Community Regional Charter School
CRCS Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday October 9, 2024 at 6:00 PM
Members of the public are welcome to attend and observe these meetings but must be aware that although the meeting is held in public it is not a public meeting and therefore observers are not permitted to speak during the meeting itself, except during public comment.
Directors Present
M. Buja (remote), N. Reinholt, S. Saltzman (remote), T. Overall (remote)
Directors Absent
C. Hansen
Ex Officio Members Present
T. Works
Non Voting Members Present
T. Works
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Agenda
II. Approve Business Meeting Minutes
Approve Minutes from 9/9/2024 meeting
Roll Call | |
N. Reinholt |
M. Buja |
S. Saltzman |
T. Overall |
C. Hansen |
III. Board Chair Updates
Board updates
Charter Commission Meeting
Nicki shared what she presented to the Charter Commission during public comment on 10/8/2024. Below is a copy of what she shared with the Commission:
“Over the last 2 years the CRCS has board has been digging in deep to analyze the cost of maintaining three buildings and resolving issues caused by having 3 buildings that are geographically spread apart. For example, transportation delays with getting learners home in the afternoon caused several unenrollmcnts in September.
Over the last 12 months the board has been focused on a cost benefit analysis of investing money in 3 aging buildings or building a new building and consolidating our buildings down.
Raymond James will be handling the financial aspect of the loan and process while Highmark is the developer. Highmark is currently waiting for the feasibility studies before fully committing to the project.
The CRCS Board is working closely with Ben Lund from Brann & Issacson, who specializes in Real Estate transactions.
Later this afternoon there is a 2 week check in with Raymond James, Highmark, CRCS Real Estate Attorney.
We are currently looking at a 43,000-45,000 square foot building that will hold as many as 550 learners and a loan close to $20,000,000 with a 40 year loan under 4% with the USDA. We would also liquidate our three existing buildings and we have engaged a realtor and the CRCS Real Estate Attorney on that process.
We have looked for available properties with 25+ acres with public water (for fire suppression and avoid PFAS) and public sewer. There were only a few properties that matched that criteria with public water and sewer, which were 2 in Waterville and 1 in Oakland. Two sites in Waterville didn’t meet our rubric we established for looking at property, which took in consideration of utilities, traffic study, and environmental studies.
Raymond James, who is conducting a feasibility study for that includes finances and capacity is completing the USDA application and the USDA has indicated that we we can condense down the application process because we have gone through the process prior and they are excited about the project.
We have been in discussion with First Park in Oakland about a purchase agreement to secure the property, which the CRCS Real Estate attorney is building in multiple contingencies to protect CRCS.
The Board asked Travis and his team to do a full study on enrollment by town and county and the impact on every individual family by changing the location. The Board has also asked Travis and the team to see if there is a correlation with chronic absenteeism data and specific towns.
The transportation for most learners will be reduced by 15-20 minutes, but parent drop off and pick up would the be greatest impacted, which we are waiting to see.
I have asked Travis to present some preliminary findings to the Board tomorrow night and to share with the Commission today how many towns and counties are served by CRCS.
The CRCS Board has asked Raymond James and Highmark to present their findings next month to the Commission finance committee and full commission.
Raymond James is filing the USDA Application
Closing would be sometime late summer in 2025
Highmark engages with an architect and contractors to break ground at time of closing
Doors open mid year, early spring of 2027.”
IV. Executive Director Reports
Letters of Resignation (since last Board Meeting)
New Hires (since last Board Meeting)
Strategic Design Update
Travis shared about 9/20/24 Strategic Design Workshop and Nicki shared her observations.
10/1 Enrollment data
Travis shared the 10/1/24 data with the board, which is preliminary. Final numbers will be ready for the November meeting.
V. Academic Excellence Committee
Approve Academic Excellence 10/9/24 Meeting Minutes
Academic Presentation
Elizabeth shared about the Pathway 2 Career (P2C).
A math curriculum that can be integrated into our seminars that is tied into career pathways. It gives relevant and meaningful connections between math topics and how they relate to real life examples and careers.
November 1st the staff will be on onboarded.
Goal is to build skills of staff that don’t have confidence or experience teaching math.
The curriculum will give us 3 additional data points.
VI. Finance & Facilities
Approve Finance and Facilities Committee Meeting Minutes from 9/230/24
Roll Call | |
T. Overall |
M. Buja |
S. Saltzman |
C. Hansen |
N. Reinholt |
VII. Governance Committee
Approve the Governance Committee Meeting Minutes from 9/18/24
Roll Call | |
M. Buja |
S. Saltzman |
C. Hansen |
N. Reinholt |
T. Overall |
Review and approve Wellness Policy JL
No changes to policy
Roll Call | |
N. Reinholt |
S. Saltzman |
T. Overall |
M. Buja |
C. Hansen |
Nicki shared out the items on the agenda that included, but not limited to,