The Anchor School
Board of Directors Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday February 26, 2025 at 7:00 PM
To join the video meeting, click this link:
Directors Present
A. Pressey (remote), C. Humphrey (remote), E. Desprez Isbell (remote), J. Whittington (remote), N. LeBlanc (remote), S. Birch (remote), S. Kollu (remote), V. Thompson (remote)
Directors Absent
J. Burton
Ex Officio Members Present
J. Pinto Taylor (remote)
Non Voting Members Present
J. Pinto Taylor (remote)
Guests Present
M. Felts (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
Public Comment
- Ms. Dorothy Well celebrated the addition of 8th grade.
- Ms. Winfield, commended TAS for the hiring process (very rigorous, allows candidate to see and feel the culture, strategic in who we bring on board).
II. Executive Director Report
Executive Director Report
- Operational Updates:
- Fire Drill Schedule
- Facility Update
- Monitoring Updates
- Communication Updates:
- Marketing Services
- Collaborating with HIVE180
- Upcoming Important Dates
- March 22nd and April 19th we will have days of service on campus around 10am-2pm
- Financial Updates:
- CSP Draw Down Status
- Bank Balance End of Fiscal Year & Present
- Additional Revenue
- Academic Updates
Enrollment Data and Lottery Update
- Enrollment Updates
- Day 1 Attendance – 196
- Week 1 Total Attendance – 204
- Current Total Enrollment – 194
- Waitlist (G6) – 40
- Waitlist (G7) – 30
- Enrollment Lottery
- The spring lottery took place on Friday, February 14th.
- 94% of enrolled families have re-enrolled for next year.
- Seats were offered to all new families for Grades 6, 7, and 8.
- Shout out to Ms. Joseph and Ms. Griffith
III. Academic Achievement
Academic Dashboard Review
- Reviewed the academic dashboard new data since the last board meeting (which was the reading and math MAP data).
- 7th grade achievement is higher--indicates that more growth happens with longer time enrolled at TAS.
Academic Calendar for SY25-26
Based on the GMAS requirements for testing in April/May (The rule is no more than 25 days from the last day of school.)
Action Item: Move the first day of school 3-5 days earlier which would allow for school year to end earlier and comply with the GMAS testing window requirements
Academic Assessment Calendar SY24-25
MAP testing and Milestone testing dates have shifted to comply with requirements set by the state for testing window. Milestones are now May 13-15.
Academic Program Update (Grade 8 Plans)
Reviewed 3 different bell schedule options. Input is being gathered from Board, Staff, and Families.
Action Item: Build Option 2 with staffing considerations to determine feasibility in the staffing model. Next option would be hybrid option.
IV. Community Engagement Adhoc
Community Engagement Updates
February 24 2024
- Overall:
- We are still working to finalize the PTO kick off time with the goal of having at least 8 of the 15 interested parents available to join us (in addition to Kynea)
- Committee objectives and leadership are contingent on the kick off
- The 501c3 status filing is still underway (some unexpected delays have occurred); Bernard will let us know next steps by the early March
- We are still working to finalize the PTO kick off time with the goal of having at least 8 of the 15 interested parents available to join us (in addition to Kynea)
- Other:
- New Conflict of Interest forms will need to be completed by the Board (provided by JPT); Jaz to follow up with the board on next steps
- Sahi is working with Morgan to complete governance training; everyone else completed their trainings through the board retreat in January and the SCSC trainings in February.
V. Finance
January Financials
Reviewed the January Financial Presentation. Bernard is going to follow up with EdTech to determine if there are better ways to display aspects of the budget (specifically around variance).
Budget Development - Initial Draft
Currently at the stage of mini-session with Dr. PT, but the initial draft is not yet available. March 26th Board meeting will include an initial draft of the next FY budget.
Action Item: Finance committee to email secretary (Emily) the dates, times, and virtual links for the budget hearing meetings in the spring to be published to the legal organ. Finance committee should also schedule these via Board on Track.
VI. Governance (Policies)
CAP Submission Report
Reviewed the Corrective Action Plan that has been submitted.
Adopt Annual Facility/Maintenance Plan
These quotes are below $25,000 so staff will own this decision and no board vote necessary.
Policy Recommendation: ICE Enforcement
Policy Recommendation: Update to Enrollment Policy
In response to feedback from the SCSF, to be in compliance with CSP guidelines, the staff is recommending the adoption of an enrollment policy to comply with department of education requirement around the use of a weighted lottery.
VII. Vote to amend the agenda to add an item for information
Shelby will lead the work in committee to develop a framework to assist with planning for staffing models.
Shelby will lead the work in committee to develop a framework to assist with planning for staffing models.