The Anchor School

Board of Directors Meeting

Monthly BOD Meeting
Published on May 15, 2024 at 6:59 PM EDT
Amended on May 15, 2024 at 8:23 PM EDT

Date and Time

Wednesday May 22, 2024 at 7:00 PM EDT


The Anchor School

2460 Wesley Chapel Rd

Decatur, GA 30035


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 7:00 PM
  A. Record Attendance   Nicole LeBlanc 1 m
  B. Call the Meeting to Order   Dawn Gregory 1 m
  C. Approve Minutes Approve Minutes Nicole LeBlanc 1 m
II. Operational Updates 7:03 PM

The board will review and discuss operational updates (i.e. staffing, facility, etc.)

  A. Facility Updates Discuss Laura Stephens 5 m

The Operations Committee will provide an update regarding facility expansion, construction schedule and maintenance.

  B. Staffing Report Discuss Josh Pinto Taylor 5 m

The board will review and discuss the staffing report to evaluate needs and ensure alignment with the school's financial health and enrollment goals. 

  • Current staffing
  • Current vacancies
  • New Hires / Offer Letter Requests
  • SY24 staffing plans



  C. Staffing Report Template Discuss Derrick Grissom 1 m

First Read: The Operations Committee will discuss the need for a staffing report tool.

  D. Employee Handbook Discuss Laura Stephens 1 m

First Read: The operations committee will introduce the need to review and revise the employee handbook. 


  E. Vendor Considerations Discuss Josh Pinto Taylor 15 m

The Operations Committee will facilitate board discussions and approval for the following vendor categories:

  • Furniture vendor 
  • Bus transportation vendor 
  F. Other Operational Updates Discuss Josh Pinto Taylor 2 m

The board will review and discuss other operational updates.

III. Finance Updates (Treasurer / CFO) 7:32 PM

The board will review and discuss the school's financial health and sustainability.    

  A. Enrollment Dashboard & SCSC Submittal Discuss Jaamal Whittington 1 m

The finance committee will review the recent SCSC enrollment data submission for SY24 (funding data) and current SY23 enrollment. Additionally, the finance committee will present the enrollment dashboard, for board consideration and adoption. 

  B. Enrollment Dashboard Discuss Dawn Gregory 2 m

First Read:  The finance committee will discuss the need for a formal enrollment dashboard. 

  C. Budget Discussion / Review Financial Statements / Financial Dashboard Discuss Jaamal Whittington and Peter Laub 20 m

The board will review and discuss the financial statements / financial dashboard.   

  D. Auditor Selection Discuss Jaamal Whittington 1 m

The finance committee will introduce the need to select an auditor, and provide the required timeline. 


  E. LIIF Loan Financing Update Discuss Jaamal Whittington 5 m

The board will review and discuss the Low Income Investment Fund (LIIF) construction loan details, process and timeline.

IV. Governance 8:01 PM

The governance (executive) committee will provide updates for review and discussion. 

  A. Executive Session - Personnel Discussion Discuss Dawn Gregory 20 m

To discuss or deliberate the appointment, employment, compensation, hiring, disciplinary action or dismissal, or periodic evaluation or rating of an employee [O.C.G.A. 50-14-3(b)(2)]. 

  B. Communication Policy Discuss Joseph Anfield-El 1 m

First Read: The executive committee will identify the need for a board-administration communicaiton policy. 

  C. Head of School Contract Discuss Dawn Gregory 1 m

First Read: The executive committee will discuss the need for creation of the SY24 Head of School contract. 

  D. Items for Information (First Read) Discuss Dawn Gregory 2 m

Items for information will be presented to the board for subsequent action (i.e. voting, decision-making, policy development):

  • Staff Handbook (Operations Committee)
  • Staffing Report (Operations Committee)
  • Student & Family Handbook (Academic Committee)
  • Head of School Contract (Governance Committee)
  • Communication Policy (Governance/Executive Committee)
  • Enrollment Dashboard (Finance Committee)

Deferred to June & August

  • Board Governing Policies (Governance Committee)
  • Board Recruitment (Governance/Executive Committee)
  • TAS Bylaws (Governance/Executive Committee)
  • Fiscal Policies (Financial Committee)
  E. Comprehensive Performance Framework (CPF) Intro Discuss Morgan Felts 10 m

The board will receive a high-level review on the comprehensive performance framework. 

  F. Board Officer Nominations Discuss Dawn Gregory 3 m

Nominations are open for candidates interested in serving in an officer role (chair, vice chair, secretary and treasurer) for SY 24.

V. Academic Updates 8:38 PM

The board will review and discuss academic performance.

  A. Academic Dashboard FYI Emily Desprez Isbell 2 m

The academic committee will review new academic dashboard data.

  B. Student & Family Handbook Discuss Emily Desprez Isbell 1 m

First Read: The Academic Committee will introduce the needs for student/family handbook review and revisions. 


  C. School Calendar Discuss Nicole LeBlanc 5 m

The academic committee will present the SY24 academic calendar for board discussion and approval.

  D. Other Academic Updates Discuss Josh Pinto Taylor 1 m

The board will review and discuss other academic updates.


VI. Community Engagement 8:47 PM

The board will be provided with community engagement updates.

  A. Events Calendar Discuss Jasmine Burton 1 m

The board will review and discuss upcoming events and activities. 



  B. Fundraising Dashboard FYI Vanecia Thompson 2 m

The board will review and discuss general fundraising and board commitment status and progress towards goals.  

  C. Public Comment FYI Jasmine Burton 3 m

The Anchor School welcomes engagement from its village of students, parents, educators, and community partners.

  D. Phonathon Discuss Jasmine Burton 1 m

The community engagement committee will share details for the upcoming phonation. 

VII. Voting Actions 8:54 PM

The board will vote on the presented action items. 

  A. Furniture Vendor Vote Vote Joseph Anfield-El 1 m

The board will vote to approve a furniture vendor.

  B. Bus Transportation Vendor Vote Vote Joseph Anfield-El 1 m

The board will vote to approve a bus transportation vendor.

  C. Auditor Vote Vote Joseph Anfield-El 1 m

The board will vote to approve an auditor. 

  D. Head of School Contract Amendment Discuss Joseph Anfield-El 1 m

The board will vote to approve amendments to the Head of School Contract

  E. School Calendar Vote Discuss Joseph Anfield-El 1 m

The board will vote to approve the SY24 Anchor School Calendar

VIII. Closing Items 8:59 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote Dawn Gregory 1 m

This is the conclusion of the meeting, and proceedings will be officially adjourned.