Board Meeting

Date and Time

Monday May 1, 2017 at 6:30 PM MST


CASA Academy (1500 W Maryland Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85015)
CASA Academy Governing Board meetings will take place at the CASA Academy campus (1500 W Maryland Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85015). Per A.R.S. § 38-431.02, notice of meetings for CASA Academy and any of its committees will be posted on this website. Notices will also be posted in the front office of CASA Academy (1500 W Maryland Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85015), which is open from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday.


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
Minutes from 3/6/2017    
    Approve minutes for Board Meeting on April 3, 2017
  D. Approve Prior Minutes
    Approve minutes for Dress Rehearsal for Annual Event on February 22, 2017
  E. Approve Prior Minutes
    Approve minutes for CASA Academy Annual Event on February 24, 2017
II. Facility
  A. Update on Timeline
5/11/17 Furniture removed from cafeteria into room 11 by paras. L&M catering does lunch in classrooms for scholars through last day of school.
5/15/17-5/16/17 Retiling of cafeteria occurs
5/17/17 Furniture moved back into cafeteria (lunch can potentially be in cafeteria for last 2 days of school)
5/18/17 Curricular check-outs occur in all classrooms
5/19/17 Check outs occur for all rooms; for any rooms that will be moved, Jenna ensures that everything is packed up and labeled (nothing in closets, etc.)
5/19/17 Copy machine moved into room 16 at 1 PM
5/20/17 Volunteer event- remove furniture from classrooms in which construction will take place
5/22/17 Fence extended around new classrooms
5/22/17-5/24/17 Asbestos removal occurs; on 5/24 testing occurs in morning; demolition company should be able to come in at approximately noon. DP Electric will come in that day to disconnect the electricity.
5/24/17-5/26/17 Demolition occurs
5/29/17-5/30/17 Tiling occurs in rooms 8 and 9
7/15/17 Volunteer event- put furniture back into classrooms; deep clean of classrooms in which construction occurred
7/1/17 2 new doors rekeyed
III. Finance
  A. Discuss Budget Changes for 2017-2018

See attached document...

  B. March Financials

See attached document...

IV. Governance
  A. Update from Governance Committee

Update on Board Membership and Board Requirements

V. CEO Update
  A. Update from CO-CEOs
VI. Old Business
  A. Vote on 2017-2018 Bus Contract

See attached document...

VII. New Business
  A. Vote on Special Eduation Services Contract for 2017-2018

See attached document...

  B. Vote on Speech Contract for 2017-2018

See attached document...

  C. Vote on Auditor (Henry Fortino) for 2016-2017 Audit

See attached document...

  D. Vote on Mark Tucker's Board Membership
  E. Vote on Crystal Chavez's Board Membership
  F. Vote on Teacher Evaluation for 2017-2018
  G. Vote on 2016-2017 Budget (Revised)

This retrospective vote on the current school year's budget is due to the change in state reimbursement.  See attached document..

VIII. Other Business
  A. Discuss Board Dates to Vote on 2017-2018 Budget (officially and in accordance with State law)
  • Set dates for Board votes on 2017-2018 budgets: Budget forms should come out end of May. Once the proposed is approved you must wait 10 calendar days to approve the adopted.
  • Potential Dates: 5th of June- 5 minute conference call meeting to approve the proposed budget; June 16th in the afternoon (4:30-5:30 PM)- in-person meeting to approve the adopted budget (5 minute- Open Hearing, then Board Meeting)
** If state doesn't approve their budget, the June 5th meeting may not work. We may have to hold a special board meeting via phone to approve the proposed budget.
IX. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting