Contra Costa School of Performing Arts
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday October 15, 2024 at 5:30 PM
2730 Mitchell Drive
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
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Contra Costa School of Performing Arts
Board Meeting
Date and Time:
Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 5:30 PM PDT
Google Meet Link: CCSPA/ChartHouse Board of Directors Meeting
Video call link:
The public may address the Board regarding any item within the jurisdiction of the Board of Directors of ChartHouse Public Schools. To ensure an orderly meeting and an equal opportunity for each speaker, persons wishing to address the Board must fill out a speaker’s card. Cards should be turned into the Board Chair/Vice Chairperson prior to the Call to Order. Speakers will be given three minutes for items on the agenda, and two minutes for items not on the agenda. When translation services are utilized to support the participation of a primary Speaker, the translator will be afforded the same duration of time as the primary Speaker. Time may not be yielded to other speakers. In compliance with the Brown Act, the Board may listen to comments from speakers and provide direction to staff, but may not engage in discussion or take action on items that are not already on the agenda.
All Board agendas and minutes will be published at Any disclosable public records related to an open session Board meeting agenda item and distributed by staff to a majority of the Board of Directors shall be available for public inspection.
The Board of Directors will provide reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities planning to attend Board meetings so long as notice is provided at least one hour prior to the start of the meeting by contacting the Executive Director’s Office at (925) 235-1130.
Directors Present
G. Ponikvar, H. Vega, J. Bridge, S. Kulak
Directors Absent
L. McPhatter-Harris, M. Hennessy
Ex Officio Members Present
C. Foster
Non Voting Members Present
C. Foster
Guests Present
C. Tirlia
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Attendance
Establish a Quorum
Agenda Review and Adoption
Roll Call | |
L. McPhatter-Harris |
M. Hennessy |
Special Report: Student Council
Jax Sears and Kameron Jacobs presented their concerns about the students and teachers. The students presented the idea of public audits presented to staff to bring more awareness to the board. The students also want the board to be more involved in the school's community by attending events.
The board and the students discussed strategies to move forward to have more community involvement between the student council and the school board members.
II. Public Comments
Items on the Agenda
No public comments about items on the agenda were made during this time.
Items Not on the Agenda
No public comments about items not on the agenda were made during this time.
III. Reconvene to Open Session
Report out on Action Taken in Closed Session
The board reconvened to open session at 6:24pm by Heather Vega.
The board took action to accept the public employee releases.
IV. Consent Agenda
Consent Agenda Items
Roll Call | |
M. Hennessy |
L. McPhatter-Harris |
V. Finance
Financial Report
Debbie began presenting the financial report to the school board starting with the actuals for September 2024.
The board discussed various programs, such as the school lunch program, and how they are budgeted within the budget. The board discussed how these programs are paid and how they are deducted from the budget.
Financial Committee
The board met for a Financial Committee on 09/16/2024 to review, discuss, and make recommendations for the budget going forward based on the August numbers.
VI. Other Business
Executive Summary
Catherine Presented the executive summary to the board, starting with student population sizes.
The board discussed enrollment for the 25-26 year, which begins on October 30th. Administration will be hosting open houses to recruit future parents once a month, rotating back and forth between virtual and in person open houses.
Catherine presented the current academic accomplishments among the students as well as presented the student academic data.
Prop 28 Annual Report
Catherine presented the annual report for Prop 28. Catherine explained that we must report that we received no funding from Prop 28 and that it must be published to the public website.
Instructional Minute Waiver
24-25 Organization Chart
According to Catherine and the board, the following changes need to be made to the 24-25 Organizational Chart.
1. The TOSA SPED coordinator needs to be removed and the Education Specialist and Instructional assistants should all be under the School Psychologist.
2. The executive Director will evaluate the Education Specialists.
Committee Structure
Catherine presented to the people attending the meeting the structure of each board committee and presented any updates made in the board committees.
VII. Board Updates
Comments from Board Members
The board was given the platform to present to people attending the meeting the updates they have regarding their work to help better the school.
Future Agenda Items
Sierra requested that the budget be discussed in future board meetings.
Established Quorum at 5:36pm by Heather Vega