The Anchor School
Board of Directors Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday August 23, 2023 at 7:00 PM
The Anchor School
2460 Wesley Chapel Rd
Decatur,Georgia 30035
Directors Present
D. Gregory, D. Grissom, E. Desprez Isbell, J. Anfield-El (remote), J. Burton (remote), J. Whittington, N. LeBlanc, T. Ramsey (remote), V. Thompson
Directors Absent
L. Stephens
Ex Officio Members Present
J. Pinto Taylor
Non Voting Members Present
J. Pinto Taylor
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
July 22 minutes edit - the board approved the subset committee for budget review, not the actual budget.
II. School Opening Updates
Enrollment Updates (120)
III. Finance
Amended Budget Review
Amended budget, subcommittee approved budget. Everything asked for has been incorporated. Ben Crowe - presentation - ended year with operating income of $153K, FY 24 Current budget shows net operating income increase of $46K.
SCSC dashboard - only red is for unrestricted days cash. Venecia - s there any point that we dip into reserves? Only at the end of the year. Growing dashboard - in line with the budget, grant revenue may throw it off.
CFO Financial Reports
Accomplishments - over $1.2M in grants. Improve student recruitment efforts. Monitor grants. Work on obtaining a line of credit. Nicole LeBlanc- Unsecured fundraising? - not promised.
Jamaal Whittington, new school will be difficult to get a line of credit. Tie Josh or someone from the school to the credit card. Ben Crowe to send copy of the presentation along with amended budget.
Financial Dashboard & Budget Planning Calendar
Will table this discussion for the retreat.
IV. Governance
Welcome New Board Members
Dr. Gregory- welcome new board members. New Board Members to be onboarded shortly. Dr. G to send the link. Will go through the nitty gritty during the board retreat.
HR Consultant Vote
HR Consultant - voted on the last meeting, Dr. Gregory proposes to table discussion.
Dr. Pinto Taylor - we have a couple of options. May the team choose the consultant? E. Desprez Isbel- on staff or totally third party? - Dr. Pinto Taylor- third party will do it.
Board Meeting Calendar Review
Dr. Gregory went over meeting dates. Meetings will alternate in person and virtual. We need to talk about end of year board retreat. Usually happens in June. Not a public meeting.
Board Retreat Planning
Agenda items - key documents - LEA, Charter, Bylaws, Policies. Our charter is the contract with the state. Communications policy posted on the website and was accidentally discovered. We have 5 days to update changes to the SCSC portal.
Dr. Pinto Taylor - year zero planning document originally showed 30 days. Another agenda item - executive director review. Board needs to take training for ED review. Taylor Ramsey to take test soon.
Compliance Review Task Assignments
SCSC - initial checklist on board governance - latest update is annual monitoring process to monitor policies and processes - proof that we are doing what we are supposed to be doing. First submission is September 18th. Will be helpful for the board to understand process
Hiring Process Discussion
Recommendation that when management hires someone that the offer has a signature from Management team and a Board Member. Hold for retreat.
Public Comment
No public comments
D. Grissom - is there an opportunity for the public to meet the board? Maybe at a parent-teacher conference. Show a united front.
Dr. Gregory- incorporate something into the board calendar.
N. LeBlanc - incorporate community comments into the agenda? Yes it is in the bylaws. E. Desprez Isbel- the things need a change a lot of people show up.
V. Facility Updates
Facility Renovation Status
Dr. Pinto Taylor - Received Certificate of Occupancy since last meeting. Building is in good shape and serving our needs well. They see vision for growth. In the next month we will begin next phase of design work. A design team could help us think through how we can best use the space. Another ad-hoc facilities meeting.
N. LeBlanc - how far out are you planning? How long will we be in this location? Dr. Pinto Taylor- How many students can we serve here, we can have a strong middle school facility. High school would have to be in another location. Nobody is currently walking to school because of traffic on Snapfinger road. Programming for 16 more classrooms, more extracurricular activities. Full scale kitchen and cafeteria. Design work with architects, capital campaign.
VI. Academic Updates
Academic Dashboard
E. Desprez Isbell - academic dashboard - tracks goals from various docs from SCSC, worth adding to the board retreat - look at in document review.
Dr. Pinto Taylor- Management would like to know what would the board like to see on an academic dashboard. Dr. Gregory - has the list of tools been finalized? Interactive excel now, tableau later down the road. J. Whittington - there is a new technology that is free Rows AI, should be a powerful tool. Jasmine Burton - design work - co-design team will be for next year.
Head of School Annual Evaluation
Will be discussed at the retreat
VII. Community Engagement
Community Events & Activities.
J. Burton- Hi tech high - came on the first day of school, really impressed with the progress we’re making with project-based learning. We could bring them back this fall once we learn of their plans. Media day on September 19. V. Thompson- what type of marketing? Digital media campaign. Field trip every semester - this semester will be to an innovation hub. Dr. Pinto Taylor is taking suggestions for field-trips. Trips could be one house at a time.
Dr. Pinto Taylor - grantors have been helpful and generous. 2-day charter school growth fund retreat coming up
Dr. Gregory - we want to have news media come in. What Josh has done is phenomenal. Add media day to the board retreat.
Members who want to volunteer for the facilities team should email Dr. Pinto Taylor.
VIII. Closing Items
Summary of Commitments
Joseph Anfied-El discussed the summary of commitments. Dr. Gregory expounded on the offer letter proposal.
Orientation - Dr. Josh Pinto TYLOR -positive relationship building, expectation setting, our school is unique and different. Scholars learned about “houses”… announced first House champion. Scholars showing up with love. Diving into academic content. High academic expectations.
Dr. Dawn Gregory - we need to do some marketing.
Dr. Pinto Taylor - 1st half day Friday is August 25th. After school programming starts after labor day.
Derrick Grissom- how many students are new to a charter school? Showing the love differentiates us from other schools. Dr. Gregory- Living the mission and vision, wonderful first week. Dr. Pinto Taylor- there’s an advantage to starting smaller.
On track for 80-100 enrolled. 173 applications, 103 spots, using first week to get solid documentation. Much more firm number at next board meeting. 35 students on waitlist. Emily Desprez Isbell- did attendance fluctuate during the week? Dr. Pinto Taylor - pretty consistent, started opening waitlist late last week. Vanecia Thompson - how is transportation going? Good - 5 satellite stops, students either miss breakfast or advisory, will be starting earlier buses next week. 35 students are riding the bus, and growing. V. Thompson - how is lunch going? Good, positive overall. (Blue, orange, green, gold.)