Community Regional Charter School


Business Meeting of the Board

Date and Time

Monday September 11, 2023 at 5:30 PM

Members of the public are welcome to attend and observe these meetings but must be aware that although the meeting is held in public it is not a public meeting and therefore observers are not permitted to speak during the meeting itself, except during public comment. 

Directors Present

C. Hansen (remote), M. Buja (remote), N. Reinholt, S. Saltzman (remote), T. Arnold (remote), T. Overall (remote)

Directors Absent

S. Noonkester

Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

M. Buja, T. Overall

Ex Officio Members Present

T. Works

Non Voting Members Present

T. Works

Guests Present

A. Savage, Brian Andre (remote), Dan Ryder (remote), E. Firnkes (remote), Jill Alves (remote), K. Canning (remote), S. Martin (remote), T. Wyman (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

N. Reinholt called a meeting of the board of directors of Community Regional Charter School to order on Monday Sep 11, 2023 at 5:35 PM.


Approve Agenda

T. Arnold made a motion to approve the agenda as is.
S. Saltzman seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
M. Buja arrived.


Approve Minutes

S. Saltzman made a motion to approve the minutes from Business Meeting of the Board on 07-10-23.
T. Arnold seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Academic Excellence Presentation


September Presentation by Elizabeth Firnkes

Elizabeth shared out the professional development plan for Overman for the 23/24 school year.


Wednesday afternoons from 3pm-4pm is being used to meet with facilitators to go over some of the day to day stuff and being able to use Friday afternoons for more of a focus on professional development opportunities. 


Different themes and topics per rotation of PD and those rotations match the timing of rotations that learners follow for seminars. 

III. Executive Director Reports


Letters of Resignation (since last Board Meeting)

Nicole Leeman, DA Ed. Tech I 

Sherry Robotto, DA Ed. Tech III

Kimberly Miller, OA custodian


Seth Noonkester, Board Member

T. Arnold made a motion to accept Seth Noonkester resignation from the board.
M. Buja seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


New Hires (since last Board Meeting)

Melissa Cyr, CCA PreK Facilitator 

Teagan Freeman, CCA Ed Tech III

Reo Hunter, CCA Ed Tech III

Olivia Nichols, DA Ed Tech I

Sherry Cotta, DA Sped Facilitator

Jeffery Wheeler, DA Title I Facilitator

Cheryl Perkins, DA School Secretary (internal transfer)

Nicole Leeman, DA Ed. Tech I

Edwin Carmichael, Custodian

Ian Leadbetter, OA Facilitator 

T. Arnold made a motion to accept the hiring of Jeffery Wheeler, Ian Leadbetter, Melissa Cyr, and Sherry Cotta as facilitators.
M. Buja seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.



As of today 9/11/23, enrollment is moving in the right direction and should be on track for meeting the goal for Oct 1 enrollment count


CCA - 43 out of 48

DA - 166 out of 175

OA - 160 out of 175


CRCS Staffing Organizational Chart

T. Overall arrived.

Travis shared out the staffing organization chart including staff name, building assignment, who the daily supervisor is, if they evaluate anyone, each staff members funding source, and their amount of time spent with learners.


Board gave feedback on the chart so it can tweaked and finalized. 


Board would like a different view as well that is more of broad brush stroke - 

Central office --> 3 buildings (CCA, DA, OA) with different numbers of admins, facilitators, ed techs, custodians OR using FTEs to show different positions in each building

   - show where we are at vs where we want to be and any barriers if any to getting to the ideal


Public Calendar

Travis included it in the board packet so the board is aware of any upcoming school events. 


Will try and include this on each month's board agenda to make everyone is aware. 


If a board member wants to attend any of the school events, they will let Travis know. 

IV. Finance & Facilities


Approve June performance and stability report

N. Reinholt made a motion to approve the June Performance and Stability Report.
T. Arnold seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Enter August Finance and Facility Minutes into Public Record

N. Reinholt made a motion to approve the minutes from Finance and Facilities Committee Meeting on 08-07-23.
T. Overall seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

V. Governance Committee


Enter August Governance Committee Minutes into public record

T. Arnold made a motion to approve the minutes from Governance Committee Meeting on 08-02-23.
S. Saltzman seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Enter September Governance Committee Meeting Minutes into Public Record

T. Arnold made a motion to approve the September 6, 2023 Governance Committee Meeting minutes.
S. Saltzman seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Vote to accept first read of Section I policies for elimination

T. Arnold made a motion to accept first read of Section I policies for elimination.
N. Reinholt seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Vote to accept first read of revisions

N. Reinholt made a motion to accept first read of revisions for policies IGA and IMDC.
T. Overall seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Vote to adopt the legally required changes in one reading in one vote the following policies

T. Arnold made a motion to adopt the following policies with legally required changes in one reading in one vote: BBAA, BCB, BCC, EBAA, EBCF, GBEBB, GBN, GBO, GCFB, GCFB-R, JICIA, and JICK.
M. Buja seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Vote to review and reenact policies without changes

T. Arnold made a motion to review and reenact the following policies without changes: IHBAL, IHBEA, IK, IMBB, IMG, IMGA.
S. Saltzman seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Vote to approve the disclosure of the following conflicts of interest

N. Reinholt made a motion to approve the disclosure of the conflicts of interest listed out on the agenda.
S. Saltzman seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

VI. Academic Excellence Committee


Enter July Academic Excellence Committee Minutes into public record

N. Reinholt made a motion to approve the minutes from Academic Excellence Committee Committee Meeting on 07-18-23.
S. Saltzman seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Academic Excellence Monthly Presentation Schedule for FY24


Dan Ryder


Susan Muzzy


Elizabeth Firknes (Empower PD)


Susan Muzzy


Tammy Wyman


Ashlee Savage (Longitudinal data)


Brian Andre


Susan Muzzy


VII. Other Business


Vote to exclude certain employee positions from MainePers

An initial vote was put forward with a first from Nicki and a second by Stephanie and after discussion those Nicki and Stephanie withdrew their motions. 


The board has asked Travis and Jill to follow up with MainePers to see about an option for certain employee groups to have an option for participating in the MainePers PLD plan. Travis and Jill will bring the information back to a future board meeting for more discussion and a possible vote. 



Board on Track Survey

Nicki has opened a new assessment in Board onTrack for all board members. 


Upcoming orientation and training for Board members

Nicki would like the main focus of the next Governance Committee Meeting in November to be  finalizing the board orientation. 


Nicki is meeting with the Board onTrack coach in September. 


Vote to approve the CRCS Emergency Management Plan 23-24

T. Overall made a motion to approve the CRCS Emergency Management Plan 23-24.
T. Arnold seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:19 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
N. Reinholt