Community Regional Charter School
Governance Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday November 8, 2023 at 4:30 PM
Committee Members Present
T. Arnold (remote)
Committee Members Absent
M. Buja
Guests Present
A. Savage (remote), N. Reinholt (remote), T. Works (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
II. Governance Committee
Board Self Assessment & Goals - Update
III. Existing Policies
Review status of Section I policies to remove
During the October 16, 2023 board meeting, the board voted to eliminate these Section I policies (IHB, IHBAA-E, IHBAB, IHBAG, IHBAI, IHBAJ, IHBAJ, IHBAK, IHBAM, IHBAQ, IHBF, IIB, IJNDC, IJNDC-E, IJOA, IJOAA, IJOC, IKA, IKB, and IMBD)
Review status for revision of IGA and IMDC
During the October 16, 2023 board meeting, the board voted to adopt with revisions policies IGA and IMDC.
Review status of single reading vote to adopt necessary legal edits or review:
During the September 11, 2023 board meeting, the board voted to adopt in one reading the following policies (BBAA, BCB, BCC, EBAA, EBCF, GBEBB, GBN, GBO, GCFB, GCFB-R, JICIA, and JICK).
Review the status of the following Section I policies for review w/o changes
During the September 11, 2023 board meeting, the board voted to review and re-enact the following policies without changes (IHBAL, IHBEA, IK, IMBB, IMG, and IMGA).
Review of Section I policies related to instructional materials
Reviewed policies IJJ, IJJ-E, and ILD
At the November board member will vote the following:
IJJ - vote for adoption in one read with revisions
IJJ-E - form is good as is - no changes required and no vote is needed
ILD - vote to document that the board reviewed it without change
Review proposed changes to policy BDB - Board Officers
Reviewed revisions of policy BDB
At November board meeting, board will vote to accept a first read of the policy BDB.
Review Section E for policy elimination and propose dates to full board meeting
Committee discussed policies EA, EB, EBCD, ED, EE, and EEAEE and will vote at the November board meeting to do a first read to eliminate.
IV. Other Business
Tracking Document
Committee reviewed the board policies tracking document.
Tonya will clean up the document with all of the revisions we have made.
V. Closing Items
Agenda Items for Next Month
* Follow up on the policies in process
* Tonya will review master tracking list to see what policies we will focus on next
* Take a look at required trainings
Approve minutes from today's meeting
Committee unanimously agreed on the minutes
Committee went through the Draft Board Manual - discussion on sharing the draft manual and sharing it at the November board meeting if members have any questions they can be answered then and if multiple people have questions on certain items then a training or something could be scheduled at a later time
Discussed the yearly trainings that are required by the board and a few different avenues that we could use to get those completed. Will continue to discuss and come up with a decision and move forward with those at a later time.