The Anchor School
Board of Directors Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday April 24, 2024 at 7:00 PM
Dr. Dawn Gregory is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: TAS Board Meeting
Time: Apr 24, 2024 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Directors Present
D. Gregory (remote), D. Grissom (remote), E. Desprez Isbell (remote), J. Anfield-El (remote), J. Burton (remote), J. Whittington (remote), L. Stephens (remote), N. LeBlanc (remote), V. Thompson (remote)
Directors Absent
Ex Officio Members Present
J. Pinto Taylor (remote)
Non Voting Members Present
J. Pinto Taylor (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
Public Comment
- Marcia Wingfield (parent): Very pleased with the learning curriculum for their student at the school
- Asking the school to establish a "school zone" sign outside the school/in the surrounding area
II. Academic Updates
Academic Dashboard
Enrollment updates
- As of April, on track with an application goal
- 144 students currently projected for 2024-2025 enrollment
- Anchor School students grew more than expected based on normative national averages for Math and Reading between Fall and Winter semesters
III. Operational Updates
Facility Updates
- School has revised scope of work for Phase 2 facilities buildout to minimize the upfront financial/investment needs
- Will still bring 3 classrooms and one library space online for the 2024-2025 school year
- This allows for 5 classrooms per grade level, an extra classroom, and a library space that can serve as a flex space
- Board will communicate with Georgia's DOE and SCSC to guarantee compliance with revised scope
Staffing Report
- No vacancies for current school year
- 70% of budgeted personnel expenditures have been accounted for
- 6 positions needed for next school year - three offers have been extended for some of these positions
IV. Finance Updates (Treasurer / CFO)
Review Financial Statements / Financial Dashboard
- Additional revenue drives $50K increase to projected operating income
- Biggest savings were in Benefits & Insurances
- Net $60K increase to projected operating income
- Could reserve Special Projects budget for EOY cash-on-hand (which is still projected to be critically low)
- School is preparing to draw down federal funds after resource allocation
Enrollment Report
- Enrollment for SY2425 continues to increase month-over-month.
- Current enrollment is stable, compared to last month.
SY2425 Budget Update
- Budget deep-dive scheduled for Board discussion on Thursday, April 25
- Public budget hearings scheduled for May 4 at 10am, and May 13 at 7pm
- Plan is to vote on budget in May board meeting
Federal Programs Policy
- Important for Board to review in the school's Federal Programs and Procedures Handbook:
- Cost principles
- Duties of staff
- Procurement
- This needs to be in place before we draw down on funding for the facilities loan
CSP Grant Budget
- CSP sub-grant budget details budgeting and categories for Year 1 through Year 4
- Has already been submitted to SCSF
V. Community Engagement
Events Calendar
- Had a great community canvasing day in March
- Had community mural put up and beautification day in April
- First week of May (6-10): Teacher Appreciation Week - Board encouraged to participate
- May 2: Happy hour fundraising event
- May 8: Luncheon
- May 24: Scholar showcase
- June 3: Panelist presentations from scholars at Moving in the Spirit - Board encouraged to participate
Co-Design Session Updates
- The next co-design meeting happening next week
Fundraising Dashboard
- May 2: Helping Hands Happy Hour, fundraising event from 6:30-8pm at The Commerce Club
- Board members encouraged to sell at least 5 tickets, and to RSVP yourselves
- Board member pledges/commitments encouraged by end of April
VI. Governance
Items for Information (First Read)
- Furniture vendor
- Bus transportation vendor
- Janitorial vendor
- Food service vendor
- Student information system vendor
- Academic calendar (SY24)
Annual Policy Reviews
To review and approve in May and June board meetings:
- Fiscal policy
- Staff handbook
- Student & family handbook
- Board governing policies
- TAS bylaws
- Head of school contract
Compliance Reports
- 100% board compliance for in-person training
- 6 hours virtual training due by Tuesday, April 30th at noon EST
Executive (Governance) Committee Report
Board members were asked to review the below items for further discussion. The board approval process and committee structures will go into effect immediately.
- Board strategic policies
- Board self-assessment policies
- Board approval process
- Government management framework
- Committee structures