Encore JR/SR High School

Student Council Meeting

Published on October 6, 2022 at 3:20 PM PDT
Amended on October 7, 2022 at 12:33 PM PDT

Date and Time

Friday October 7, 2022 at 12:15 PM PDT



www.encorehighschool.com If you would like to speak during public comment, please email your full name, the item you would like to comment about, and your comment, to board@encoreedcorp.com. These comments will be read aloud during open session at the board meeting. The chance to add public comment through emails will close after the agenda is approved during the meeting.

The Order of Business may be changed without notice: Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice. Reasonable Limitations May be placed on public testimony: The Governing Board’s presiding officer reserves the right to impose reasonable time limits on public testimony to ensure that the agenda is completed. For any person requiring a translator, this time will be doubled to account for translation time. Reasonable Accommodation for any individual with a Disability: Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or to participate in this meeting of the Governing board may request assistance by contacting the EEC (760) 949-2036. Public Documents relating to Open Session Agenda items are available for review by the public at the Reception Desk at Encore Education Corporation’s Executive office or on the internet at www.encorehighschool.com. For more information concerning this agenda, please contact EEC (760) 949-2036.


I. Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance

ASB's Secretary will submit a list of all in attendance to the attendance office.



  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approval of the agenda
  D. Approve Minutes

The minutes of the last meeting are read and approved if correct. Example: The president says, “The secretary will read the minutes of the last meeting.” After the reading, the president asks, “Are there any corrections or additions to these minutes?” “If not, they stand approved as read.” If there are corrections, the president informally directs corrections to be made. “The minutes are approved as corrected.” The secretary signs the minutes, “Respectfully submitted.” They may be initialed by the president.

The minutes from the previous meeting are not completed correctly so we are running this meeting again.

    Approve minutes for Student Council Meeting on October 5, 2022
II. Review of Old Buisness
  A. Class of 2024 Six Flags Trip

If the class of 24 would like to plan a Six Flags trip they must speak with their advisor. The school is unable to pay for transportation and tickets. The school can pay for the staff's wages. You must be academically eligible to participate. You must fundraise.

  B. Additional Toppings for Lunch

Ms. Contreras will look into this with the cafeteria staff and the diet restrictions for schools

  C. Lunch Survey

Ms. Contreras will work with the cafeteria lead in creating this.

  D. Classroom temperatures

Ms. Contreras has had Mr. Griffin work with the A/C repair company and is continuing efforts to improve this.

  E. Bathroom Repairs

Admin has been notified about the state of the bathroom and is looking into options in the future. We are looking for a temporary solution for the mirrors, but nothing is set in stone.

III. New Business

Items mentioned in open session at the last meeting.

This includes any ideas not presented previously. It is moved and discussed by the members. Example: President states, “We are now ready for the new business of the meeting, which includes the decision about the admission fee for the party. Will someone make a motion so that we may discuss the question?” Member says: “I move that the admission fee for the party be fifty cents.” Second member: “I second the motion.” President: “It has been moved and seconded that the admission fee for the party be fifty cents. Is there any discussion?” Discussion follows. One member calls “Question,” which means that the president must ask, “Are you ready for the question?” (Ready to vote). Or the president acts on personal initiative and, if there are no objections, brings the matter to a vote.

  A. Formal adoption of Professional Film as a Team

Advisor: Joshua Barkdull 


MIssion Statement: The Professional Film Program seeks to create the next generation of filmmakers and storytellers. Through the use of hands-on kinesthetic learning, troubleshooting, problem-solving, and teamwork, students will write direct, and film their own stories for mass consumption. 


This is a name change as well. Going from Pirate Films to Professional Film.


Students must be assigned to the class to be on the team.

  B. Formal adoption of Madrigals/Choir as a Team

Mr. Hekel - Advisor


Mission Statement- The mission of the Madrigals/Choir team is to promote choral art as an amazing, indelibly life-changing vocal genre. Also, to support Encore's choirs and to promote Encore's award-winning choral program to students, parents, and staff, as well as to the High Desert Community and to all of Southern California.


Students must be assigned to the class to be on the team.

  C. Formal adoption of Cosplay as a Club

Advisor: Alejandra Gomar 


Mission Statement: Our mission statement is to provide a creative, challenging, and nurturing environment for students to develop crafting skills and encourage creativity and support each other as a cosplay community. 

  D. Formal adoption of Art Crew as a Club

Advisor: Alejandra Gomar 


Mission Statement: Art Crew would be an Encore team that is made specifically for those who are particularly interested in the Visual Arts and all its activities. It would be a space for art students to come together and work on art-related activities in unison. The Art Crew would contain students that work on school art projects such as murals, pianos, art exhibits and events.

  E. Formal adoption of Cheer as a Team

Advisor: Lexi Cherry


Mission Statement: Our mission is to build better athletes by providing a fun, safe, encouraging atmosphere while teaching them the skills to develop a strong character, positive attitudes, responsibility, and citizenship, as well as instilling positive goals, dreams, and values.  


