Brooklyn RISE Charter School

Brooklyn RISE Board Meeting

Published on October 23, 2023 at 9:29 PM EDT
Amended on October 25, 2023 at 5:16 PM EDT

Date and Time

Wednesday October 25, 2023 at 7:00 PM EDT


9 Hanover Place, Brooklyn, NY 11201


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 7:00 PM
  A. Record Attendance   1 m
  B. Call the Meeting to Order   Christina Hu 1 m
  C. Approve Minutes Approve Minutes Christina Hu 1 m
    Minutes for Brooklyn RISE Board Meeting on September 27, 2023  
II. Finance 7:03 PM
  A. Finance Updates Discuss Bryson Wilson 20 m
III. Head of School Update 7:23 PM

Dear Founding Board of Trustees,


October has been a great month at RISE! We had our first field trips of the year and our first Data Day with subsequent academic interventions and supports. We are looking forward to a great month in November!


Our Students. Enrollment is at 287 as there continues to be slight shifts up and down. We collected baseline reading data in September and are working hard to support all our students in their academic development.


Our Staff. We are fully staffed and staff morale is overall strong.


Our Facility. We have been struggling to get some repairs done by the landlord due to recurrent leaking when it rains. With Cliff's help we are moving forward in a positive direction. No new developments with the long term facility as of now.


Looking forward to discussing more on Wednesday!


Together we RISE,



  A. Cary's School Update FYI Cary Finnegan 5 m
IV. Academic Committee Update
V. Governance 7:28 PM
  A. Renewal Training Package FYI Kathryn Koerner 10 m
  B. Big Dates for Charter Renewal FYI Christina Hu 5 m

1. Board Training 11/29

2. Board Interview 12/5 

VI. Any Other Business
VII. Closing Items 7:43 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote 2 m