East Bay Innovation Academy


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday August 20, 2015 at 7:30 PM


EBIA - 3400 Malcolm Ave, Oakland, CA 94605

Directors Present

Gary Borden (remote), Laurie Jacobson Jones, Rochelle Benning, Tom Pryor (remote)

Directors Absent

Ken Berrick, Matt Williams, Tali Levy

Guests Present

Devin Krugman, Renee Cooper

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Laurie Jacobson Jones called a meeting of the board of directors of East Bay Innovation Academy to order on Thursday Aug 20, 2015 at 7:36 PM.


Approve Minutes


Adjourn Open Session

Open Session adjourned at 7:37 p.m. to go into Closed Session Pursuant to Section 54957 by L. Jacobson Jones.

II. Academic Excellence


Resume Open Session and Record Attendance

Open Session resumed at 8:11 pm. Board Members Present: Laurie Jacobson Jones, Rochelle Benning, Gary Borden and Tom Pryor.


Teacher Preparation, Team Update

Devin Krugman presented board with Team Update and status of Teacher Preparation.
Devin Krugman reported on orientation and planning with new and returning teachers.


2015/16 Scope and Sequence and Bell Schedule

Devin Krugman presented Bell Schedule for 2015/2016 and addressed special needs within schedule.


Year 1 to 2 Curriculum Update

Devin Krugman presented results from testing and ways to improve upon the results.

III. Finance


2014/15 Results

Michelle Cho presented preliminary 2014/2015 financial results pending final audit. M. Cho presented the preliminary 2015/2016 budget as well as cash flow projections. L. Jacobsen Jones moved to authorize Director of Curriculum and Instruction. Motion seconded by Rochelle Benning. The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Financing Update

R. Benning discussed different financing options. Motion made by L. Jacobson Jones to move forward with CSC to factor November LCFF Apportionment. Motion amended by Tom Pryor to check with county if they will guarantee loanand if not to move forward with CSC. Amended motion seconded by Gary Borden. The board VOTED unanimously to approve the amended motion.


Updated Finance Policy

Tom Pryor moved to approve the new purchasing limits as proposed in the 8/20/2015 Agenda. Motion seconded by Rochelle Benning. Baord VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Enrollment Update

L. Jacobson Jones prenested enrollment update.

IV. Governance


Board Expansion Committee update

R. Benning reported on status of Expansion Comittee.

V. Other Business


Consent Agenda

Nothing to report.


Policy Updates

D. Krugman discussed the policies being reviewed and proposed and modifications. Moved by R. Benning to approve the policies as presented. Motion seconded by Tom Pryor. Board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Motion by L. Jacobsen Jones to adjourn at 9:10p.m. Motion seconded by T. Pryor. Board VOTED to unanimously approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:10 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Renee Cooper