Contra Costa School of Performing Arts


Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday June 13, 2023 at 12:00 PM


Contra Costa School of Performing Arts

2730 Mitchell Drive

Walnut Creek, CA  94598

The public may address the Board regarding any item within the jurisdiction of the Board of Directors of ChartHouse Public Schools. To ensure an orderly meeting and an equal opportunity for each speaker, persons wishing to address the Board must fill out a speaker’s card. Cards should be turned into the Board Chair/Vice Chairperson prior to the Call to Order. Speakers will be given three minutes for items on the agenda, and two minutes for items not on the agenda. When translation services are utilized to support the participation of a primary Speaker, the translator will be afforded the same duration of time as the primary Speaker. Time may not be yielded to other speakers. In compliance with the Brown Act, the Board may listen to comments from speakers and provide direction to staff, but may not engage in discussion or take action on items that are not already on the agenda.


All Board agendas and minutes will be published at Any disclosable public records related to an open session Board meeting agenda item and distributed by staff to a majority of the Board of Directors shall be available for public inspection. 


The Board of Directors will provide reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities planning to attend Board meetings so long as notice is provided at least one hour prior to the start of the meeting by contacting the Executive Director’s Office at (925) 235-1130.

Directors Present

C. Hill, D. Wendt, F. Bani-Taba, H. Vega, L. McPhatter-Harris

Directors Absent

A. Mbonisi

Ex Officio Members Present

B. Byers

Non Voting Members Present

B. Byers

Guests Present

B. Fleming (remote), J. Flaner, K. Aozasa (remote)

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

H. Vega called a meeting of the board of directors of Contra Costa School of Performing Arts to order on Tuesday Jun 13, 2023 at 12:13 PM.


Record Attendance

Attendance recorded.


Establishment of Quorum

Quorum present.


Agenda Review and Adoption

D. Wendt made a motion to adopt the agenda as presented.
F. Bani-Taba seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.



Items on the Agenda

No public comments.


Items not on the Agenda

No public comments.

III. Board Resignations, Vacancies, and Continuation of Service


Board Resignations

D. Wendt made a motion to accept the resignation of Board Member Fatemah Bani-Taba, Seat P (parent), effective June 30, 2023.
C. Hill seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Board of Director Continuation of Service Appointments

C. Hill made a motion to accept the Board of Director Continuation of Service Appointments for the two seats held by Heather Vega and David Wendt ending June 30, 2023 as described below.
F. Bani-Taba seconded the motion.

Continuance of Service shall be as follows:  


Heather Vega (Seat 2) to serve a full term commencing July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2025.


David Wendt (Seat 1) to serve out the term from the vacancy caused of Seat P caused by the resignation of Fatemah Bani-Taba, starting July 1, 2023 and ending December 31, 2023.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Board of Director Membership, Vacancies for 23-24

The Board conducted interviews for board membership:  Candidates Mackenzie Ayers and Greg Ponikvar.

Motion to to accept Board Candidates Greg Ponikvar and Mackenzie Ayers for membership as listed below.

The Board conducted interviews for board membership from Candidates Mackenzie Ayers and Greg Ponikvar.


The Board voted unanimously to accept the candidates for board membership for the following terms:


Greg Ponikvar - Seat ___ - July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2025


Mackenzie Ayers - Seat __ - July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024



The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.



Consent Agenda

D. Wendt made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda with the following amendments and to approve all other items (Item B, F, and G).
L. McPhatter-Harris seconded the motion.

Amendment 1:


The following Consent Agenda items will be moved to Item VII. Administrative Items and Announcements and will be voted on as individual votes:


Item A - Approve Meeting Minutes

Item C - Arts, Music, and Instructional Materials Block Grant

Item D - Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant (ELO-P)

Item E - LCAP 2023-24



The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
D. Wendt made a motion to amend the previous Consent Agenda motion as follows below.
F. Bani-Taba seconded the motion.

Amendment 2:


The following Consent Agenda item will not be moved from Item VII. Administrative Items and Announcements but will be placed under Item VI. Fiscal Reports as Item B and will be voted upon after the Monthly Financial Report and before the Annual Budget 23-24 individual vote:


Item E - LCAP 2023-24



The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Board Meeting Dates 23-24


Strategic Plan 2023-26


Org Chart 23-24



Finance Committee

No business or updates to report.



Monthly Financial Report

The Board heard a monthly financial report from EdTec managers.


LCAP 2023-24

D. Wendt made a motion to approve the LCAP for 23-24.
L. McPhatter-Harris seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Annual Budget 23-24

D. Wendt made a motion to approve the Annual Budget for School Year 23-24.
L. McPhatter-Harris seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.



Bond Consultant Recommendations

The Board heard a bond consultation recommendations presentation from Dr. Caprice Young.


Approve Meeting Minutes

D. Wendt made a motion to approve the minutes from the Regular Board Meeting 05-23-2023. Regular Board Meeting on 05-23-23.
L. McPhatter-Harris seconded the motion.

approve as amended to include Ismal name

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Arts, Music, and Instructional Materials Block Grant

D. Wendt made a motion to approve the Art, Music, and Instructional Materials Block Grant.
L. McPhatter-Harris seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant (ELO-P)

D. Wendt made a motion to approve the Expanded Learning Opportunities Grant (ELO-P).
L. McPhatter-Harris seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.



Closed Session

The Board entered into Closed Session.


Executive Director Evaluation


Public Employee Employment/Discipline/Dismissal Release (§ 54957)



Report Out

The Board reconvened to Open Session. The Board chair reported out that the Board took action to accept Employment/Discipline/Dismissal Release in closed session.



X. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 4:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
H. Vega