The Anchor School

Community Engagement + Academic Committee Meeting

Published on January 30, 2023 at 7:25 PM EST

Date and Time

Tuesday February 7, 2023 at 5:30 PM EST



I. Opening Items
  A. Call the Meeting to Order

The purpose of this meeting is to officially begin the meeting.

  B. Record Attendance

The purpose of this item is to record attendance for the purpose of identifying whether we have a quorum for the meeting.

  C. Public Comment

The purpose of this item is to allow for the public to make comments to the committee.

II. Community Engagement Committee
  A. Advisory Prospecting Discussion

The purpose of this item is to discuss whether the committee would like to expand through advisory members.

  B. Marketing Strategy Discussion

The purpose of this item is to discuss marketing and communication strategies/updates

  C. Enrollment & Lottery Updates

The purpose of this item is to discuss proposed enrollment and lottery updates

  D. Community Outreach Discussion

The purpose of this item is to discuss community engagement strategy.

  E. Grant Update

The purpose of this item is to provide a brief update on recent grant and fellowship activities.

  F. Partnership Prospecting

The purpose of this item is to discuss potential community-based partners for The Anchor School.

III. Academic Committee
  A. Academic Committee - Student Info System (Josh)

The purpose of this item is to discuss where we are with obtaining a Student Information System by April 1st. 

  B. Teacher Recruitment (Josh Pinto Taylor)

The purpose of this item is to discuss the process for student recruitment and if there are ways for the board to support. 

IV. Public Comment

The purpose of this section is to allow for public comment on any of the items shared or discussed in meeting. 

V. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting