Encore JR/SR High School


Regular Encore Board of Directors Meeting - September 25, 2023

Date and Time

Monday September 25, 2023 at 6:30 PM


Encore High School

16955 Lemon Street

Hesperia CA 92345

All public comment, both on agenda items and non-agenda items within the jurisdiction of the Board, should be provided during the agenda item titled, “Public Comment.”  Members of the public who wish to comment during the Board meeting may fill out a public comment card. Individual comments will be limited to three (3) minutes per agenda item and one three (3) minute period to address an item not on the agenda. If an interpreter is needed for comments, they will be translated to English and the time limit shall be six (6) minutes per person per agenda item. The Board limits the total time for public comment to thirty minutes, and may extend this time at its sole discretion. The Board reserves the right to mute or remove a participant from the meeting if the participant unreasonably disrupts the Board meeting after being warned by the Board Chair or designee that they are disrupting the meeting. 


Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice.

Directors Present

C. Sutton, I. Rapier, K. Lutz, R. Magana

Directors Absent

R. Hunt

Guests Present

J. Schwarck, J. Simmons (remote), J. Thibodeaux, P. Alaimalo, S. Adriaan, S. Bow (remote)

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

C. Sutton called a meeting of the board of directors of Encore JR/SR High School to order on Monday Sep 25, 2023 at 6:51 PM.


Record Attendance


Public Comment

No public comment.


Approval of the Agenda

I. Rapier made a motion to Approve.
R. Magana seconded the motion.

Would like to reorder the agenda. Would like to move closed session to the beginning of the agenda, after the consent items. 

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
R. Magana
K. Lutz
C. Sutton
I. Rapier
R. Hunt


Board Member Comments

Mr. Rapier wanted to discuss Fiscal Policies when they are presented. 

II. Consent Items


Approval of Board Meeting Minutes

K. Lutz made a motion to approve the minutes from Regular Encore Board of Directors Meeting- September 11, 2023 on 09-11-23.
R. Magana seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
I. Rapier
C. Sutton
R. Magana
K. Lutz
R. Hunt

III. Items Pulled From Consent Calendar


Items Pulled From Consent Calendar

No items pulled.

IV. Adjourn to Closed Session


Reconvene from closed session

Reconvened at 8:13pm. 

The board has voted not to proceed with expulsion based on specific contingencies. 

Unanimous vote- 4 aye. 0 no. 

V. Curriculum and Instruction


NWEA MAP Fall 2023 Benchmark Results

S. Claire Adriaan presented the NWEA Benchmark Results. 

VI. Business and Finance


Approval of Fiscal Policies and Procedures

R. Magana made a motion to Approve to postpone item to the next board meeting.
K. Lutz seconded the motion.

Patricia Alaimalo presented the changes in the Fiscal Policies and Procedures. Ian Rapier expressed his concern for not having the ability to thoroughly review the document in a timely manner prior to the board meeting. Sabrina Bow offered an option that this item can be that the board take no action, and can be moved to a vote in the next meeting, allowing the board additional time to review the document. The board requested this item be moved as a vote to the next board meeting. The vote to approve the policy was rescinded by Reyna Magana and Kenneth Lutz. A new motion was made to approve to postpone the item to the next meeting. 

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
R. Hunt
C. Sutton
K. Lutz
I. Rapier
R. Magana

VII. Governance


Brown Act and Conflict of Interest Training

Board members participated in the Brown Act and Conflict of Interest Training. 

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:44 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
C. Sutton
Documents used during the meeting
  • 2023_09_11_board_meeting_minutes DRAFT.pdf
  • Fall 2023 NWEA MAP report.pdf
  • ENCORE Fiscal Policies and Procedures 2023-09-25 FOR BOARD APPROVAL BLACKLINE.pdf
  • Brown Act, COI and Board Governance Workshop September 2023 (4888-2848-2690.v1).pptx