Community Regional Charter School
Business Meeting of the Board
Date and Time
Monday November 13, 2023 at 5:30 PM
Members of the public are welcome to attend and observe these meetings but must be aware that although the meeting is held in public it is not a public meeting and therefore observers are not permitted to speak during the meeting itself, except during public comment.
Directors Present
C. Hansen (remote), M. Buja (remote), N. Reinholt (remote), S. Saltzman (remote), T. Arnold (remote), T. Overall (remote)
Directors Absent
Ex Officio Members Present
T. Works (remote)
Non Voting Members Present
T. Works (remote)
Guests Present
A. Savage (remote), B. Andre (remote), D. Ryder (remote), E. Firnkes (remote), J. Alves (remote), Kit Canning (remote), S. Martin (remote), T. Wyman (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Agenda
Approve October 16 Business Meeting Minutes
II. CRCS Spotlight
Accolades for Overman Academy Support of a Local Community Small Business
III. Executive Director Reports
Letters of Resignation (since last Board Meeting)
Victoria Alexander - resigning as a facilitator at Dimensions
New Hires (since last Board Meeting)
Alycia Paige - Ed Tech III at Creative Children's Academy
Erica Rowe - Ed Tech II at Creative Children's Academy
* 381 learners as of Oct 1
* 89 special education learners
* learner count increase by approx. 30 from last October to this October
Recent Threat to CRCS (Update)
Travis gave an update on the recent threat to school.
* Person who made the threat is currently incarcerated. If he does make bail then he will have to wear an ankle bracelet and there is someone assigned to watching his movements and he needs prior approval to go anywhere.
* School has submitted 4 addresses (primarily administration addresses) to be on a list of properties that he is not allowed near for protection of personnel
IV. Academic Excellence Committee
Approve minutes from November 6 Committee Meeting
Academic Excellence Presentation by Susan
Susan shared out the following highlights from the programming at Creative Children's Academy:
- finished hiring so staffing is complete
- 3 different classrooms with 3 different purposes (Observing Room, Thinking Room, and Creating Room)
- Learners move through the different rooms throughout the week
- Observing Room - science/STEM focus
- Thinking Room - academic focus
- Creating Room - art focus
- Using Seesaw for communication and using frequently
- Kids have freedom to explore and grow.
V. Finance & Facilities
Approve September performance and stability report
Enter October Finance and Facility Minutes into Public Record
Vote to Approve Spending $7618.00 for a New Door at Overman Academy
Review Insurance Recommendations
Stephanie shared out the recommendations from our recent insurance review
- Going to put together a list of all of the recommendations with more details including pricing if that is involved with fixing the issues, timelines, etc.
VI. Governance Committee
Vote to approve November 8 Governance Meeting Minutes
Draft Board Manual
Tonya shared out the Draft Board Manual and did a quick review. If there are any questions, board members can reach out to Tonya, Nicki, or Travis.
** Nicki is going to reach out to Board onTrack to see if there is a way to create a To Do List section where we can house items that need to be completed including annual trainings, evaluations, etc.
Dan Ryder shared out a positive story about how Overman learners helped out a community member.
Dr. Jessica Buja reached out to ask if the school and learners were able to help put together banners for her business (Mountain Range of Motion, LLC) to be featured at a large trade show in Boston. The learners with Dan's help put together a great display for her booth.