East Bay Innovation Academy


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday July 23, 2014 at 8:00 PM


3400 Malcolm Ave, Oakland 94605

Directors Present

Amber Banks (remote), Kim Smith (remote), Laurie Jacobson Jones, Rochelle Benning, Tali Levy, Tom Pryor

Directors Absent


Guests Present

Alex Harp, Dena Koren, Devin Krugman, Emily Loecher, Milton Howard

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Laurie Jacobson Jones called a meeting of the board of directors of East Bay Innovation Academy to order on Wednesday Jul 23, 2014 at 8:06 PM.


Approve Minutes

Rochelle Benning made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 06-25-14 Board Meeting on 06-25-14.
Tom Pryor seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Carried with a vote of 5 YES/0 NO.
Meeting minutes from 06-11-14 and 06-18-14 were also approved in this vote.

II. Academic Excellence


EBIA Model and Teacher Development Update

Devin Krugman presented the Board with the Draft Professional Development Plan for Summer 2014, as well as the Draft 2014-14 Professional Development Plan.

III. CEO Support And Eval


EBIA Implementation Plan Summary

Alex Harp presented the Board with an overview of the Strategic Implementation Plan, which will be more fully presented at the next Board meeting.

IV. Facility


Prop 39 Agreement Update

Laurie Jones presented the Board with an update on the Proposition 39 Facility. OUSD delivered the keys to the building on time on July 1. EBIA and OUSD are still negotiating on two points: furnishings and custodial services. Rochelle Benning updated the Board on efforts towards future growth and the impending need for a larger facility.

V. Finance


FY 2014 Cash Flow

Emily Loecher gave the Board a brief overview of the Budget. At the subsequent Board Meeting in August, with a better estimate of actual student enrollment, the cash-flow will be more clear.

VI. Other Business


Hiring Update

Laurie Jones presented the Board with an update on staff hiring. All the core staff positions have been filled. There is one position left to fill, and there are candidates in the pipeline. Additionally, there are strong candidates for tutoring positions.


EBIA Enrollment Update

Laurie Jones presented the Board with an Enrollment update. There are currently 227 students enrolled (74 in 7th grade and 153 in 6th grade).


Consent Agenda

Rochelle Benning made a motion to adopt the consent agenda.
Tom Pryor seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Carried by a vote of 5 YES/0 NO.

VII. Governance


Board Development

Laurie Jones asked the Board to start thinking about Board development, as it is time for the Board to expand. ACTION ITEM: Laurie Jones will use the Higher Bar tools to develop a Board composition matrix. ACTION ITEM: Laurie Jones will connect EBIA community volunteer grantwriters with Emily Loecher. Tom Pryor volunteered to lead a Board Development Committee. Amber Banks, Kim Smith and Rochelle Benning will serve on the committee.
Kim Smith made a motion to give Laurie Jones the power to investigate whether the Board Development Committee should be be ad hoc or a standing committee.
Amber Banks seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Carried by a vote of 6 YES/0 NO.

VIII. Closing Items


Public Comment

Milton Howard expressed his excitement and enthusiasm for EBIA.


Adjourn Meeting

Rochelle Benning made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Tom Pryor seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Tali Levy