The Anchor School


Executive Committee Meeting


Date and Time

Saturday April 6, 2024 at 9:00 AM


Virtual Meeting

Committee Members Present

D. Gregory (remote), J. Anfield-El (remote), J. Whittington (remote), N. LeBlanc (remote)

Committee Members Absent


Guests Present

V. Thompson (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

N. LeBlanc called a meeting of the Executive Committee of The Anchor School to order on Saturday Apr 6, 2024 at 9:13 AM.


Approve Meeting Minutes - Feb 2024

D. Gregory made a motion to approve the minutes from Executive Committee Meeting on 02-06-24.
J. Anfield-El seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Meeting Minutes - March 7th - Audit

D. Gregory made a motion to approve the minutes from Executive Finance Committee Audit Discussion on 03-07-24.
J. Anfield-El seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Meeting Minutes - March 7th Exec

D. Gregory made a motion to approve the minutes from Executive Committee Finance Meeting on 03-07-24.
J. Anfield-El seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Financial Management


Financial Health Check-up

  • Reminder: Board has already approved budget towards external consulting services related to finance, HR, and governance. 
  • Having a financial health review is timely to identify gaps in our financial governance — this will help the Board understand how a Finance Committee should be structured, and what immediate focuses should be. 
    • Financial health review scope cannot be altered. 
  • Governance consulting will not go deep into financial review (governance consultant is serving as a fractional CFO for another Board and has time restrictions to complete this work). 
  • Two charter schools that we engage with for understanding have expressed sentiment for being dissatisfied with EdTech's services. 
  • The Executive Committee supports employing Candy Yu/Avolon for financial consulting services and will be moving forward. 

III. HR Services


HR Consultant (Tausha Mabry)

  • Executive Committee believes that offer letter and bonus structure misunderstandings between school and the Board present governance risk. 
  • Dr. Gregory believes that offer letter process should be one of the first engagements from the HR consulting services. 
  • The Executive Committee wants to see if we're able to package a handful of deliverables to be received in May, for $5,000. These deliverables include (in order of priority):
    • Revising offer letters and contracts (including templates)
    • Update Board & Management HR processes: hiring/onboarding, termination,  leaves, salary negotiations, local agency inquiries, performance management, and audit findings.
    • Training (based on needs and development plan) i.e. time management, prioritization, delegation, conflict resolution, email / communication management
    • HR Audit & Analysis (includes recommendations) (abbreviated if required)

IV. Governance


Governance Consulting


Governance Items

Executive Committee would like to moved forward with Tier II revised scope of services.


  • Collaborate with Board and Administration to establish Board Committees to streamline accountability and support for the school’s academic, financial, and operational performance;
  • Collaborate with the Board and Administration to identify key priorities for Board and Committee action, including an immediate review of Board action and support for human resources and financial sustainability
  • Collaborate with Board and Administration to organize Board and Committee Meeting Agendas in alignment with the school’s annual calendar and immediate needs;
  • Support Organization and Implementation of Board Records, Policies, and administrative affairs; (e.g. Support the effective use of BoardOnTrack)
  • Support Board Member Recruitment and Succession Planning and Onboard New Board Members;
  • Provide Advice and Counsel Regarding Best Practices During Board and Committee Meetings (Upon Request);
  • Provide Operational and Governance Advice and Counsel to Support the Governing Board in Fulfilling its Fiduciary Duties;


Board Voting Process

The executive committee agreed to begin a formalized board voting process, to include an expedited schedule for urgent and time-sensitive items.  This will enable sufficient time for board review, discussions, Q&A, and votes, while ensuring agility and a speedy process for decision-making. 


Additionally, the executive committee agrees the Board Chair and Vice Chair will own the monthly board agenda.  All committees / teams / Head of School will submit agenda items to the Chair and Vice-Chair, along with any associated documents (8) eight days prior to the scheduled board meeting.  Agenda items and documents not received within this timeline may not be included in the final agenda. 

V. Public Comment


Public Comment

There were no public attendees. 

VI. Budgeting Process


Budget Process Recommendations

D. Gregory made a motion to Discuss budgeting process, CSP grant budget discussion, and LIIF loan financing calendar, and federal policy vote shall be moved to the upcoming board budget meeting, to be facilitated by the board Treasurer.
J. Whittington seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


CSP Grant Budget Discussion

CSP grant budget discussion was tabled and moved to an upcoming board budget meeting, facilitated by the board Treasurer. 


Liif Loan Financing Calendar

The Liif Loan financial calendar was tabled and moved to an upcoming board budget meeting to be facilitated by the board Treasurer. 


Federal Policy Vote

The federal policy draft was provided by the Board Chair.   The executive committee was encouraged to review and edit the draft.  The federal policy discussion was tabled and moved to an upcoming board budget meeting, facilitated by the board Treasurer.   The federal policy vote was tabled until the April 24, 2024, board meeting. 

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 10:40 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. Gregory