Encore JR/SR High School


Regular Encore Board of Directors Meeting: August 22, 2022

Date and Time

Monday August 22, 2022 at 6:30 PM


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participant from the meeting if the participant unreasonably disrupts the Board meeting.

Directors Present

C. Sutton (remote), I. Rapier (remote), R. Hunt (remote)

Directors Absent


Guests Present

E. Contreras (remote), J. Barkdull (remote), J. Simmons (remote), J. Thibodeaux (remote), Paul Khoury (remote), S. Adriaan (remote), S. Bow (remote), S. Del Sole (remote)

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

C. Sutton called a meeting of the board of directors of Encore JR/SR High School to order on Monday Aug 22, 2022 at 6:33 PM.


Record Attendance


Approval of Board Findings Relating to Teleconference Meetings During State of Emergency

R. Hunt made a motion to approve the board findings relating to teleconference meetings during a state of emergency.
I. Rapier seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
C. Sutton
I. Rapier
R. Hunt


Public Comment

No members of the public provided comment.

II. Consent Items


Board Meeting Minutes

R. Hunt made a motion to approve minutes via consent agenda.
I. Rapier seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
I. Rapier
R. Hunt
C. Sutton
R. Hunt made a motion to approve the minutes from Regular Encore Board of Directors Meeting - June 2022 on 06-27-22.
I. Rapier seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
I. Rapier
R. Hunt
C. Sutton
R. Hunt made a motion to approve the minutes from Regular Encore Board of Directors Meeting - July 25, 2022 on 07-25-22.
I. Rapier seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
I. Rapier
C. Sutton
R. Hunt


Payment Reports

R. Hunt made a motion to approve payment reports via consent agenda.
I. Rapier seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
C. Sutton
R. Hunt
I. Rapier

III. Staff Reports


Executive Director Report

Dr. Bow provided an oral report on staffing and student enrollment.  As of the first day of school on August 8, enrollment was 648 students. As of August 22, enrollment was 624 students. Dr. Bow shared that the school has contracted with a school marketing consultant to produce engaging social media ads designed to attract families and students.


Paul Khoury of DMS provided a 22-23 budget update:


  • LCFF increase projected to yield
  • Discretionary block grants projected to yield additional $493k
    • Learning Recovery Block Grant
    • Arts, Music, Instruction Materials Block Grant
  • Hold Harmless Legislation
    • Encore's 2020-21 enrollment was held harmless at 2019-20 enrollment numbers with 899.27 ADA vs. actual ADA of 648. Current legislation will protect Encore for fiscal year 2021-22 and will recalculate the 2021-22 LCFF at the ADA of 899. This will be taken as revenue in 2022-23 as this legislation was in the 2022-23 state budget. Encore will pick up approximately $2.3M. These funds will flow to Encore in February 2023.


Principal Report

Mr. Adriaan provided an oral report on the start of school, including the August 1-5 pre-service staff development. A professional development consultant for English Language learners provided training to all instructional staff.  Last week's professional development meeting focused on special education practices with a focus on empowering teachers to best serve the students with disabilities (SWD) populations. This week's professional development will focus on NWEA assessment results. Results from spring 2022 SBAC state assessments reflect 95% participation, an improvement from prior years' participation rate. Actual assessment data is still under embargo and cannot yet be shared publicly.


Staff Liaison Report

Dr. Bow introduced Sandi Del Sole as this year's staff-elected liaison. 


Ms. Del Sole shared that she and Dr. Bow will be meeting every other week to build open communication to share staff feedback and concerns. She looks forward to moving into the new year, and shares hope for positivity as the year progresses.

IV. Governance


Adoption of Revised Bylaws

R. Hunt made a motion to adopt revised bylaws as presented.
I. Rapier seconded the motion.

Jerry Simmons

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
C. Sutton
R. Hunt
I. Rapier

V. Curriculum and Instruction


A-G Course Approval


Approval of Independent Study Agreement


Ratification of Contract with The Core Collaborative

I. Rapier made a motion to ratify the contract with The Core Collaborative.
R. Hunt seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
I. Rapier
R. Hunt
C. Sutton

VI. Adjourn to Closed Session


Reconvene from closed session

The board reconvened from closed session at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Sutton reported that there was no action taken in closed session.

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

R. Hunt made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
I. Rapier seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
R. Hunt
I. Rapier
C. Sutton
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:41 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
S. Bow
Documents used during the meeting
  • 2022_06_27_board_meeting_minutes draft revised.pdf
  • 2022_07_25_board_meeting_minutes draft.pdf
  • STRS,PERS,403b Aug 2022.pdf
  • ENC July 2022 Warrant Report - Summary.pdf
  • ENC July 2022 Warrant Report - Detail.pdf
  • Encore H.S. 22-23 State Budget Update.pdf
  • EEC Bylaws 2022-08-22 redline.docx
  • EEC Bylaws 2022-08-22 final.pdf
  • CORE COLLABORATIVE Contract 2022-08-19.pdf