Community Regional Charter School


Governance Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday January 3, 2024 at 4:30 PM


Committee Members Present

T. Arnold (remote)

Committee Members Absent

M. Buja

Guests Present

A. Savage (remote), N. Reinholt (remote), T. Works (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

T. Arnold called a meeting of the Governance Committee Committee of Community Regional Charter School to order on Wednesday Jan 3, 2024 at 4:34 PM.

II. Governance Committee


Board Self Assessment & Goals - Update

Lana is going to generate a report at the end of each month and share with us to let us know who is missing what for trainings. 

III. Existing Policies


Review timing of single reading vote to adopt necessary legal edits or review:

Policies DJH, EGAD-R, EGAD, GBEC will go to the board meeting on Monday, January 8th to be adopted in a single reading with necessary legal edits.


Determine dates to put forth to the full board the following Section G for policies for elimination:

Committee is going to put forward policies GBED, GBEF-R, GCCAD, GCE-R1, GCE-R2, and GCE-R3 for first read for elimination at the January 8th board meeting. 


Review policy GBGAA for revision and a draft Exposure Control Plan

Tonya shared the draft policy GBGAA. 

Travis and Ashlee will review the policy to make sure it works our district. At the February governance committee meeting, feedback will be brought. 


The policy will be put forward at the February board meeting. 


New policy that is now required by new law

Tonya shared new policy GCO - Family Care Leave.


Travis is going to work with Jill Alves to make sure the policy includes the same language and is in alignment with the staff handbook. 


Committee will review policy GCO again at the March governance committee meeting before putting this policy forward for first read and adoption to be in compliance with the law at the March board meeting. 


Review of additional Section G policies to consider for elimination

Reviewed policies GCG-R, GCG, GCK, GCN, GCO, GCQC, GDA, GDFA, and GE. 


Committee is proposing that policy GCN and GCO move forward for first read for elimination at the January 8th board meeting. 


Committee is proposing that policies GCG-R, GCG, GCK, GCQC, GDA, GDFA, and GE are put forward for first read for elimination at the March board meeting. 

IV. Other Business


Tracking Document

Committee reviewed the Policies Tracking Document and Tonya will pull out the next set of policies to be reviewed and add to the March governance committee meeting agenda. 

V. Closing Items


Agenda Items for Next Month


Approve minutes from today's meeting

Committee unanimously agrees upon the minutes. 


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:31 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
T. Arnold