Atlanta Neighborhood Charter School

Governance committee monthly meeting

Date and Time

Thursday May 7, 2020 at 8:00 AM EDT


Meeting ID
Phone Numbers
(‪US‬) ‪+1 267-873-3249‬
PIN: ‪627 005 052#‬
In accordance with Georgia's open meetings requirements, notice of this meeting has been posted at both campuses and on the ANCS website.


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
    Approve minutes for Governance committee monthly meeting on April 2, 2020
II. Board Governance
Board Governance
  A. ANCS Policy review
Lee will propose how to move the ANCS Bylaws Policies forward.
KF will give update on policy questions sent to attorneys.
  B. ED support and evaluation
1. Discuss a recommendation for an addendum to ED contract that allows for annual review of increase in salary consistent with non-instructional staff.
2. End of year evaluation process
  C. Onboarding
Brainstorm ideas - what would make for the best retreat/onboarding that breaks down the barriers between Board and LT/teachers but still meets goals and objectives for each group? 
  D. Task force discussion
Update from Sabrina on progress in the Committee composition Task force.
III. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting