Community Regional Charter School
Academic Excellence Committee
Date and Time
Tuesday January 7, 2025 at 10:00 AM
Members of the public are welcome to attend and observe these meetings but must be aware that although the meeting is held in public it is not a public meeting and therefore observers are not permitted to speak during the meeting itself, except during public comment.
Committee Members Present
M. Buja (remote), T. Overall (remote)
Committee Members Absent
Guests Present
A. Savage (remote), E. Firnkes (remote), S. Muzzy (remote), T. Works (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
II. Academic Excellence Committee
Set future meeting date
Attendance Data
Attendance a major focus for the district.
Susan shared a monthly attendance progress report.
* We are using this to share with the Charter Commission.
* Report shows Average Daily Attendance for each grade level
* Looking at subgroup data
* Some "gold medals" - attendance meetings with families, attendance committee formed, root cause analysis, etc.
* Graphic showing the percentage of learners out for certain reasons (health, safety concerns/suspensions, school culture, home situations, parent/child refusal, etc)
Next steps:
* Look at interventions for chronically absent learners
* Updated the monthly attendance audit letter to families
* Attendance communication going home to families has been increased with educational materials around the importance of attendance and being present at school
* Attendance audit by town
* Expand the attendance committee
Elizabeth gave an update on P2C (Pathways 2 Careers) program that is being used at Overman. A great piece of data that we can share at the end of the year.
* The program has a scope and sequence that we are able to triangulate the data and put them on this scope and sequence and no need to follow it linearly
* Able to customize not only the math content but also the math content depending on the career chosen
* Real word lessons
* Lends great to a workshop model of instruction
* Has a career page where learners are able to take interest matcher and a values matcher quiz and from those results it starts to cluster careers based on the learner's interest and values so they can see which careers they might be interested in exploring or that they might enjoy
* Shifting the mindset from "when will I ever use this?" vs "who uses this?"
LinkIt! update
Travis showed the dashboard and attendance data.
III. Other Business
PTF group
Great discussions around hosting more family events to connect families that live close to each other. (town meet ups, free events, etc.)
Also talking about starting up a PTF group again as well to help with organizing some school events.
Next meeting will be Tuesday, March 4th at 10am