Global Leadership Academy

K-12 Board of Directors Meeting


Date and Time

Wednesday May 1, 2024 at 4:30 PM EDT


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 4:30 PM
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests   Yekaterina Degtyareva 2 m
  B. Call the Meeting to Order   Larry Williams 1 m
II. Consent Agenda 4:33 PM
  A. Approve Previous Board Minutes 2/28/23 Approve Minutes Larry Williams 1 m
  B. Approve Previous Board Minutes 3/29/24 Approve Minutes Larry Williams 2 m
  C. Approve Previous Board Minutes 4/11/24 Approve Minutes Larry Williams 2 m
  D. Field Trip Policy Vote Julie Hemphill 2 m

The state of FL mandates certain fields be included in a Field Trip Permission Form. This policy brings us into compliance. This policy is presented to the board for review and approval.

  E. Approve Updates to 2024-25 Compensation Policy Vote Julie Hemphill

Upon further review of positions and school needs for next year, there have been 3 changes: removing a $3500 incentive for certified interventionists, adjusting all academic coaches to work over 12-months as a standard, and adjusting all deans and guidance counselors to work 10-months as a standard. We also aligned language relating to credit for years of certified teaching experience for years of service at Global to be contingent upon an effective evaluation.

  F. Stronger Connections Grant Participation Vote Julie Hemphill

The school district has received a grant to administer several programs. Our schools have been given the opportunity to request to opt into one or more programs. We are presenting our selections to the board for approval.

III. Public Comments 4:40 PM
  A. Public Comments Discuss 5 m
IV. Approval of Consent Agenda 4:45 PM
  A. Approval of Consent Agenda Vote Larry Williams 5 m
V. Discussion Items 4:50 PM
  A. Kodiak 2 Classroom remodel Vendor Vote Slavik Goryuk 2 m

Need to create two new classrooms in Kodiak Building B. Request to hire OM Construction Renovation Company to get the work done in a faster time period, they built this building a year ago. Others will have delays with permitting and new subcontractors. 

  B. SLA Management Renewal Contract Vote Ilya Soroka 2 m

SLA contract will be expired on June 9, 2024. Recommendation to approve the renewal contract

  C. Art Admissions Policies Vote Ilya Soroka 2 m

A charter school must recruit in a manner that does not discriminate against students of a particular race, color, national origin (including English language learners), religion, or sex, or against students with disabilities. Demographic information may be requested but responses are voluntary. The policy provided does not align with this requirement. The Admissions Procedures are outdated and contain lottery preferences that are not allowable. 

Need to provide evidence of approval by the governing board (ex. meeting minutes) due to a revision is needed.

  D. School Recognition Funds Vote Ilya Soroka 2 m

Intercoastal, HS and K8 schools have received either an A or school grade improvement funds. Each school has voted on their preferred distribution and the principals have prepared plans on how they would like to distribute the funds.

  E. Duval County Public Schools Proposed School Realignment Discuss Larry Williams 5 m

Board members discuss and weigh in on actions/comments by DCPS and others regarding possible school closings and charter schools impact on DCPS budget.

  F. Board Retreat - June Dates Discuss Ilya Soroka 2 m

Discuss Dates for Board Retreat in June.


June 14th, 2024 - 5:00pm-8:30pm

June 21st, 2024 - 5:00pm-8:30pm

June 28th, 2024 - 5:00pm-8:30pm

VI. Board Comments 5:05 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote