Contra Costa School of Performing Arts
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday August 22, 2023 at 5:30 PM
CCSPA Conference Room
The public may address the Board regarding any item within the jurisdiction of the Board of Directors of ChartHouse Public Schools. To ensure an orderly meeting and an equal opportunity for each speaker, persons wishing to address the Board must fill out a speaker’s card. Cards should be turned into the Board Chair/Vice Chairperson prior to the Call to Order. Speakers will be given three minutes for items on the agenda, and two minutes for items not on the agenda. When translation services are utilized to support the participation of a primary Speaker, the translator will be afforded the same duration of time as the primary Speaker. Time may not be yielded to other speakers. In compliance with the Brown Act, the Board may listen to comments from speakers and provide direction to staff, but may not engage in discussion or take action on items that are not already on the agenda.
All Board agendas and minutes will be published at Any disclosable public records related to an open session Board meeting agenda item and distributed by staff to a majority of the Board of Directors shall be available for public inspection.
The Board of Directors will provide reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities planning to attend Board meetings so long as notice is provided at least one hour prior to the start of the meeting by contacting the Executive Director’s Office at (925) 235-1130.
Directors Present
A. Mbonisi, C. Hill, D. Wendt, G. Ponikvar, H. Vega, L. McPhatter-Harris
Directors Absent
M. Hennessy
Ex Officio Members Present
C. Foster
Non Voting Members Present
C. Foster
Guests Present
C. Tirlia
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Attendance
Establishment of Quorum
Agenda Review and Adoption
Approve Meeting Minutes
Roll Call | |
M. Hennessy |
C. Hill |
H. Vega |
D. Wendt |
L. McPhatter-Harris |
G. Ponikvar |
A. Mbonisi |
III. Executive Director Updates
Executive Summary
Enrollment is 368 with a possible addition
Full Staff
Various maintenance issues need addressing around the building
Summit is no longer in use. PBL is the shift teachers are going towards.
Extended Learning Opportunity has exactly enough funds ($50,000) to support 10 families.
Approval of Organization Chart
We need to switch Dean of Students/Climate and culture specialist as well as Supervisor of Family Enrollment to the right side (The family/Student Side).
While the project manager and office manager (with receptionist below it) should be moved to the left (The Office Staff Side).
Add CBO to the top of the Office Staff(left side) so establish Candice Phillips as a person of directive for people to get approval from.
Keep Human Resources on the left and TOSA/director of community engagement on the right.
This way the organization chart has a student and family side(right) as well as an Office Staff side (left).
IV. Committee Reports
Financial Committee Report
Need approval for line of credit. Candice is working on a sense of what our spending amount is.
V. Financial Update and Considerations
Financial Update
Candice and DMS should have a monthly financial report within a month so that Debbie (or Candice) can present the financial report to the board.
Salary Schedules
Salary Schedules needed adjustment based on hourly and salary employee updates.
We need to eliminate the outdated teacher stipends on page 2.
There was no vote on whether or not the pay growth will be 2% or 3%
Motion to approve MINUS Second Page
MINUS Second Page
VI. Administrative Items
Food Service Agreement
Estimate for an outside food service assistant hire
$18,000 over 180 days estimate for Food Service Assistant from current student food provider
Ultimate FieldHouse Agreement
$50 per court per day
$50 per additional court per day
($50 an hour or day?)
Fine print needs to be further analyzed.
Contract needs further analyzation.
Needs to be $25K or lower AND needs Candice Phillips approval
No vote was taken the board gave direction to C. Hill and C. Phillips to revisit the agreement.
VII. Board Retreat
Board Retreat
5 hours including lunch
Note: Caprice not available 9/30
Going forward: Board should tell Caprice that the board needs time for board focus, vision setting, going forward as a school
Public Employee Employment/Discipline/Dismissal Release (§ 54957)
LaPlante will be in Touch with M. Soza to help engage parents for a parent faculty community.
Evaluation Executive Director
Prop 39
Report Out
Board approved the Employment Discipline/Dismissal Release
No other action was taken