Community Regional Charter School


Finance & Facilities Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Monday October 30, 2023 at 5:30 PM


Central Office


Members of the public are welcome to attend and observe these meetings but must be aware that although the meeting is held in public it is not a public meeting and therefore observers are not permitted to speak during the meeting itself, except during public comment. 

Committee Members Present

C. Hansen (remote), S. Saltzman (remote)

Committee Members Absent


Guests Present

A. Savage (remote), J. Alves (remote), K. Canning (remote), N. Reinholt (remote), T. Works (remote)

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

S. Saltzman called a meeting of the Finance & Facilities Committee of Community Regional Charter School to order on Monday Oct 30, 2023 at 5:31 PM.


Record Attendance

II. Finance


Review Montly Financials

Jill Alves shared the monthly financials including:

  • financial performance and stability report 
  • the budget vs. actual report through the end of September


Enrollment Update

Travis shared that we are finalizing our enrollment numbers. Our October 1 count was 382 and our free/reduced lunch rate is approximately 51%. 


Discussion around problem solving if we do dip below 50% free/reduced lunch rate and what that might do to the budget in a few different areas.


Sports contract negotiations with SAD 54

Travis followed up John Moody on the questions the board had from the last board meeting. John gave Travis a formula that is used for developing how much we owe per sports per kid that participates 

- Looking for some feedback and guidance from committee on how to proceed with the negotiations 

    * Look at how much of taxpayers taxes go toward sports already to determine how much is left in the formula to pay

    * Ask about the threshold of how many kids added from our district it would take to have to add an additional coach that would be an additional cost

    * What is the stipend budget for coaches instead of the overall cost including all expenses (transportation, equipment, etc)


III. Facilities


Update on facilities across the district


  - classrooms are done


Central Office: 

  - still working on a few offices



   - looking for ways to free up more space and gathering ideas

   - still looking at the concrete pad to put up a building on to try and make space for learners that are already there and could add a few more as well - wouldn't need to sprinkle the building because it is under the size regulation where it is required

   - Travis and Kit are meeting with an engineer to give some ideas of plan and site evaluation that we could use to get more new space as well - meeting is on November 14th



   - getting a quote for a new front door on the Water Street side because if the door isn't closed tight enough then the latch doesn't catch appropriately 

   - quote with everything is approximately $7,000 (same door that we got for DA and CCA)

   - looking at some facade work to take it back to historic times and views

   - would like to get approval at the new board meeting for the new door to get things ordered



Add a vote under finance and facilities at the board meeting to approve the amount of $7,613 for the new door at Overman


Property Insurance Concerns and Plan

Kyes Insurance - asking us to put together a plan and timeline for completing the work that needs to get done

  - mostly cosmetic and prioritize CCA siding then Dimensions concerns 

Being advised to look into insurance through Maine School Management - Travis has reached out a couple of times with no response so looking to reach out to the Executive Director directly for information 


Would like to create a Google Sheet that includes a list of the items that need to be remediated with the price, timeline, pictures, etc. 


FYI for discussion only at the board meeting on November 13, 2023 of the Google Sheet with information on the insurance items that need to be taken care of

IV. Closing Items


Approve Minutes

Stephanie approves that these minutes will now move forward to the full board meeting at the next meeting on November 13, 2023


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:42 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
S. Saltzman