Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday October 18, 2016 at 6:30 PM


ANCS Elementary Campus - 688 Grant Street 30315
Notice of this meeting was posted at each campus and on the ANCS website in accordance with O.C.G.A. ยง 50-14-1.

Directors Present

Eric Teusink, Joyce Gist Lewis, Leigh Finlayson, Lia Santos, Meeghan Fortson, Melissa McKay-Hagan, Mitch White, Narin Hassan, Nicholas Chiles, Philippe Pellerin, Ryan Camp

Directors Absent

Tara Stoinski, Tiffany Mitchell

Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

Joyce Gist Lewis

Ex Officio Members Present

Matt Underwood

Non Voting Members Present

Matt Underwood

Guests Present

Cathey Goodgame, Elizabeth Hearn, Kari Lovell, Kristen German, Lara Zelski, Maya Jenkins

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Mitch White called a meeting of the board of directors of Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School to order on Tuesday Oct 18, 2016 at 6:33 PM.


Approve Minutes from Prior Board Meeting

Ryan Camp made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 09-20-16 Board Meeting on 09-20-16.
Melissa McKay-Hagan seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


PTCA Report

There was no presentation this month. Please read the PTCA report as submitted.


Principals' Open Forum

EC Principal Lara Zelski talked about the new conference guide and format for the EC campus. MC Principal Cathey Goodgame stated that the Middle campus is going through conferences as well. Drama is getting ready for a performance next Friday and Saturday. She encouraged all to attend.

II. Old Business


Enrollment Policy

Enrollment policy was taken back to the committee and the original documentation says ANCS will not enroll students off of the waitlist after Winter Break. However if a major withdraw of students were to occur the board has a right to vote to amend the policy. 

III. New Business


Updated Promotion Policy

Cathey Goodgame presented the Middle School promotion criteria. The MC team is proposing a few changes to some of the terminology to align with the IB program. They are also in the process of developing a rubric to score the portfolio and editing the portfolio exhibition rubric. Proposed adding in Milestone criteria for 6th grade, and the community project which is new to the school due to IB. Discussed the difference between retention, promotion, and placement.    
Joyce Gist Lewis arrived.

IV. Executive Director's Report


CREATE Teacher Residency Program - Fall Update

Elizabeth Hearn gave the quarterly update of the CREATE teacher residency program. Provided an overview of the CREATE teacher residency program (pre-service, in-service, supports, professional development, mentors). Described how the new grant supports a new effort for Induction teachers. David Weitnauer, Executive Director of the Dobbs Foundation, who has given generously to the program, spoke about about why the foundation believes so deeply in the work of the CREATE program. 


IB Candidacy Update

Guided the board through parts of the process that the school has gone through already. Currently the school is in the middle level of training teachers. Presented parts of the process that are coming up next all the way to January (parent info sessions, verticle alignment days, etc)


GaDOE Annual Report

Presented an overview of what is in the Annual Report to the GADOE (accomplishments, unique aspects of the school, academic accountability, etc.) 
Philippe Pellerin made a motion to Approve what has been submitted to the DOE.
Eric Teusink seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

V. Business & Operations


Monthly financial statements & reports

Reported the progress of the Grants to Green project (first part of the funding received and the changes that have been made). Completed laptop purchases. Following right along with the budget.  

VI. Educational Excellence


2016 ANCS Alumni Report

Presented how Alumni data is gathered, and provided the breakdown of where students went to school for the class of 2015. Went over the percentages of students that responded to survey questions. Student test percentages were presented. 


Public affairs report

New school board president after 2017, and potentially big changes. Governor's Educational Reform bill will be the biggest topic discussed. The potential of Atlanta schools becoming apart of the OSD.

VII. Fund Development


Monthly fund development report

Provided current totals of fund development. Fund development total this year is currently higher than last year. Finalize new mailers for parents about GA Gives Day. Potential part-time position to assist in Fund Development. 

VIII. Governance


Monthly Governance Report

In the monthly meeting, the committee talked about upcoming mid-year board retreat in January. The next committee meeting will be a  working session to look at board survey data and plan the retreat. Currently for upcoming board nomination process. Moving February board meeting to the 28th. Setting all committee meetings two weeks out so other board members can attend. 

IX. Executive Session


Executive Session

No executive session

X. Closing Items


Brief Meeting Reflection


Adjourn Meeting

Philippe Pellerin made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Leigh Finlayson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:33 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Melissa McKay-Hagan