Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday March 15, 2016 at 6:30 PM


ANCS Middle Campus - 820 Essie Avenue 30316

Notice of this meeting was made on the ANCS website in accordance with O.C.G.A. ยง 50-14-1.

Directors Present

Leigh Finlayson, Lia Santos, Melissa McKay-Hagan, Mitch White, Narin Hassan, Philippe Pellerin, Ryan Camp, Tara Stoinski, Tiffany Mitchell

Directors Absent


Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

Tiffany Mitchell

Ex Officio Members Present

Matt Underwood

Non Voting Members Present

Matt Underwood

Guests Present

Cathey Goodgame, Elizabeth Hearn, Eric Bloomquist, Eric Teusink, Jen Owen, Jenna Colvin, Joy Prince, Krish Dhokia, Kristen German, Kristi Silva, Lara Zelski, Larry Carter, Meeghan Fortson, Michael Solberg, Steve Hatfield, Suzanne Mitchell, Veleta Greer

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Mitch White called a meeting of the board of directors of Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School to order on Tuesday Mar 15, 2016 at 6:35 PM.


Approve Minutes

Mitch White made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 02-16-16 Board Meeting on 02-16-16.
Leigh Finlayson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


PTCA report

PTCA President Joy Prince provided an update on teacher appreciation week, Run with the Wolves, PTCA meetings, and upcoming PTCA Dine outs.
Suzanne Mitchell made a public comment thanking Mitch for coming to the Summerhill neighborhood association meeting. 


Principals' open forum

Cathy Goodgame presented the board with various activities and learning that is taking place at the middle campus (Black History Month, a student participating in the U.S. Fencing Cup).

Lara Zelski provided a brief overview of revamping of the report card, next yea'rs schoolwide schedule, and preparing for the end of this school year.

II. New Business


Discuss potential new goal(s) for new ANCS charter contract

    Mitch presented the background of the ANCS Charter Renewal, the diversity plan/actions, and the diversity guidance from the GA Department of Education. Mitch then described the Board's possible proposal for a weighted lottery system, and he outlined dates to discuss this issue. 
    Mitch discussed with the board that they are mainly focused on economically disadvantaged students in the weighted lottery . The weighted lottery would start the 2016/2017 school year. There would be about thirty spots open in Kindergarten, and about ten in 6th grade for economically disadvantaged students. Diversity is an important part of the school's strategic plan, and the board had planned to consider a weighted lottery for next year anyway. The board thinks this is a good move that will help us retain the neighborhood aspect of the school and also increase our diversity, as planned.The Board is reluctant to take a provisional charter and would like to renew the charter on time.
    Teacher and board diversity was the last topic discussed and how the DOE would like an increase in these areas as well.
Tiffany Mitchell arrived.

III. Executive Director's Report


Quarterly performance dashboard

Matt presented an overview of the school's performance based on MAP, a decrease in principal referrals, alumni performance in high schools.


2016-17 student report card system update

Lara presented multiple reasons why there needed to be a change in report cards (extremely time consuming, back to back conferences, and parents saying they were too vague). Lara then highlighted the changes on the new report cards, and some differences between grade level report cards/progress reports. Multiple board members felt like the report card was much clearer.


March Personnel Report

The open position has been filled.

IV. Business & Operations


Monthly financial statements

Ryan Camp presented the monthly financial statements. Everything for the budget is on track. Going to start monitoring spending since approaching summer.


FY17 budget projections and priorities

Air conditioning units fixed at EC as well as new water fountains and some plumbing fixes (however all still in budget). The next biggest expense will be repairing the roof. Looking into adding an additional learning cottage to the EC after reassesing the current learning spaces.


Technology committee update

Leigh provided a brief update.

V. Educational Excellence


ANCS alumni - spring 2015 End of Course Milestones data

No report out due to the interest of time about all of the details for the day at the Capitol.  Sat in on committee hearing about the testing bill, which was just passed unanimously.

Matt described exactly what the data shows about Alumni scores on the Milestones. Alumni often performed third to the highest on the Milestones.

VI. Board Governance


2016 board nominations

26 applications for board member positions. 14 people are being interviewed. Interviews end at the end of March.


Monthly governance report

Completed Matt's mid-year feedback.

VII. Fund Development


Monthly fund development report

Having a major donor or recognition party in April. Final numbers for the auction will be at the end of this month. Applying for additional funding for CREATE from two foundations.

VIII. Executive Session


Executive session

Mitch White made a motion to Move into Executive Session.
Philippe Pellerin seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IX. Closing Items


Brief meeting reflection


Adjourn Meeting

Philippe:  Motion to approve contract renewal as presented by M. Underwood in Exec. Session.
Tiffany: Second
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Melissa McKay-Hagan