East Bay Innovation Academy


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday April 15, 2015 at 7:30 PM


3400 Malcolm Ave, Oakland 94605

Directors Present

Gary Borden, Laurie Jacobson Jones, Rochelle Benning (remote), Tali Levy, Tom Pryor (remote)

Directors Absent

Amber Banks, Ken Berrick, Matt Williams

Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

Tom Pryor

Guests Present

Dena Koren, Devin Krugman

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Laurie Jacobson Jones called a meeting of the board of directors of East Bay Innovation Academy to order on Wednesday Apr 15, 2015 at 7:50 PM.


Approve Minutes

Laurie Jacobson Jones made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 03-18-15 Board Meeting on 03-18-15.
Gary Borden seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Laurie Jacobson Jones made a motion to shift the Board Meeting order to allow the two guest speakers to present before the planned adjournment to Closed Session Board Meeting on 03-18-15.
Gary Borden seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Sections III-VII of the original Agenda (sections II-VI below) in addition to Public Comment, were heard prior to the Closed Session.

II. Academic Excellence


Department Update: English Language Arts

Mick Terrizzi and Collette Kang presented the board with a description of EBIA's 6th and 7th grade English Language Arts instructional model.
Tom Pryor arrived.


School Climate Survey (with Seneca)

Devin Krugman presented an overview of the School Climate and Culture assessment being conducted by Seneca. Service was donated by Seneca.


School-wide Scorecard

Devin Krugman presented the EBIA Schoolwide Scorecard, which measures accountability to state and district accountability measures, as well as petition metrics EBIA has promised to deliver on and interim goals for reaching the metric of commitments over 3-4 years.

III. Finance


March 2014/15 Financial Update

Dena Koren presented a financial update, updating the Board on forecast refinement. The forecast is for EBIA to end the year with a negative fund balance. School leadership is working on adjustments to mitigate this issue and also to create a more favorable starting cash position for 2015/16.


Multi Year Plan

Dena Koren presented the Board with an update on the revised draft on the 3-year budget, and 2015-16 cash flow.

IV. Operations


Enrollment Update

Laurie Jacobson Jones presented the Board with an update. Next year's classes are 85% enrolled, with an 80% percent acceptance rate.


Teacher Recruiting Update

Laurie Jacobson-Jones presented a hiring update. 7-8 positions are being filled, mostly 8th grade, in addition to an Associate Head of School. Devin Krugman and Laurie Jacobson-Jones are working on interviews.

V. Development


EBIA Springfest Update

Laurie Jacobson Jones updated the Board on the Springfest fundraiser. Three components: spin-a-thon, street party, and on-line auction.

VI. Governance


Board member Transitions

Kim Smith, 3rd co-founder and mentor, has resigned from the Board. It is anticipated that Amber Banks will resign from the Board in June.

VII. Public Comment


Public Comment (3 minutes each)

There was one question from a member of the public (prior to Closed Session).

VIII. Closed Session Pursuant to Section 54957


Adjourn Open Session

Laurie Jacobson Jones made a motion to close the Open Session.
Tom Pryor seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Open Session closed at 9:31.


Record Attendance

Closed session commenced at 9:34. Members present: Laurie Jacobson Jones, Gary Borden, Tom Pryor, Shelley Benning (remote) and Tali Levy


Conference with Labor Negotiator

Board conference with labor negotiator about upcoming process.


Adjourn Closed Session

Laurie Jacobson Jones made a motion to adjourn closed session.
Tom Pryor seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IX. Closing Items


Resume Open Session and Record Attendance

Laurie Jacobson Jones made a motion to re-open the Board Meeting.
Tom Pryor seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Session opened at 10:12 p.m. Members present: Laurie Jacobson Jones, Gary Borden, Tom Pryor, Shelley Benning (remote) and Tali Levy.


Adjourn Meeting

Laurie Jacobson Jones made a motion to adjourn.
Tom Pryor seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 10:13 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Tali Levy