The Anchor School
Board of Directors Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday November 29, 2023 at 7:00 PM
Meeting ID: 764 152 1775
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Meeting ID: 764 152 1775
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Directors Present
D. Gregory (remote), D. Grissom (remote), E. Desprez Isbell (remote), J. Anfield-El (remote), J. Burton (remote), J. Whittington (remote), L. Stephens (remote), N. LeBlanc (remote), V. Thompson (remote)
Directors Absent
T. Ramsey
Ex Officio Members Present
J. Pinto Taylor (remote)
Non Voting Members Present
J. Pinto Taylor (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
Public Comment
II. School Opening Updates
Enrollment Updates
- 80 students currently enrolled
- Considering reopening enrollment to keep enrollment between 80-100
Enrollment Policy Update
- Our school policy allows us to set a weighted enrollment policy
- Emily proposes that TAS not have a weighted enrollment for the 2024–2025 school year; continue to evaluate year after year
- Public comment: M. Wingfield supports open enrollment policy
Enrollment Weighted Lottery Vote
III. Finance
CFO Financial Reports
- Form 990 has been filed for the school, includes names of board members from reporting year
- Forecast is steady overall
- Cash still expected to be critically low beginning in April 2024
- Resolved landlord billing issue - should see credits applied in January 2024
Overall Fundraising
- TAS raised approx. $5,100 from individual contributions in November (exceeding expectations)
- In the process of applying for $75,000 grant
- Also in process of applying to a competitive $1 million CSP grant
Board Contribution
- Board has agreed to collectively contribute to $25,000 for fiscal year
- Dr. Gregory has asked the board how it plans to reach the $25,000 goal
- Giving Tuesday has started - encourage networks to contribute
- Donors receive a batch response from TAS for any cash donation
- Nicole would like to discuss personal contribution goals for board members at the January board retreat. Also shared ideas for structured fundraising events that can take place in the spring.
Compensation Plans
- Dr. Pinto-Taylor has proposed an updated compensation plan that includes salary ranges based on years of experience and education levels
- The goal is to offer fair and competitive pay to TAS staff
- Dekalb County and Atlanta Public Schools were used as reference points
CEO Contract
CFO Update
- CFO is resigning
- Dr. Pinto-Taylor is recommending Peter Laub for CFO based on experience, education and credentials
- Dr. Pinto-Taylor will confirm with Board when this goes into effect
IV. Governance
Board Retreat Planning
- January dates are confirmed for the retreat - agenda will be confirmed soon
- Board members should send Jasmine and Dr. Gregory and agenda items that you're interested in discussing or facilitating
Compliance Review
- SCSC compliance training is happening in April 2024 - Board members are encouraged to attend
- This will only be 12 out of the required 15 hours. Must complete the rest online.
- Complete online training as soon as possible
- You can complete training with approved vendors, but must submit documentation
- VERY important to complete training on time
Board Terms
- Deferring vote on board terms - Can discuss this further at the January retreat
Public Comment
V. Facility Updates
Recommendation from Facility Working Group
- Facilities working group recommended the design-build partnership of Winter Construction and Cooper Carry Architects for Phase 2 of facilities work
VI. Academic Updates
SY 2024-2025 Academic Calendar
- Dr. Pinto-Taylor has prepared a recommendation for a slightly revised academic calendar for 2024-2025 school year - follows Dekalb County School's calendar more closely
VII. Community Engagement
Community Events & Activities.
- Successful co-design team meeting today
- Community of Practice events going well
- Fall Student Presentations of Learning happening on December 20th
- Looking for volunteers! Any time from 12 – 8p.m.
VIII. Closing Items
Summary of Commitments
- Finance team is working on obtaining a line of credit, and is continuing to track cash flow
- Dr. Pinto-Taylor's compensation adjustment will happen in January - details need to be confirmed
- Board retreat planned for January 28th from 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. -> Send ideas to Jasmine/Dr. Gregory
- Next board meeting will happen in person in January
- Volunteers needed for community/student event happening on December 20 at TAS
- Review any of your previous commitments on BoardOnTrack