Encore JR/SR High School
Regular Encore Board of Director's Meeting - November 18, 2024
Date and Time
Monday November 18, 2024 at 5:00 PM
Encore High School
16955 Lemon Street
Hesperia, CA 92345
All public comment, both on agenda items and non-agenda items within the jurisdiction of the Board, should be provided during the agenda item titled, “Public Comment.” Members of the public who wish to comment during the Board meeting may fill out a public comment card. Individual comments will be limited to three (3) minutes per agenda item and one three (3) minute period to address an item not on the agenda. If an interpreter is needed for comments, they will be translated to English and the time limit shall be six (6) minutes per person per agenda item. The Board limits the total time for public comment to thirty minutes, and may extend this time at its sole discretion. The Board reserves the right to mute or remove a participant from the meeting if the participant unreasonably disrupts the Board meeting after being warned by the Board Chair or designee that they are disrupting the meeting.
Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice.
Directors Present
C. Sutton, I. Rapier, K. Lutz, R. Magana
Directors Absent
A. Murillo, C. Salazar
Ex Officio Members Present
D. Muñoz, P. Alaimalo
Non Voting Members Present
D. Muñoz, P. Alaimalo
Guests Present
I. Garcia, I. Kim, Irene, J. Grant, J. Thibodeaux, John Arndt (remote), S. Del Sole, S. Oros
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Public Comment
Approval of the Agenda
Roll Call | |
C. Salazar |
C. Sutton |
A. Murillo |
K. Lutz |
I. Rapier |
R. Magana |
Board Member Comments
No comments from Board Members
II. Consent Items
Approval of Board Meeting Minutes
C Sutton made not to R Magana abstaining due to not being present at the previous board meeting
Roll Call | |
A. Murillo |
C. Salazar |
K. Lutz |
C. Sutton |
R. Magana |
I. Rapier |
Personnel Report
Roll Call | |
C. Sutton |
I. Rapier |
C. Salazar |
A. Murillo |
R. Magana |
K. Lutz |
Roll Call | |
R. Magana |
I. Rapier |
A. Murillo |
C. Salazar |
K. Lutz |
C. Sutton |
Williams Monitoring 1st Quarter Report 2024-2025
Roll Call | |
A. Murillo |
C. Salazar |
I. Rapier |
C. Sutton |
R. Magana |
K. Lutz |
III. Items Pulled From Consent Calendar
Items Pulled From Consent Calendar
No Items Pulled from Consent Calendar
IV. Budget and Finance
September 2024 Financials
VI. Thank you for accommodating the move around on the agenda. John Arndt replacing Dan Lee who is at a conference. Presenting the Encore Jr & Sr High School Financial Report as of Sept 30, 2024. Still closing October at the time of this issue. Sums up first quarter of 2024-25. Looking at our balance sheet cash as of Sept 30th A/R 1.1Mil is almost the same as last year at 1.8Mil. Accounts receivable which is also A/R is allocated for your property taxes comes in Oct, SPED revenue and LCFF revenue doesn't come in until October which is why A/R is normally higher in the last month of each quarter. September December, March and June. Prepaid expenditures are expenses that were amortized over the fiscal year with Fixed Assets and Right to Use Lease.
Accounts payable accrued liabilities maybe a negative is because we paid Sept 30th STRS & PERS payment before the fiscal month ended just because SBCSS likes to see this money usually on the 1st so had to cut the check before the first even happened. Accounts Payable is owed to vendors so theoretically if all your cash came in plus the cash you have now, you'd be able to pay off all your A/P and that is a good thing.
Unearned revenue $2 Mil, these are grants that we have not recognized as of Sept 30th. Now we are staring to utilize these grants and starting to spend them down so as we spend them down we start reducing them on the revenues as we get to the end of the next quarter.
Cash analysis, right now cash is tight 13 days on hand. Doesn't mean directly after 13 days we won't be able to exist. Just means from the time math was done, it was 13 days left if the school were no longer to receive any cash. The school has continued to receive cash and checks, LCFF, EPA, SPED and any other checks that have come in. As of today, November 18th the cash in bank is about $175/176,000. Just is possible cash continues to stay on. This is just in case of no more cash being received. Cash in was $742,224.23 and cash out was $895,480.43
Profit & Loss Total Revenue 1.5Mil compared to last year 4.5Mil. Drastic change because Last year there was one time funding for employee retention credit, CARES money , State money that came in the beginning and reduction of enrollment money. That money is no longer around. Last year looked positive, but can be seen at a 67% drop in revenue this year. Salaries are down for certificated at 18%. When there is a reduction in revenue, you also see the loss in salaries. As of Sept, there is a loss of ($314K). Books & Supplies and services and operations are down. Can't compare year to year because of one time funding
Budget Comparison using adopted budget. Look at enrollment, expenses, revenue and any grants coming in. Dan Lee is working budget and has to presented by Dec 15th and presented to HUSD earlier. As of now Sept is going to have a loss. Utilize how lines are growing and shrinking. We utilize adopted budget to move things around to get budget back into a positive amount.
