Girls Global Academy


GGA October 2023 Board Meeting

Date and Time

Monday October 23, 2023 at 6:30 PM


Beth Blaufuss is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: GGA October 2023 Board Meeting
Time: Oct 23, 2023 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Trustees Present

Anita Johnson (remote), Beth Blaufuss (remote), Laura Bartos (remote), Lauren Johannesson-McCoy (remote), Maria Miller (remote), Mary Pendleton (remote), Maureen Colburn (remote), Max Levasseur (remote), Rachel Charles (remote), Shobha George (remote)

Trustees Absent

Andria Wisler

Ex Officio Members Present

Karen Venable-Croft (remote)

Non Voting Members Present

Karen Venable-Croft (remote)

Guests Present

Donnuel Sinclair (remote), Shamira O'Neal (remote), Shayne Swift (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

Beth Blaufuss called a meeting of the board of trustees of Girls Global Academy to order on Monday Oct 23, 2023 at 6:33 PM.


Approve Minutes

Maria Miller made a motion to approve the minutes from GGA September 2023 Board Meeting on 09-27-23.
Maureen Colburn seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Board Elections


Board votes on Rachel Charles and Anita Johnson for membership.

Beth Blaufuss made a motion to Vote both onto the Board.
Laura Bartos seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Max Levasseur
Mary Pendleton
Lauren Johannesson-McCoy
Shobha George
Rachel Charles
Beth Blaufuss
Maureen Colburn
Andria Wisler
Maria Miller
Anita Johnson
Laura Bartos

III. Community Engagement



Enrollment update 

  1. Fall 2023 enrollment goal has been reached
  2. 75% reenrollment;  reenrollment strategy has been successful
  3. New student (for every 8 applications, one student will enroll)
  4. 2024 enrollment goals and plan are underway
  5. Partnership exploration
  6. End of year campaign with FundEd Strategies on donations
  7. Board members should donate


IV. Finance Committee


Finance update

  • School year budget is good and stable, per Laura
  • Steps to negotiate lease can begin in light of enrollment for the Fall, per Laura
  • Financial Management has been on track with help from Karen's efforts 
  • Compensation Study will be completed to ensure that staff are being paid competitively per Karen




V. Strategic Plan


The board will discuss and vote on the three-year strategic plan.

Strategic Plan overview

Academic Plan review (PARCC, intervention, IB programming accessibility, CTE prioritization perspectives, student attendance)

PMF impact in light of PSAT, SAT, College ready, and College acceptance targets

Per Mary, baseline information in Strategic Plan is helpful because reference resources are within one document


Sisterhood Culture 

Growth in sisterhood culture affects student reenrollment and attendance.

This culture is a differentiator in the education landscape.

Discussion on Panorama survey on Sense of Belonging comparison against other schools and on engagement target setting.


Community Sisterhood

Per Maureen, much of what is done with the community feeds into fostering sisterhood goals and enhancing curriculum.


Talent Development

Teacher retention

With the understanding that student retention correlates to quality measurements on teaching, efforts to show teachers how they are making a difference in students' lives is very important.  

Consistency of workforce and staff training affects student body and work within staff. 


Finance targets

How facilities and rent costs support sustainability was discussed.

Audits to take into account long term sustainability was discussed.

Grants and enrollment are key factors in this plan. 


Board's perspective on GGA in light of their work on Strategic Plan

Effort to focus on strategy and not tactics took great strength.

Delegation on who is accountable and responsible on work are still to be determined.

Creating this plan provides steps to equip Board to support school.

This plan will inform committee efforts and review of monthly information.

Per Karen, plan prioritizes efforts and data points for the growth management.  

Plan will be a blueprint for new Board members to understand the background on prioritized efforts. 

Data quality is of utmost importance in the Dashboard.  






Beth Blaufuss made a motion to approve Strategic Plan.
Maureen Colburn seconded the motion.

Creating Dashboard to monitor plan-progress is next step.

How does having this Strategic Plan affect work in the Committees will be necessary to consider by Board members. 

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Maureen Colburn
Mary Pendleton
Lauren Johannesson-McCoy
Rachel Charles
Anita Johnson
Andria Wisler
Beth Blaufuss
Shobha George
Max Levasseur
Laura Bartos
Maria Miller


Rachel offered to assist with Dashboard-creation.

VI. Other Business


Executive Director's Highlights

Highlights over SY to date pertain to Sisterhood and Scholarship pillars enabling student body, particularly Senior class, and staff thrive together.

  • Preparing for College
  • IB Internal Assessment SOP
  • Sisterhood Fridays
  • Relationship Building



Look ahead

1. November 27th Board meeting - in person request 

 Please let Beth know if you won't be able to attend in person.

2. Complete survey by COB Oct 23 on Board process refinement and recruitment 

3. By January 2024, rethink Committee assignments and membership, if interested. 

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Shobha George made a motion to adjourn meeting.
Beth Blaufuss seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Shobha George