Community Regional Charter School
Business Meeting of the Board
Date and Time
Monday May 13, 2024 at 5:30 PM
Members of the public are welcome to attend and observe these meetings but must be aware that although the meeting is held in public it is not a public meeting and therefore observers are not permitted to speak during the meeting itself, except during public comment.
Directors Present
C. Hansen (remote), N. Reinholt (remote), S. Saltzman (remote), T. Arnold (remote), T. Overall (remote)
Directors Absent
M. Buja
Ex Officio Members Present
T. Works (remote)
Non Voting Members Present
T. Works (remote)
Guests Present
A. Savage (remote), J. Alves (remote), K. Canning (remote), S. Muzzy (remote), T. Wyman (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Agenda
II. Executive Director Reports
Building Hope
Letters of Resignation (since last Board Meeting)
No letters of resignation since last board meeting.
New Hires (since last Board Meeting)
No new hires since the last board meeting.
Enrollment is still open for all buildings.
Facebook ads are professional and going out frequently for recruitment of new families.
Charter Commission Finance Committee presentation update
Nicki and Travis met with the Charter Commission Finance Committee. It went very well. Not a lot of feedback from the Charter Commission but left the meeting feeling positive.
III. Academic Excellence Committee
Academic Excellence Presentation
Susan shared some of our examples of what we are doing for recruitment and enrollment. We are using our Strategic Design document for language and then using pictures from all of the buildings to populate flyers that are uploaded to the CRCS public Facebook page.
Susan also shared an overview of the Panorama Survey and where we are at with completing that and how each building is approaching it this year. At a future meeting, we will discuss this further especially once we get the results.
IV. Finance & Facilities
Approve March 2024 performance and stability report
Approve and Enter 4/29/2024 Finance and Facility Minutes into Public Record
V. Governance Committee
Vote to Approve and Enter into public record Governance minutes from May 8 2024 meeting
Review and vote to adopt in one reading new legally required changes
First read to eliminate
VI. Other Business:
Building Site Criteria
CRCS Leadership Team created a list of non-negotiable for a new building site:
- 25+ acres - ideally 50+ acres
- Public water
- Public Sewer
- Access to a talent pool for employees
- Access to an enrollment pool
- Access to Higher Ed opportunities
- Access to community projects
- Expandable on property
- Access to internships
- Walkable greenspace
- Streamlined transportation - Access for current enrollments
- Access to service providers
- Closer distance to emergency services
If any board members have any other ideas to add to the list, please email those to Travis and Nicki.
Vote to approve SY25 school year calendar
Review of the FY25 draft budget
Jill shared out the summary document of the FY25 draft budget including the feedback from the finance committee.
Jill answered some questions from the board around the draft budget and the summary document.
Any other questions that arise between this meeting and the June board meeting, please email Jill and Travis.
A formal vote on the FY25 budget will take place at the June board meeting.
Jill and Travis scheduled a meeting with Building Hope. They sent over a tentative contract that CRCS is sending over to legal counsel for review.
We then have a proposal from Building Hope and HighMark to do a comparison and make a decision.