Surplus Property
PAlaimalo bringing 2 items to the board the Executive Director requests (not recommends) the authority to dispose of District surplus property in the best interest of Encore. We had a dishwasher grant earlier this year and we now have an energy efficient dishwasher. We would like to post the old dishwasher on offer up and get some money off of it. Pictures were displayed in board members packets. We would also like to present the 1996 Dodge Ram 1500 LT. Tags are not current, the vehicle doesn't run. We still need to get the Kelly Blue Book value of the vehicle. We would like to put this up for sale as well with the boards approval.
CSutton said, "This is just a discussion item." KLutz said we are requesting to be a motion to give approval to sell. Or to give Dr. Munoz the authorization to find the best interest to get rid of the items. In the past we have given away to second chance and would like to make some money. Give motion to give authority to Executive Director to sell these two items. Please report back to the board the status of the sales and amount of sale. Motion to give authority to sell surplus and act on behalf of Encore by K Lutz and Second by RMagana. All the board approved 4 to zero vote.
2024-2025 Stipends
GMunoz presented 2024-2025 stipends for club and staff members an for the course of the school year an entire list of predetermined stipends that staff are paid for an allocated on the budget for them to be compensated. CSutton asked are these added duties, new stipend description items. Have we had this previous? Yes, This is existing stipends we are presenting as annual renewal that staff sign up at beginning of the year. Is added duties, not part of their current job descriptions. Additional duties adjunct duties they take on. CSutton are the amounts equal to previous years. Nothing has changed, these are all carried over and part of the handbook. Staff wish they were more. End of semester breaks, Feb & May performances will get at the end of the school year.
Roll Call | |
R. Magana |
A. Murillo |
K. Lutz |
I. Rapier |
C. Salazar |
C. Sutton |
V. Staff Reports
Executive Director/Principal's Report
GMunoz will have our Williams report that was already under Consent Items. Last week we had the opportunity to present a 2" binder and we went line by line and presented supporting documentation they requested from us. We are hoping they respond in next few weeks that we are in good standing so we can move on with business as usual.
Staff Liaison's Report
SDelSole presented staff being busy preparing and getting ready. Having a friendsgiving this Friday as a potluck allowing significant others. As soon as Thanksgiving break is over we will hit the ground running. Going to Barnes & Noble, Dec 7th and Encore gets a percentage of sales. Night in Paris Show will be opening. Holly Jolly craft fair, Dec 17th we will be at. Large event with part of the blessed in the Mess event. Giving toys for Christmas to local families in need. Encore will be performing in the Winter Wonderland building. Free for all children. No cost for us, but good visibility for Encore. Same night closing night of Night In Paris 14th, 15th, 20th and 21st of December shows. Reach out to Sandi if you would like her to reserve a seat. Wrapping up first semester.
Student Representative's Report
IKim presented for student advocacy council. Main focus on tutoring efforts. There is nothing new to report. Things are quite the same.
VI. Human Resources
2024-25 Contracts
GMunoz presented sample of contracts from last meeting discussions. You have contracts and different spreadsheets showing different bands of health care available for your review. CSutton asked on the document spreadsheet, the variances in the benefit amounts, are they properly in separate classification to support the differences. IMA, or partner shows the different rates. Do you know the classification breakdowns. Was sent by IMA, shows where $15,000 for Executives and goes down the list based on classifications. Name of insurance company is IMA. What date was this sent over last few weeks, Census doesn't have the breakdown. CSutton found the breakdown in variances to show separation in classifications. Highlighted sections are vacant position. Will share the folder so that you can view all 33 contracts and should have been done in July, but will be done now.
Roll Call | |
I. Rapier |
R. Magana |
A. Murillo |
C. Sutton |
C. Salazar |
K. Lutz |
VII. Adjourn to Closed Session
Reconvene from closed session
The board reconvened at 7:58p
During closed session, the board took no action
VIII. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
Roll Call | |
K. Lutz |
C. Salazar |
R. Magana |
A. Murillo |
C. Sutton |
I. Rapier |
No members of the public present