Vertus High School
Monthly Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday August 15, 2023 at 4:00 PM
Trustees Present
C. Gantt, D. Johnson (remote), E. Gallina, J. O'Connell, M. Mandina, V. VanVoorhis
Trustees Absent
S. Ash
Ex Officio Members Present
J. Locey
Non Voting Members Present
J. Locey
Guests Present
A. Brisson, K. Barclay, L. Bennett, S. Campanelli, Sylvia David-West, T. Hill
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
Pending a spelling correction from "ameded" to "amended" in Section V. (B) of the previous minutes.
Action Item Review Prior Month
II. Consent Agenda Items
Month At A Glance
Mr. Bennett provided an update on all school activities.
Board Statistics
Mr. Hill provided an update on the board statistics.
III. Finance
Budget vs Actual & Cash Flow
Ms. Brisson reported on the final 2022-23 school year financials. Overall, the school is in a strong financial position to begin the 2023-24 school year.
IV. Discussion Items
Recruitment Update
Mr. Bennett reported on school recruitment and informed the Board that it should anticipate full enrollment for the upcoming school year.
Strategy & Renewal
The formal Renewal Application has been submitted.
Reviewed all action items assigned to individual Board Members and updates were given.