The Anchor School
TAS General Board Meeting
Date and Time
Saturday March 25, 2023 at 11:00 AM
Topic: TAS Board Meeting
Time: Feb 25, 2023 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Directors Present
D. Gregory (remote), E. Desprez Isbell (remote), J. Burton (remote), J. Whittington (remote), T. Ramsey (remote)
Directors Absent
M. Sutton
Ex Officio Members Present
J. Pinto Taylor (remote)
Non Voting Members Present
J. Pinto Taylor (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
No discussion.
Public Comment
II. Enrollment Updates
Progress towards enrollment target (120)
Discussed progress to current and future goals. Noted that the SCSC goal of 65% of applications against enrollment goal has been met. Discussed actions to meet April SCSC enrollment goals.
III. Governance
Compliance Requirements & Status
We are on track and in compliance with all SCSC pre-opening checklist items. No other discussion at this time.
New Board Member(s)
After review and vetting, Joseph Anfield-El was presented to the board for a membership vote.
BoardOnTrack Contract Renewal
Contigency Planning
Noted that we are on track for enrollment at the time. Discussed the need for contingency planning for the governance committee to plan for budget, strategy, and facility implications.
E-Rate Vendor
This vendor was chosen because they offered the lowest cost proposal for the technology supported by our current technology provider.
IV. Finance
Budget Hearings
No public comments were made about the proposed budget. The board used this time to continue discussing the FY24 budget.
Head of School Contract & Compensation
This process is underway and will be continued in the future.
GEER II Fellowship Grant Acceptance
GEER II Start-Up Growth Funding Resolution
V. Academic Committee
Personnel Handbook
Designated Superintendent
VI. Facility
Facility Updates
Review of design-build process and current standing against goals.
VII. Community Engagement Committee
April 22 Board Volunteer Event
Used this time to plan for volunteer opportunities in the month of April.
Fellowship Update (San Diego)
Discussed learnings from our recent visit to High Tech High.
TAS Marketing Updates/Strategy
Provided updates about marketing strategies and April goals.
VIII. Closing Items
Public Comment
No public comment at this time.
Summary of Actions
Members of the board will send Dr. Pinto Taylor their availability to support enrollment efforts.
Dr. Pinto Taylor will provide regular updates for enrollment progress.
Dr. Pinto Taylor will upload the approved handbook for SCSC review.
Dr. Pinto Taylor will update E-Rate providers about the outcome of the E-Rate vote.
No public comments were provided at this time.