noted the differences in the application process this year. Lottery vendor will be selected by January. Next year planning on outreach efforts occurring a little earlier.


Fall 2016 Feedback Surveys

Highlights from Fall 2016 feedback surveys of students, teachers/staff and parents/guardians. Notable increase in student satisfaction at ANCS. Discussed the percentage of students who say an adult knows them well and ways the middle campus is working to increase these numbers. 


2016 CCRPI Scores

Provided the board with the background of the CCRPI scores, and the change in score calculations. The scores are taken for each campus. The goal of ANCS charter is to be higher than the state and the district. Scores from both campuses are higher than district and state. Scores were then broken down by elementary schools in the district, and middle schools in the district. ANCS will continue to focus on reading and math Milestones as well as attendance. 

IV. Educational Excellence


Monthly Educational Excellence Report

No update
No Educational Excellence Committee report this month.


Public Affairs Subcommittee Report

Eric Teusink gave his monthly report.
Joyce Gist Lewis arrived.

V. Business & Operations


Monthly financial statements & reports

Budget is going well. Grants to Green update, lighting is done, low flow toilets are done, and health insurance open enrollment is complete. Health insurance has been switched to Cigna. Upgrading system to keep track of copies.

VI. Fund Development


Monthly fund development report

$28,544 brought in last month. The amount is a little bit lower than last year. GA gives day was very close to last year's donations. The donation page on the ANCS website is being updated with a new system. CREATE funds have been added to the fund development position. Possibly end up with two people for two part-time positions. Positions should be in place by January. Continuing to seek out Auction Chairs. 

VII. Governance


Monthly Governance Report

Met with the succession committee. Executive director feedback survey has been emailed. Board governance committee meeting, board nominations and mid-year retreat date. Reminder that board recruitment is everyone's job. 

VIII. Executive Session


Executive Session

The Board entered into Executive Session to discuss Matt Underwood’s Professional Development Plans for Summer 2017
Philippe Pellerin made a motion to approve the Executive Director's Professional Development proposal as put forth in Executive Session.
Tara Stoinski seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IX. Closing Items


Brief Meeting Reflection


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Melissa McKay-Hagan