Students must be assigned to the class to be on the team.

  F. Formal adoption of Ambassadors as a Team

Advisors: Lexi Cherry 


Mission Statement: The mission of the Ambassador Team is to provide high-quality artistic programming that is inclusive, interdisciplinary, and collaborative and that fosters passion and growth in our students. 


Students must be assigned to the class to be on the team.

  G. Formal adoption of World Scholars as a Club

Advisors: Fernando Bedolla and Suscan Acuna 


Mission Statement: World Scholars will provide a worldwide perspective through learning experiences in the classroom and traveling to other destinations to learn about cultures, times, and places. 

  H. Formal adoption of Culinary Arts "Foodies" as a Club

Advisor: Desiree Huffine


Mission Statement: The mission of Culinary Arts is to help students work hard and, for their hard work, we get to do fun activities such as food festivals and food events. 

  I. Formal adoption of Yearbook as a Team

Advisor: James Quigg 


Mission Statement: The Encore's yearbook mission is to create a book that records and reflects the highlights of the Encore student body for any unique school year. This book will contain the performances, activities, artworks, and creativity expressed by the students of Encore. We will develop and improve our skills in visual communication, journalism, marketing, and sales. 

  J. Formal adoption of CSF as a Club

Mission: CSF’s mission is “to recognize and encourage academic achievement and community service among middle and high school students in California” (csf-cjsf.org).

  K. Formal adoption of National Honor Society "NHS" as a Club

Mission: “The National Honor Society elevates a school's commitment to the values of scholarship, service, leadership, and character” (nhs.org).

  L. Formal adoption of Basketball as a Team

Advisor: Joseph Thibodeaux 


Mission Statement: To provide Encore Basketball members with basic skills, and teamwork, and to be competitive with similar schools in the community.

  M. Formal adoption of Media Team as a Team

Advisor: Joshua Barkdull


Mission Statement: Media Team seeks to document and spread awareness of Encore's student body, classes, events, and programs through the creation of digital media including audio, video, and published works.


Students must be assigned to the class to be on the team.

  N. Formal adoption of Dungeons and Dragons "D&D" as a Club

Advisor: Rebecca Martin and Kyle Barkdull


Mission Statement: Our mission is to provide a creative, challenging, and nurturing environment for students to develop new skills, build confidence, and express themselves. Students will engage as smarter, happier, and more well-rounded individuals with fond memories, friendships, and stories to take with them after graduation.

  O. Formal adoption of Junior Olympics Dancesport as a Club

Advisor: Vasil Checkardzhikov "Mr. V"


Mission Statement: To create athletes whose values, respect, excellence, friendship, and pursuit of balance between body, will, and mind.

  P. Formal adoption of Rhythm Combo

Advisor: Nikola Checkardzhikov "Mr. C"


Mission Statement: To provide Encore students with a creative and nurturing environment, where they can gain experience rehearsing, creating, and performing together.

  Q. Formal adoption of Street Band as a Team

Advisor: Nikola Checkardzhikov "Mr. C"


Mission Statement: To provide advanced music students the creative environment to collaborate and create professional-level programs to represent the music program at Encore.


Students must be assigned to the class to be on the team.

  R. Formal adoption of the Financial Achievement Club "FAC"

Advisor: Mr. Hodges


Mission Statement: To help students achieve personal financial goals and success by providing them with financial literacy skills, resources, and events.

  S. Formal adoption of Drumline as a Team

Advisor: Nikola Chekardzhikov "Mr. C"


Mission Statement: To provide Encore Students with the creative space and opportunity to participate, practice, and perform with the Drumline Ensemble.


Students must be assigned to the class to be on the team.

  T. Formal adoption of Photography Club

Advisor: Jim Quigg


Mission Statement:  To explore the power of photography outside the encore campus, including viewing photographic exhibits and shows, as well as creating new work in traditional and non-traditional techniques.

  U. Formal adoption of the Music Production Club as a Club

Advisor: Brian Forbes


Mission Statement: To support music production activities and it's students as well as fellow student musicians at the school. The club will promote the music production program through public awareness, volunteerism through activities, fundraising, and music promotion.

  V. Formal adoption of the Drama Club as a Club

Advisor: Cynthia Hernandez


Mission Statement: To create opportunities for students to attend and participate in theatrical events through fundraising, community outreach, and providing support for the Encore Drama Department.

IV. Important Dates
  A. October Event Calendar
  B. Student Council Meeting Calendar
V. Open Floor

At this time the President will as the council if they have any questions or ideas that need to be added to the next meeting. The secretary will take note of the member and the question. The administration may be able to give direct answers if needed.


Unanswered items will be placed onto the Agenda for the next meeting under "New Business"

  A. Student Council Members time to speak
VI. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting