Girls Global Academy
GGA August 2023 Board Meeting
Date and Time
Monday August 28, 2023 at 6:30 PM
Beth Blaufuss is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: My Meeting
Time: Aug 28, 2023 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Trustees Present
Andria Wisler (remote), Beth Blaufuss (remote), Laura Bartos (remote), Lauren Johannesson-McCoy (remote), Mary Pendleton (remote), Maureen Colburn (remote), Max Levasseur (remote), Shobha George (remote)
Trustees Absent
Maria Miller
Ex Officio Members Present
Karen Venable-Croft (remote)
Non Voting Members Present
Karen Venable-Croft (remote)
Guests Present
Rachel Payton (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance/Recognize Quorum/Connect
Call the Meeting to Order
II. Internal Business
Approval of minutes from last board meeting
Review of Board Compliance
Executive Director's Start of School Highlights
Karen presented her experience of the first day of school, presented the importance of investing in people, connection between student and teacher retention, SY 2023 celebrations, SY Experiential Learning, and status on Student enrollment numbers.
Karen responded to the interest in PARCC results with background information.
Finance Updates
Laura provided update on the following:
- Facilities component to the budget and pending September discussions.
- Enrollment component to the budget.
Strategic Planning Committees Work Time
Beth presented steps and options to move strategic planning forward.
Karen and her team have provided input on a draft strategic plan containing goals.
Beth requested Board-input on how to plan, prioritize & measure progress on those goals using the following questions to guide discussion:
1. Do the goals seem like the right ones for our mission and for the next three years?
2. Are the strategies suggested the highest-leverage, most focused ways to achieve the growth indicated for that goal? If they need revising, propose either new strategies or revisions of the drafted ones for Karen and her team to consider.
3. What feedback could help strengthen the tactics Karen's team implements to drive improvement?
4. What are the most urgent steps for the team to take this year to achieve the targeted improvement? What can wait until years 2 and 3?
Breakout sessions were held to advance ideas on options to assist with goal-attainment.
III. Executive Session
Executive Director Evaluation Work Session
Roll Call | |
Andria Wisler |
Maureen Colburn |
Shobha George |
LaKisha Myrick |
Lauren Johannesson-McCoy |
Laura Bartos |
Mary Pendleton |
Maria Miller |
Beth Blaufuss |
Max Levasseur |
IV. Other Updates
Board Business
Beth provided an update on the identification of new Board members.
Committee meetings would be best held before the September Board meeting.
Max will complete his submission of the Conflict of Interest form. Shobha will follow up, accordingly.
All other Board members has submitted their respective form(s).